DeCIRRA: Decarbonisation of CIties and Regions with Renewable gAses

Decarbonisation of cities and regions is one challenge which needs to be addressed in order to achieve the Swiss Net Zero Target by 2050. In an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary setting the Innosuisse Flagship DeCIRRA addresses the following questions: 

  • How might we decarbonise resp. defossilise cities and regions? 
  • How might we make best use of local resources like biomass or renewable electricity and existing infrastructure such as energy grids, energy conversion processes? 
  • What role can energy distributors and renewable gases such as H2, CH4 and CO2 play in the transition towards a Net Zero energy system?

DeCIRRA is acting as a platform bringing together practitioners from many sectors and is focusing on critical aspects of sector coupling and relevant options of the production of renewables gases, including Power-to-Gas. Different options of Negative Emission Technologies (NET) are compared as they are necessary for achieving the Net-Zero Target. Incentives for Carbon Capture and Use (CCU) are compared with the incentives for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). The energy and material flows considered in the frame of the Innosuisse Flagship DeCIRRA are shown in the figure.

The Innosuisse Flagship DeCIRRA is part of a network of national research consortia funded by Innosuisse, the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) or the ETH Domain.

  • Host institution: PSI
  • Consortium (without cooperation partners): ZHAW, OST, HSLU, HEIG-VD, UniLu, ETHZ
  • Total budget: CHF 5.3 m, of which CHF 2.7 m to be met by Innosuisse.
  • Duration: 4 years

Project Website: