International Conferences with Proceedings

International Conferences with Proceedings with the participation of staff from the department Hot Laboratory (AHL).

  • Cretton A, Helmersson B, Wiese H, Yetik O, Bertsch J
    Hydrogen concentrations in the oxide layer and metal of cladding irradiated in Swiss nuclear power plants with changing water chemistry
    In: Proceedings of TopFuel 2024 reactor fuel performance conference. European Nuclear Society (ENS); 2024:(10 pp.).
  • Yetik O, Duarte LI, Zubler R, Bertsch J, Trtik P, Wiese H
    Hydrogen quantification in irradiated zirconium cladding oxide by combining high-resolution neutron imaging and hot gas extraction
    In: Proceedings of TopFuel 2024 reactor fuel performance conference. European Nuclear Society (ENS); 2024:(11 pp.).
  • Babiano-Suarez V, Balibrea-Correa J, Caballero-Ontanaya L, Domingo-Pardo C, Ladarescu I, Lerendegui-Marco J, et al.
    High resolution 80Se(n,γ) cross section measurement at CERN n_TOF
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01001 (6 pp.).
  • Helmersson B, Holmkvist C, Girardin G, Wiese H, Martin M, Anghel C, et al.
    Duplex and optimized ZIRLOTM fuel cladding experience in a European high-duty pressurized water reactor
    In: International symposium on zirconium in the nuclear industry. Vol. STP 1645. ASTM special technical publication. West Conshohocken: ASTM International; 2023:599-614.
  • Manna A, Pirovano E, Colonna N, Castelluccio D, Console Camprini P, Cosentino L, et al.
    Characterization of a detector setup for the measurement of the 235U(n,f) cross section relative to n-p scattering up to 500 MeV at the n_TOF facility at CERN
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:04016 (5 pp.).
  • Michalopoulou V, Diakaki M, Vlastou R, Kokkoris M, Stamatopoulos A, Tsinganis A, et al.
    Measurement of the 235U(n,f) cross section relative to the 10B(n,α) reaction with micromegas detectors at the CERN n_TOF facility: first results
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01030 (4 pp.).
  • Pirovano V, Manna D, Colonna J, Console Camprini E, Cosentino T, Dietz E, et al.
    Detector set up for the measurements of the neutron-induced fission cross section of 235U relative to n-p scattering up to 150 MeV at CERN-n_TOF
    In: Mattoon CM, Vogt R, Escher J, Thompson I, eds. 15th international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (ND2022). Vol. 284. EPJ web conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2023:01043 (5 pp.).
  • Babiano-Suarez V, Balibrea-Correa J, Caballero-Ontanaya L, Domingo-Pardo C, Ladarescu I, Lerendegui-Marco J, et al.
    First 80Se(n,γ) cross section measurement with high resolution in the full stellar energy range 1 eV - 100 keV and its astrophysical implications for the s-process
    In: Liu W, Wang Y, Guo B, Tang X, Zeng S, eds. Symposium on nuclei in the cosmos. 16th symposium on nuclei in the cosmos, NIC-XVI 2021. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2022:11026 (8 pp.).
  • Bhattacharya S, Kuri G, Martin M, Bertsch J, Pouchon MA
    Atomic-scale insights into structural distortions in irradiated UO2 at an intermediate burnup around 50 MWd/kgU
    In: Proceedings of TopFuel 2022 light water reactor fuel performance conference. American Nuclear Society; 2022:278-285.
  • Helmersson B, Schrire D, Kucuk A, Blair P, Anghel C, Martin M, et al.
    Recent examinations of hydride orientation for zircaloy-2 RXA fuel rods with doped and un-doped pellets
    In: Proceedings of TopFuel 2022 light water reactor fuel performance conference. American Nuclear Society; 2022:495-504.
  • Abolhassani S, Baris A, Grabherr R, Hawes J, Colldeweih A, Vanta R, et al.
    Towards an improved understanding of the mechanisms involved in the increased hydrogen uptake and corrosion at high burnups in zirconium based claddings
    In: Motta AT, Yagnik SK, eds. Zirconium in the nuclear industry: 19th international symposium. Vol. STP1622. ASTM International: selected technical papers. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International; 2021:435-466.
