Department Hotlab (AHL)

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The Department Hotlab (AHL) is the responsible operator and main user of the nuclear facility Hotlab, a unique experimental facility for investigation and examination of highly radioactive materials in Switzerland.

The department has been established January 1st 2008 by splitting the “Laboratory for Material behavior” (LWV) into Department Hotlab (AHL) and the Laboratory for Nuclear Materials (LNM). AHL was formed with the groups in charge of the operation of the hot laboratory and the groups responsible for the large analytical and service infrastructure. The structure of the department was updated beginning of 2016 in order to optimise the working processes and optimise the support to all user of the laboratory.

The major aim is to deliver scientific (analytical) services to external and internal partners, such as Swiss nuclear power plants, producers of nuclear fuel, regulators, as well as national and international research groups including NES research laboratories.

AHL consists of five groups: