PSI Data Policy and Publications

Please take note of the PSI Data Policy for the User Facilities, which is also part of the Terms of Use for the PSI large scale user facilities.

Part of the PSI data policy is our commitment to open data. For that purpose PSI developed the data catalogue "SciCat PSI". After a protected Embargo period SciCat provides public access to the data taken at the PSI large scale facilities. The rollout is ongoing and more and more beamlines will be attached to SciCat. The datasets available to the public already can be found via the Public Data Repository Dashboard.

For the time being we provide a list with recently finished experiments. Please use the filter option to select the PSI facility and beamline of interest for you.

Since April 2019 the new PSI publication repository DORA-PSI is online. The new system is hosted and maintained by the joint library Lib4RI of the ETH domain and replaces the previously used publication tool of DUO. All publications previously registered in DUO have been migrated to the new system and the import of further publications into the DUO system has been disabled. 

Please register your publication directly in DORA-PSI using this link!

Meanwhile many stakeholders and funding agencies require that publications resulting from funded projects must be published in an open access manner. DORA-PSI also serves as green open access repository for publications based on data taken at the PSI facilities to meet the recent guidelines for most funding agencies. For that purpose please also attach the "accepted versions" of your publications to the DORA-PSI database. Further detailed information.

There are certain requirements that must be fulfilled by publications based on experiments at the different user facilities of PSI. Please therefore read and follow our publication policies linked below:

PSI User Office
Paul Scherrer Institute
Room WLGA/018
CH-5232 Villigen PSI

+41 56 310 46 66

Office hours:
Monday through Friday from 8:00-11:30 and 12:30-17:00
otherwise please contact us per email