  • Duquesne L, Bischoff J, Buchanan K, Schweitzer E, Nimishakavi K, Girardin G, et al.
    Framatome's evolutionary ATF solution: feedback from the irradiation programs on PROtect's Cr-coated M5Framatome cladding
    In: TopFuel2021. Brussels: European Nuclear Society; 2021:(10 pp.).
  • Babiano-Suarez V, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Amaducci S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, et al.
    80Se(n,γ) cross-section measurement at CERN n_TOF
    In: Nuclear physics in astrophysics IX (NPA-IX). Vol. 1668. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing; 2020:012001 (8 pp.).
  • Casanovas A, Tarifeño-Saldivia AE, Domingo-Pardo C, Calviño F, Maugeri E, Guerrero C, et al.
    Neutron capture measurement at the n_TOF facility of the 204Tl and 205Tl s-process branching points
    In: Nuclear physics in astrophysics IX (NPA-IX). Vol. 1668. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing; 2020:012005 (9 pp.).
  • Chiaveri E, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Amaducci S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, et al.
    Status and perspectives of the neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN
    In: Ge Z, Shu N, Chen Y, Wang W, Zhang H, eds. ND 2019: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 239. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2020:17001 (8 pp.).
  • Domingo-Pardo C, Babiano-Suarez V, Balibrea-Correa J, Caballero L, Ladarescu I, Lerendegui-Marco J, et al.
    Review and new concepts for neutron-capture measurements of astrophysical interest
    In: Nuclear physics in astrophysics IX (NPA-IX). Vol. 1668. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing; 2020:012013 (13 pp.).
  • Eleme Z, Patronis N, Stamatopoulos A, Tsinganis A, Kokkoris M, Michalopoulou V, et al.
    First results of the 241Am(n,f) cross section measurement at the experimental area 2 of the n_TOF facility at CERN
    In: Ge Z, Shu N, Chen Y, Wang W, Zhang H, eds. ND 2019: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 239. EPJ web of conferences. Sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2020:05014 (5 pp.).
  • Manna A, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Amaducci S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, et al.
    Setup for the measurement of the 235U(n,f) cross section relative to n-p scattering up to 1 GeV
    In: Ge Z, Shu N, Chen Y, Wang W, Zhang H, eds. ND 2019: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 239. EPJ web of conferences. Sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2020:01008 (5 pp.).
  • Mastromarco M. M, Mazzone A, Massimi C, Cristallo S, Colonna N, Aberle O, et al.
    The 154Gd neutron capture cross section measured at the n_TOF facility and its astrophysical implications

    In: Ge Z, Shu N, Chen Y, Wang W, Zhang H, eds. ND 2019: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 239. EPJ web of conferences. Sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2020:07003 (5 pp.).
  • Mengoni A, Damone LA, Barbagallo M, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Amaducci S, et al.
    New reaction rates for the destruction of 7Be during big bang nucleosynthesis measured at CERN/n_TOF and their implications on the cosmological lithium problem
    In: Ge Z, Shu N, Chen Y, Wang W, Zhang H, eds. ND 2019: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 239. EPJ web of conferences. Sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2020:07001 (4 pp.).
  • Michalopoulou V, Stamatopoulos A, Vlastou R, Kokkoris M, Tsinganis A, Diakaki M, et al.
    First results of the 230Th(n,f) cross section measurements at the CERN n_TOF facility
    In: Ge Z, Shu N, Chen Y, Wang W, Zhang H, eds. ND 2019: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 239. EPJ web of conferences. Sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2020:05004 (6 pp.).
  • Terranova N, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Amaducci S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, et al.
    Monte Carlo simulations and n-p differential scattering data measured with Proton Recoil Telescopes
    In: Ge Z, Shu N, Chen Y, Wang W, Zhang H, eds. ND 2019: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 239. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2020:01024 (5 pp.).
  • Barbagallo M, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bécares V, et al.
