13th EMUG meeting, Warsaw (WEBINAR), 2022

The 13th EMUG took place virtually from 27-29 April, 2022. It was hosted by the Polish National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA) together with the Institute of Heat Engineering of Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.



Title Speaker
Day1 - Wed April 27th - MACCS presentations  

Welcome, update on the Polish NPP Programme    

E.Staron, PAA

MACCS EMUG Introduction    


Overview of MACCS Status and Development   


MELMACCS Use and Development 


Overview of MACCS Code Improvement for non-LWRs   

Keith Compton, NRC

Using MACCS to Examine Protective Action Recommendations  

 AJ Nosek, NRC
Comparison of SINAC and MACCS Gabor Horvath et al., NUBIKI, EK
Day 2 - Thu April 28th - MELCOR presentations  

Welcome, update on the Polish NPP Programme   

E.Staron, PAA

NRC Update  


MELCOR Update and Development   

Larry Humphries, SNL

MELCOR Practices and Input for HTGR and FHR,

Fluid Fuel Point Reactor Kinetics for MSR in MELCOR
Bradley Beeny, SNL

Analysis of nodalization effects on thermal stratification of a suppression pool   

Sara Ojalehto, VTT

Development and Application of an EPR MELCOR model  

 Matthias Braun, Framatome
Dey 3 -Fri April 29th - MELCOR presentations  

A Review on the Modelling Practices of iPWRs in MELCOR   

Caroline Seyffert, PSI  

An overview of MELCOR activities at Warsaw University of Technology  

 Piotr Darnowski, WUT

ENEA Activities in the Field of Severe Accidents by using MELCOR Code   

Fulvio Mascari, ENEA

Development of MELCOR v2.2 input deck for the simulation of QUENCH-06 experiment   

Matteo Garbarini, ENEA

Assessment of containment conditions and SAM strategies using MELCOR 2.2 and ASTEC V2.2 codes  

 Mirco Di Giuli, Tractebel

Analysis of simultaneous SBO and LBLOCA considering DEC equipment  

 Janez Kokalj, Matjaz Leskovar, Matja Ursic, JSI

Phebus FPT-1 uncertainty quantification using the MELCOR/DAKOTA coupling in a Python environment/architecture  

 Giuseppe Agnello, Univ. of Palermo

Comparison of PHEBUS FPT1 uncertainty applications using MELCOR 2.2 with three different methodologies   

Fabio Giannetti, Sapienza University

Final remarks   

Mateusz Malicki, PSI