16th EMUG will be organized by:

Dear EMUG Partners,
We are pleased to announce that the 16th Meeting of the „European MELCOR and MACCS User Group“ EMUG will be organized by the Brno University of Technology and TES in the Czech Republic, in support of the Cooperative Severe Accident Research Programme (CSARP).
The 16th Meeting of the European MELCOR and MACCS User Group will be held in Brno, Czech Republic
7th – 11th April, 2025
During the meeting, a technical tour (half a day) is planned; however, due to the size restriction, the maximum number of participants for the technical tour is limited to 30 people. The order of application is decisive and additional information e.g. passport number etc., may be nescessery to get access to the site.
The registration deadline is 28th March 2025. Please send filled out registration form to the organizer and coordinator (emails below).
The presentation submission deadline is 1th April 2025
Agenda (will be provided at the beginning of April)
Preliminary meeting plan:
- Two days of MELCOR workshop/presentations provided by experts from Sandia National Laboratories and U.S. NRC.
- Half day of MACCS presentation.
- One and a half day of users presentation.
- Half-day trip to Nuclear Power Plant.
Organizer e-mail: peter.mician@vut.cz
Coordinator e-mail: mateusz.malicki@psi.ch
Associated Partners in USA
Coordination and Organization
From 2021 Mateusz Malicki is taking over responsibilities of EMUG coordinator at PSI.
You can contact him directly with all questions related to the organization of EMUG.
All materials from past EMUG meetings are available, you can find them below.
Past Meetings with Hosting Institutes and Organisations
The latest Meeting
The 15th EMUG was organized as a hybrid meeting from 15-18 April, 2024. It was hosted by the Sapienza University - Rome, Department of Astronautics, Electrical and Energy Engineering (DIAEE) - Nuclear Engineering group, Italy, in support of the Cooperative Severe Accident Research Programme (CSARP).
15th EMUG meeting, Rome, Italy (Hybrid), 2024
Previous meetings
Please find here the previous meetings from 2008 in descending order. No meeting was held in 2020.
14th EMUG meeting, Ljubljana, Slovenia (Hybrid), 2023
13th EMUG meeting, Warsaw (WEBINAR), 2022
12th EMUG meeting, Budapest (WEBINAR), 2021
11th EMUG meeting, Brugg, 2019
10th EMUG meeting, Zagreb, 2018
9th EMUG meeting, Madrid, 2017
8th EMUG meeting, London, 2016
7th EMUG meeting, Brussels, 2015
6th EMUG meeting, Bratislava, 2014
5th EMUG meeting, Stockholm, 2013
4th EMUG meeting, Cologne, 2012
3rd EMUG meeting, Bologna, 2011
2nd EMUG meeting, Prague, 2010
1st EMUG meeting, Villigen, 2008