    (n,cp) reactions study at the n_TOF facility at CERN: results for the cosmological lithium problem
    In: Cerutti F, Ferrari A, Kawano T, Salvat-Pujol F, Talou P, eds. Proceedings of the 15th international conference on nuclear reaction mechanisms. Geneva: CERN; 2019:259-264.
  • Grundler PV, Ritter S, Veleva L
    SCC mitigation in boiling water reactors: platinum deposition and durability on structural materials
    In: Jackson JH, Paraventi D, Wright M, eds. Proceedings of the 18th international conference on environmental degradation of materials in nuclear power systems – water reactors. Vol. 2. The minerals, metals & materials series. Cham: Springer; 2019:1685-1700.
  • Massimi C, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Andrzejewski J, Audouin l., Bécares V, et al.
    Data for the s process from n_TOF
    In: Formicola A, Junker M, Gialanella L, Imbriani G, eds. Nuclei in the cosmos XV. Vol. 219. Springer proceedings in physics. Cham: Springer; 2019:63-70.
  • Tagliente G, Aberle O, Alcayne V, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Babiano-Suarez V, et al.
    Nuclear astrophysics at n_TOF facility, CERN
    In: Cerutti F, Ferrari A, Kawano T, Salvat-Pujol F, Talou P, eds. Proceedings of the 15th international conference on nuclear reaction mechanisms. Geneva: CERN; 2019:251-258.
  • Tassan-Got L, Colonna N, Diakaki M, Eleme Z, Manna A, Sekhar A, et al.
    Fission program at n_TOF
    In: Serot O, Chebboubi A, eds. WONDER-2018 - 5th international workshop on nuclear data evaluation for reactor applications. Vol. 211. EPJ Web of Conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2019:03006 (9 pp.).
  • Abolhassani S, Proff C, Veleva L, Karlsen TM, Bennett P, Oberländer B, et al.
    Transmission electron microscopy examinations of metal-oxide interface of zirconium-based alloys irradiated in Halden reactor-IFA-638
    In: Comstock RJ, Motta AT, eds. Zirconium in the nuclear industry: 18th international symposium. Vol. STP1597. ASTM special technical publication. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International; 2018:614-644.
  • Baris A, Abolhassani S, Grabherr R, Restani R, Schäublin R, Chiu YL, et al.
    Causes of increased corrosion and hydrogen uptake of zircaloy-2 cladding at high burnups – a comparative study of the chemical composition of a 3 cycle and a 9 cycle cladding
    In: Topfuel 2018. Part 5. Brussels: European Nuclear Society; 2018:A0172 (13 pp.).
  • Kuri G, Martin M, Bertsch J
    Residual stress/strain analysis in UO2 spent fuel by synchrotron micro-beam X-ray diffraction
    In: Topfuel 2018. Brussels: European Nuclear Society; 2018:(5 pp.).
  • Balibrea-Correa J, Mendoza E, Cano-Ott D, Krtička M, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, et al.
    Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of the fissile isotope 235U with the CERN n_TOF total absorption calorimeter and a fission tagging based on micromegas detectors
    In: Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Mondelaers W, Heyse J, Kopecky S, et al., eds. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2017:11021 (4 pp.).
  • Chen YH, Tassan-Got L, Audouin L, Le Naour C, Durán I, Casarejos E, et al.
    Characterization of the n_TOF EAR-2 neutron beam
    In: Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Mondelaers W, Heyse J, Kopecky S, et al., eds. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2017:03020 (4 pp.).
  • Chiaveri E, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bacak M, Balibrea J, et al.
    The n_TOF facility: neutron beams for challenging future measurements at CERN
    In: Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Mondelaers W, Heyse J, Kopecky S, et al., eds. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2017:03001 (4 pp.).
  • Chollet M, Cozzo C, Bertsch J, Martin M, Grolimund D, Samson V-A
    New insights in the fuel grain subdivision during in-plant irradiation up to high burn-up
    Presented at: Water reactor fuel performance meeting 2017 (WRFPM 2017); September 10-14, 2017; Jeju, Korea.
  • Dupont E, Otuka N, Cabellos O, Aberle O, Aerts G, Altstadt S, et al.
