CEE - Laboratories

The activities of the PSI Center for Energy and Environmental Sciences (CEE) comprise the following Laboratories:

LabResponsibleContact Information
Laboratory for Sustainable Energy Carriers and Processes (LEP)Prof. Dr. Oliver Kroecheroliver.kroecher@psi.ch
+41 56 310 20 66
Laboratory for Electrochemistry (LEC)Denise Verhoevendenise.verhoeven@psi.ch
+41 56 310 25 45
Laboratory for Atmospheric Chemistry (LAC)Prof. Dr. Claudia Mohrclaudia.mohr@psi.ch
+41 56 310 54 77
Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry Laboratory (LSK)Prof. Dr. Jeroen van Bokhovenjeroen.vanbokhoven@psi.ch
+41 56 310 50 46
Energy Systems Analysis (LEA)Prof. Dr. Russell McKennarussell.mckenna@psi.ch
+41 56 310 23 01
Laboratory for Battery Science (LBS)Prof. Dr. Sarbajit Banerjeesarbajit.banerjee@psi.ch
+41 56 310 37 24

The Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis (LEA) is shared with the NES Division of PSI.