SuperXAS - X10DA

SuperXAS beamline
Maarten NachtegaalGroup 56 310 3056
Olga 56 310 5805
Nina 56 310 5310
Grigory 56 310 5173
Michael 56 310 2399
Seline ZieglerLab 56 310 5343


SuperXAS is a dedicated beamline for X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) with enhanced chemical sensitivity and time resolution. The beamline offers flexible sample environments for in situ studies of catalysts and other functional materials.

Experiment types:

  • XAS using ionization chambers for transmission detection and a 5-element or a thick sensor silicon drift detector (SDD) for fluorescence detection
  • Quick scanning XAS (QEXAFS) using ionization chambers for transmission detection with ms to minute time resolution O.Mueller et al. J. Synchrotron Rad., 2016.
  • High resolution XES using von Hamos-type spectrometer (for time-resolved XES and RXES). J.Szlachetko et al. Rev.Sci.Inst.,2012. And by using a Johann-type spectrometer in combination with a SDD detector (for valence-to-core XES). E.Kleymenov et al. Rev.Sci.Inst.,2011.
  • Pump-sequential-probes XAS in the time range 30ns-100 µs. G.Smolentsev et al. Farad. Diss., 2014 pump-flow-probe XAS in the time range 50 µs – 1ms. G.Smolentsev et al. JPCC, 2013 and time-resolved measurements in the fluorescence mode with 20ms resolution. Several laser systems are available laser
  • Combined operando SAXS and XAFS measurements. M. Povia et al. ACS Catalysis, 2018
  • Operando sulfur speciation by non-resonant XES and a special operando cell.  RCS Advances, 2020


Energy range4.5 - 35 keV
Flux on sample1 x 1012 ph/s at 12 keV
Spot size on sample±100 x 100 µm2 to 5 x 0.5 mm2
Intrinsic energy resolution (ΔE/E)2.0 x 10-4 for Si(111)
0.5 x 10-4 for Si(311)