    Dissemination of data measured at the CERN n_TOF facility
    In: Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Mondelaers W, Heyse J, Kopecky S, et al., eds. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2017:07002 (4 pp.).
  • Guerrero C, Lerendegui-Marco J, Domingo-Pardo C, Casanovas A, Dressler R, Halfon S, et al.
    Time-of-flight and activation experiments on 147Pm and 171Tm for astrophysics
    In: Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Mondelaers W, Heyse J, Kopecky S, et al., eds. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2017:01007 (4 pp.).
  • Gunsing F, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bécares V, Bacak M, et al.
    The measurement programme at the neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN
    In: Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Mondelaers W, Heyse J, Kopecky S, et al., eds. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2017:11002 (6 pp.).
  • Kuri G, Ramanantoanina H, Martin M, Bertsch J
    Behavior of solute Ni in the corrosion layer of irradiated Zircaloy-2 cladding: a hydrogen uptake perspective
    Presented at: Water reactor fuel performance meeting 2017 (WRFPM 2017); September 10-14, 2017; Jeju, Korea.
  • Leal-Cidoncha E, Durán I, Paradela C, Tassan-Got L, Audouin L, Leal LC, et al.
    High accuracy 234U(n,f) cross section in the resonance energy region
    In: Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Mondelaers W, Heyse J, Kopecky S, et al., eds. ND 2016 international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2017:04057 (4 pp.).
  • Lerendegui-Marco J, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Guerrero C, Quesada JM, Lo Meo S, Massimi C, et al.
    Monte Carlo simulations of the n_TOF lead spallation target with the Geant4 toolkit: a benchmark study
    In: Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Mondelaers W, Heyse J, Kopecky S, et al., eds. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2017:03030 (4 pp.).
  • Lerendegui-Marco J, Guerrero C, Cortés-Giraldo MA, Quesada JM, Mendoza E, Cano-Ott D, et al.
    New measurement of the 242Pu(n,γ) cross section at n_TOF-EAR1 for MOX fuels: preliminary results in the RRR
    In: Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Mondelaers W, Heyse J, Kopecky S, et al., eds. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2017:11045 (4 pp.).
  • Mingrone F, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bécares V, Barbagallo M, et al.
    High precision measurement of the radiative capture cross section of 238U at the n_TOF CERN facility
    In: Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Mondelaers W, Heyse J, Kopecky S, et al., eds. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2017:11028 (4 pp.).
  • Rowthu S, Veleva L, Grundler P, Ritter S
    Pt deposition behavior on SS304 specimens in laminar, mixed and turbulent flow regimes using customized rotating disk experiments
    In: Corrosion Control for Safer Living. ; 2017:99156.
  • Sabaté-Gilarte M, Praena J, Porras I, Quesada JM, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, et al.
    The 33S(n,α)30Si cross section measurement at n_TOF-EAR2 (CERN): from 0.01 eV to the resonance region
    In: Plompen A, Hambsch F-J, Schillebeeckx P, Mondelaers W, Heyse J, Kopecky S, et al., eds. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology. Vol. 146. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2017:08004 (4 pp.).
  • Bocharov D, Chollet M, Krack M, Bertsch J, Grolimund D, Martin M, et al.
    Interpretation of the U L3-edge EXAFS in uranium dioxide using molecular dynamics and density functional theory simulations
    In: 16th international conference on X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS16). Vol. 712. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol, Philadelphia: IOP Publishing; 2016:12091 (4 pp.).
  • Chollet M, Kuri G, Martin M, Bertsch J, Grolimund D
    Synchrotron XRD analysis of irradiated UO2 fuel at various burn-up
    In: Top Fuel 2016. LWR fuels with enhanced safety and performance. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2016:339-346.
  • Diakaki M, Audouin L, Berthoumieux E, Calviani M, Colonna N, Dupont E, et al.
    Towards the high-accuracy determination of the 238U fission cross section at the threshold region at CERN - N-TOF
    In: Serot O, ed. International workshop on nuclear data evaluation for reactor applications. Vol. 111. EPJ web of conferences. EDP Sciences; 2016:02002 (6 pp.).
