A selection of projects run by the PSI Center for Energy and Environmental Sciences:
Three "Swiss Energy Research for the Energy Transition" (SWEET) projects:
- SURE - SUstainable and Resilient Energy for Switzerland
- Host institution: PSI
- Consortium (without cooperation partners): ETHZ, EPFL, USI, TEP-Energy, SUPSI, UniBE, UniGE, ZHAW, E3-MODELLINGS.A.
- Total budget: CHF 9.1m, of which CHF 6m to be met by SWEET.
- Duration: 6 years
- PATHFNDR - PATHways to an Efficient Future Energy System through Flexibility aND SectoR Coupling
- Host institution: ETHZ
- Consortium (without cooperation partners): EMPA, PSI, ZHAW, HSLU, UniGE, EPFL
- Total budget: CHF 22.2m, of which CHF 8m to be met by SWEET.
- Duration: 6 years
- EDGE - Enabling Decentralized renewable GEneration in the Swiss cities, midlands, and the Alps
- Host institution: EPFL
- Consortium (without cooperation partners): ETHZ, UniGE, UniBE, HSG, HSLU, ZHAW, BFH, PSI, WSL, SUNWELL, Basler&Hofmann AG
- Total budget: CHF 21.2m, of which CHF 8m to be met by SWEET.
- Duration: 6 years