Beamline Staff

Dr. Ilia Sadykov PhD student until 2023-03

Jan Alfke, PhD student till 2022-10

Dr. Anna Zabilska, PhD student until 2022-08, Next position DOTTIKON EXCLUSIVE SYNTHESIS AG, Switzerland (Chemist in quality control)

Urs Vogelsang, Technitian, until 2022-03. Next position at PSI

Dr. Ka Wing Chan,  PhD student in collaboration with Coperet group at ETH Zurich, until 2019-10. Next position at Oxford University, UK (postdoc)

Dr. Jerick Imbao
PhD student until 2019-10. Next position Neste Oyj, Finland (scientist/resercher)

Dr. Julia Kuzmenko,
PhD student  until 2019-10. Next position Cilag AG,  Schaffhausen, Switzerland

Dr. Rene Kopelent, PhD student i until 2017-12. Next position at La Roche, Basel, Switzerland (project leader)

Dr. Pawel Jagodzinski,
Postdoc  until 2017-07. Next position at Politechnika Świętokrzysk, Department of Mathematics and Physics, Kielce, Poland (researcher)

Lorenz Baeni,
Technician i until 2017-07. Next position at ABB Switzerland (technician)

Dr. Nicolo Azzaroli,
Postdoc until 2017-05. Next job ar INAF - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Italy (optical engineer and researcher)

Dr. Rok Bohinc,
Postdoc until 2017-02. Next position at SwissFEL, Villigen, Switzerland (postdoc)

Dr. Arno Schneider,
Postdoc until 2017-02.

Erich De Boni,
Technician, Safety Chemistry.  Next position at PSI ENE, Villigen, Switzerland (technician)

Dr. Elena Nazarenko,
Postdoc until 2016-05.