  • Grundler PV, Ritter S, Veleva L, Wiese H, Oliver L, Helmerson B, et al.
    Influence of Pt deposition on the behaviour of zircaloy cladding under boiling conditions in simulated BWR environment 
    In: 20th international conference on water chemistry of nuclear reactor systems (NPC 2016). Vol. 1. London: Nuclear Institute, CK International House; 2016:30 (12 pp.).
  • Grundler PV, Ritter S, Veleva L, Ledergerber G, Pathania RS
    Investigation of the platinum deposition behavior on stainless steel surfaces in a boiling water reactor plant
    Presented at: International LWR materials reliability conference and exhibition (EPRI 2016); August 1-4, 2016; Chicago, IL, USA.
  • Leal-Cidoncha E, Durán I, Paradela C, Tarrío D, Leong LS, Tassan-Got L, et al.
    Fission fragment angular distribution measurements of 235U and 238U at CERN n_TOF facility
    In: Serot O, ed. WONDER-2015 – 4th international workshop on nuclear data evaluation for reactor applications. Vol. 111. EPJ web of conferences. sine loco: EDP Sciences; 2016:10002 (6 pp.).
  • Lederer C, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Barbagallo M, Bécares V, et al.
    Experiments with neutron beams for the astrophysical s process
    In: Nuclear physics in astrophysics VI (NPA6). Vol. 665. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol, Philadelphia: IOP Publishing; 2016:012020 (6 pp.).
  • Tagliente G, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bacak M, Dressler LR, et al.
    Recent results in nuclear astrophysics at the n-TOF facility at CERN
    In: Proceedings of the 26th international nuclear physics conference (INPC2016). Trieste: Sissa Medialab; 2016:161 (8 pp.).
  • Tessler M, Paul M, Palchan T, Halfon S, Weissman L, Hazenshprung N, et al.
    Nucleosynthesis reactions with the high-Intensity SARAF-LiLiT neutron source
    In: International Nuclear Physics Conference. Proceedings of Science. Sissa Medialab; 2016:139 (8 pp.).
  • Abolhassani S, Bart G, Bertsch J, Grosse M, Hallstadius L, Hermann A, et al.
    Corrosion and hydrogen uptake in zirconium claddings irradiated in light water reactors
    In: Comstock RJ, Barbéris P, eds. Zirconium in the nuclear industry. 17th international symposium. Vol. STP1543. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM international; 2015:540-573.
  • Brankov V, Khvostov G, Mikityuk K, Pautz A, Restani R, Abolhassani S, et al.
    Modeling of axial distribution of released fission gas in KKL BWR fuel rods during base irradiation
    In: TopFuel 2015. Reactor fuel performance. Conference proceedings. Part 1. Brussels: European Nuclear Society; 2015:609-619.
  • Chollet M, Bertsch J, Grolimund D, Martin M
    Evolution of the atomic-scale structure from a pristine to high burn-up UO2 fuel by X-ray absorption spectroscopy
    Presented at: 2015 E-MRS spring meeting; May 11-15, 2015; Lille, France.
  • Chollet M, Krack M, Kuzmin A, Bertsch J, Grolimund D, Martin M
    Theoretical modelling of pristine and chromium-doped UO2
    Presented at: E-MRS 2015; May 11-15, 2015; Lille, France.
  • Grundler P, Veleva L, Gu H, Allner S, Niceno B, Ritter S
    Noble metal applications for SCC mitigation in BWRs: platinum nanoparticle penetration into crevices and cracks under controlled flow conditions
    In: 17th international conference on environmental degradation of materials in nuclear power systems-water reactors. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Canadian Nuclear Society; 2015:1577-1592.
  • Nichenko S, Streit M
    Thermodynamic modelling of molybdenum behaviour in chloride molten salt
    In: TopFuel 2015. Reactor fuel performance. Conference proceedings. Part 1. Brussels: European Nuclear Society; 2015:222-232.
  • Ritter S, Grundler PV, Veleva L, Ledergerber G
    Platinum deposition behaviour on stainless steel surfaces in a boiling water reactor plant
    Presented at: 7th European corrosion congress (EUROCORR 2015); September 6-10, 2015; Graz, Austria.
  • Tsinganis A, Stamatopoulos A, Colonna N, Vlastou R, Schillebeeckx P, Plompen A, et al.
    Measurement of the 240Pu(n,f) cross-section at the CERN n-TOF facility: First results from EAR-2
    In: Ferrari A, Kawano T, Chadwick M, Cerutti F, Schoofs P, eds. Proceedings of the 14th international conference on nuclear reaction mechanisms. CERN; 2015:21-26.
  • Veleva L, Grundler PV, Streit M, Ritter S
    Platinum deposition on a boiling stainless steel surface (simulating a fuel rod)
    In: TopFuel 2015. Reactor fuel performance. Conference proceedings. Part 3. Brussels: European Nuclear Society; 2015:262-271.
  • Žugec P, Barbagallo M, Colonna N, Bosnar D, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, et al.
    Experimental neutron capture data of 58Ni from the CERN n_TOF facility
    In: Schwengner R, Zuber K, eds. CGS15 - capture gamma-ray spectroscopy and related topics. Vol. 93. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences; 2015:02009 (3 pp.).
  • Žugec P, Colonna N, Bosnar D, Ventura A, Mengoni A, Altstadt S, et al.
    Integral cross section measurement of the 12C(n,p) 12B reaction
    In: Ferrari A, Kawano T, Chadwick M, Cerutti F, Schoofs P, eds. Proceedings of the 14th international conference on nuclear reaction mechanisms. CERN-Proceedings. sine loco: CERN; 2015:275-281.
  • Barbagallo M, Colonna N, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Bécares V, et al.
    Measurements of neutron cross sections for advanced nuclear energy systems at n-TOF (CERN)
    In: INPC 2013. International nuclear physics conference. Vol. 66. EPJ web of conferences. EDP Sciences; 2014:10001 (4 pp.).
  • Barbagallo M, Mastromarco M, Colonna N, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, et al.
    Neutron cross-sections for advanced nuclear systems: The n-TOF project at CERN
    In: Fulop Z, Armaroli N, McEvoy A, Kroo N, Ongena J, Sarkadi L, eds. E2C 2013 – 3rd European energy conference. Vol. 79. EPJ web of conferences. EDP Sciences; 2014:01003 (8 pp.).
  • Grundler PV, Veleva L, Ramar A, Ritter S
    A comprehensive investigation of the platinum application to BWRs to mitigate stress corrosion cracking
    Presented at: Nuclear plant chemistry conference (NPC 2014); October 26-31, 2014; Sapporo, Japan.
  • Kuri G, Martin M, Bertsch J
    Microbeam X-ray diffraction to study radiation damage in irradiated uranium dioxide nuclear fuel
    In: Ishibashii H, ed. Proceedings of 2014 water reactor fuel performance meeting, top fuel, LWR fuel performance meeting (WRFPM 2014). Tokyo: Sine nomine; 2014:100043.
  • Mingrone F, Massimi C, Vannini G, Altstadt S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, et al.
    238U(n, γ) reaction cross section measurement with C 6D6 detectors at the n-TOF CERN facility
    In: 2013 international nuclear physics conference. Vol. 66. EPJ web of conferences. ; 2014:03061 (44 pp.).
  • Ritter S, Grundler PV, Veleva L, Ramar A
    Pt deposition behaviour on stainless steel under simulated BWR conditions: lab results of the NORA project
    Presented at: Annual meeting of the international cooperative group on environmetally assisted cracking of water reactor materials; April 6-11, 2014; Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Ritter S, Grundler PV, Veleva L, Ramar A
    SCC mitigation in BWRs by platinum addition: effect of environment and injection rate
    Presented at: Conference on contribution of materials investigations and operating experience to LWRs' safety, performance and reliability (Fontevraud 8); September 14-18, 2014; Avignon, France.
  • Velev V, Popov A, Kyurkchiev P, Veleva L, Pencheva M
    WAXS studies of heat - mechanically modified amorphous PET fibers. Role of the tensile stress
    In: Petrov AG, Dimova-Malinovska D, Primatarowa MT, Genova J, Nesheva D, eds. 18th international school on condensed matter physics. Vol. 558. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing; 2014:012051 (7 pp.).
