Payment methods

The PSI restaurants and cafeterias accept all major credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Diners), Giro/Maestrocards, Swiss Postcards, Apple Pay, V-Pay and Twint (no cash).

In addition there is the comfortable option to upload money to your PSI badge for payment in the PSI restaurant and cafeterias. For that purpose you can use the machines in both entrance areas of the PSI restaurant OASE (PSI East, cashless) as well as the Cafeteria Time-Out (PSI West, cash (CHF) only). The next ATM is located in Villigen.

For the use of the FELFEL refrigerator (Time-Out, PSI West) payment is possible with credit card or Twint, further info

Remaining assets on the PSI badge can only be refunded during opening hours at restaurant OASE and cafeteria Time-Out. Please take that into account in particular if you plan to leave on weekends or early Monday mornings. 

For paying your bill in the guesthouse please have a look here!