EMUG European MELCOR User Group


Dear EMUG Partners,

We are pleased to announce that the 15th Meeting of the „European MELCOR and MACCS User Group“ EMUG will be organized by the Sapienza University - Rome, Department of Astronautics, Electrical and Energy Engineering (DIAEE) - Nuclear Engineering group , in support of the Cooperative Severe Accident Research Programme (CSARP).

The 15th Meeting of the European MELCOR and MACCS User Group will be held at Sapienza University of Rome, C.so Vittorio Emanuele II 244, 00186 Rome, Room Spinelli (2nd floor), on 15th to 18th April 2024.


  • The meeting will start on Monday 15th April. The first three days will be devoted to MELCOR technical (SNL and NRC) and user presentations.
  • The last day  (18th April) will be devoted to MACCS technical presentations.

Final details and a final draft agenda will be sent to registered participants shortly before the meeting

Event details:

  • The EMUG 15th will be held as a hybrid meeting.
  • Participants who would like to make a presentation should attend the meeting in person; however, if it is not possible, an online presentation will also be an option.
  • Due to the room's limitations, the number of in-person participants is around 40; thus, please send the registration form as soon as possible and wait for the registration confirmation before booking your trip. If we exceed the limit of the room, it will be announced below, and the 'in-person' registration will be suspended; however, we will still be able to register more online participants.

    For online participants

    The link to the meeting was distributed to you with AGENDA on 11th April 2024 (on the last page of AGENDA). If you did not get it, please contact the organizers:


Organizer e-mail:  matteo.donorio@uniroma1.it

Coordinator e-mail: mateusz.malicki@psi.ch

Coordination and Organization

From 2021 Mateusz Malicki is taking over responsibilities of EMUG coordinator at PSI due to the retirement of Bernd Jäckel. You can contact him directly with all questions related to the organization of EMUG.

All materials from past EMUG meetings are available, you can find them below.

The latest Meeting

The 14th EMUG was organized as a hybrid meeting from 12-14 April, 2023. It was hosted by the Reactor Engineering Division, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia, in support of the Cooperative Severe Accident Research Programme (CSARP).



14th EMUG meeting, Ljubljana, Slovenia (Hybrid), 2023

Previous meetings

Please find here the previous meetings from 2008 in descending order. No meeting was held in 2020.


13th EMUG meeting, Warsaw (WEBINAR), 2022

12th EMUG meeting, Budapest (WEBINAR), 2021

11th EMUG meeting, Brugg, 2019

10th EMUG meeting, Zagreb, 2018

9th EMUG meeting, Madrid, 2017

8th EMUG meeting, London, 2016

7th EMUG meeting, Brussels, 2015

6th EMUG meeting, Bratislava, 2014

5th EMUG meeting, Stockholm, 2013

4th EMUG meeting, Cologne, 2012

3rd EMUG meeting, Bologna, 2011

2nd EMUG meeting, Prague, 2010

1st EMUG meeting, Villigen, 2008