  • Degueldre C, Cozzo C, Martin M, Grolimund D, Poonoosamy J, Kulik D
    Redox behaviour of americium in mixed oxide fuels
    In: Vol. 2. LWR fuel performance meeting, Top Fuel 2013. American Nuclear Society; 2013:1195-1200.
  • Grundler PV, Ramar A, Veleva L, Guenther-Leopold I, Ritter S
    Effect of flow and surface structure on the Pt deposition on stainless steel during simulated noble metal applications
    Presented at: 16th international conference on environmental degradation of materials in nuclear power systems – water reactors (EnvDeg 2013); August 11-15, 2013; Asheville, NC, USA.
  • Leong LS, Tassan-Got L, Tarrio D, Audouin L, Paradela C, Duran I, et al.
    Angular distribution in the neutron-induced fission of actinides
    In: Vol. 62. EPJ web of conferences. ; 2013:08003 (7 pp.).
  • Ritter S, Grundler PV, Guenther-Leopold I, Seifert HP
    Pt deposition behaviour on stainless steel under BWR conditions - part I: lab results & part II: results from specimens exposed in KKL
    Presented at: Annual meeting of the international cooperative group on environmentally-assisted cracking of water reactor materials (ICG-EAC, N.P.O.); May 19-24, 2013; Karuizawa, Japan.
  • Shcherbina N, Kulik DA, Kivel N, Potthast H-D, Günther-Leopold I
    Partitioning of fission products from irradiated nitride fuel using inductive vaporization
    In: Proceedings of GLOBAL 2013: international nuclear fuel cycle conference - nuclear energy at a crossroads. Vol. 2. La Grange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2013:882-890.
  • Valance S, Bertsch J, Bruetsch R, Martin M, Namburi H, Portier S, et al.
    Hydrides in zirconium alloys – a characterization methods comparison
    In: LWR fuel performance meeting. TopFuel 2013. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2013:359-366.
  • Veleva L, Grundler PV, Abolhassani-Dadras S, Ritter S
    Characterisation of Pt nanoparticles on oxide substrate by replica technique in TEM
    Presented at: International multidisciplinary microscopy congress (INTERM2013); October 10-13, 2013; Antalya, Turkey.
  • Grundler PV, Ramar A, Karastoyanov V
    Effect of injection rate on platinum deposition behaviour on stainless steel under simulated BWR conditions
    Presented at: Nuclear plant chemistry conference (NPC 2012); September 24-27, 2012; Paris.
  • Günther-Leopold I, Krois M, Kobler Waldis J, Linder H, Abolhassani S
    Investigation of fuel crud by means of ICP-MS and TEM
    In: Poinssot C, ed. ATALANTE 2012. International conference on nuclear chemistry for sustainable fuel cycles. Vol. 7. Procedia chemistry. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2012:673-678.
  • Lederer C, Altstadt S, Andriamonje S, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Barbagallo M, et al.
    Neutron induced reactions for the s process, and the case of Fe and Ni isotopes
    In: Proceedings of science. ; 2012:(8 pp.).
  • Restani R, Wälchli A
    Shielded field emission EPMA for microanalysis of radioactive materials
    In: EMAS 2011: 12th European workshop on modern developments in microbeam analysis. 15–19 May 2011, Angers, France. Vol. 32. IOP conference series: materials science and engineering. sine loco: IOP Publishing; 2012:012022 (12 pp.).
  • Ritter S, Grundler PV, Guenther-Leopold I
    Noble metal deposition behavior in BWRs - the NORA research project and preliminary results
    Presented at: Interdisciplinary symposium on 3D microscopy 2012 congress centre (SSOM 2012); March 5-8, 2012; Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
  • Shcherbina NS, Kivel N, Günther-Leopold I
    Effect of redox conditions on the fission products release from irradiated oxide fuel
    In: Poinssot C, ed. ATALANTE 2012. International conference on nuclear chemistry for sustainable fuel cycles. Vol. 7. Procedia chemistry. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2012:104-109.
