Röntgenpreis for X-Ray research goes to Christian David

Christian David in front of the SLS
On 26th November 2010, Christian David, scientist at the Laboratory for Micro and Nanotechnology, received the Röntgenpreis for research in radiation science. David pioneered a method to enhance the quality of X-ray images. He received the award jointly with Franz Pfeiffer from Technische Universität München who worked closely together with him.

The award
The Röntgen Prize is awarded annually by the University of Giessen (Germany) for new and outstanding scientific work in fundamental research in the fields of radiation physics or radiation biology. The award is named after Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, the physicist who discovered X-rays and was a professor at Giessen during the period 1879–1888. The award was established jointly by the Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH company and the Dr. Erich Pfeiffer-Stiftung and Ludwig-Schunk-Stiftung e.V. foundations.

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Laboratory: LMN
Dr. Christian David
Laboratory for Micro and Nanotechnology, Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Email: christian.david@psi.ch