  • Shcherbina N, Kivel N, Günther-Leopold I
    Inductive heating for partitioning of fission products from spent nuclear fuel
    In: Proceedings of the nuclear fuel cycle conference. sine loco: sine nomine; 2012:(10 pp.).
  • Zubler R, Valance S, Bertsch J, Urech A
    Hydrides re-orientation and metallography analysis of five cycles irradiated fuel cladding samples
    Presented at: 49th conference on hot laboratories and remote handling (HOTLAB 2012); September 24-26, 2012; Marcoule, France.
  • Khvostov G, Kolstad E, Ledergerber G, Zimmermann MA, Wiesenack W, Brémond O, et al.
    Pre-calculation using the Falcon fuel behaviour code of the fuel rod design parameters and the test-conditions for a two-run Halden LOCA test with KKL BWR high-burnup fuel
    In: Enlarged Halden programme group meeting. Proceedings of the fuel & materials sessions. Vol. HPR-374. Halden, Norway: Institutt for Energiteknikk; 2011:F2.7 (21 pp.).
  • Gavillet D, Restani R, Ledergerber G, Hallstadius L
    Improved electron micro analysis of BWR CRUD
    In: Proceedings of 2010 LWR fuel performance/top fuel/WRFPM. LWR fuel performance meeting/top fuel/WRFPM 2010. La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2010:158-166.
  • Ledergerber G, Valizadeh S, Wright J, Limbäck M, Hallstadius L, Gavillet D, et al.
    Fuel performance beyond design - Exploring the limits
    In: Proceedings of 2010 LWR fuel performance/top fuel/WRFPM. LWR fuel performance meeting/top fuel/WRFPM 2010. La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2010:513-524.
  • Alam AM, Hellwig C
    Cladding tube deformation test for stress reorientation of hydrides
    In: 15th international symposium on zirconium in the nuclear industry. Vol. 1505 STP. ASTM special technical publication. American Society for Testing and Materials; 2009:635-650.
  • Hermann A, Yagnik SK, Gavillet D
    Effect of local hydride accumulations on zircaloy cladding mechanical properties
    In: Vol. 4. ASTM special technical publication. American Society for Testing and Materials; 2009:141-162.
  • Pouchon MA, Ingold F
    Internal gelation at PSI: the past and the future
    In: International congress on advances in nuclear power plants. Vol. 3. International congress on advances in nuclear power plants 2009, ICAPP 2009. Atomic Energy Society of Japan; 2009:1919-1926.
  • Bottomley D, Schlutig S, Brémier S, Barrachin M, De Bremaecker A, Walker CT, et al.
    Bundle degradation behaviour in the Phebus FP tests derived from their post irradiation examination (PIE)
    In: Transactions of the American nuclear society. ; 2008:274-275.
  • Thiolliere N, David J-C, Eid M, Konobeyev AY, Eikenberg J, Fischer U, et al.
    Gas production and activation calculation in MEGAPIE
    In: Nuclear power: a sustainable resource. Vol. 4. International conference on the physics of reactors 2008, PHYSOR 08. Villigen: Paul Scherrer Institut; 2008:2559-2566.
  • Hellwig C, Horvath MI, Blair PR, Chawla R, Günther D
    Fission gas distribution and behavior in the high burn-up structure
    In: LWR fuel performance meeting/top fuel 2007. Westmont: American Nuclear Society; 2007:291-300.
  • Zhou G, Massih AR, Hallstadius L, Schrire D, Helmersson S, Källström R, et al.
    Fuel performance experience, analysis and modeling: deformations, fission gas release and pellet-clad interaction
    In: Proceedings of the 2007 international LWR fuel performance meeting. ; 2007:143-152.
  • Grimm P, Günther-Leopold I, Kobler Waldis J, Berger HD, Krouthén J
    Burnup calculations and chemical analysis of irradiated fuel samples studied in LWR-PROTEUS phase II
    In: PHYSOR-2006 - American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics. Advances in nuclear analysis and simulation. Vol. 2006. PHYSOR-2006 - American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics. La Grange: American Nuclear Society; 2006:(3 pp.).