The Paul Scherrer Institute and Alphasynt have recently signed a cooperation- and licensing agreement. In doing so, the two pave the way for a fruitful collaboration in the commercialization of methanation.
The cooperation’s ultimate goal is for Alphasynt to adopt PSI’s know-how to then independently offer the technology and acquire customers, as well as to build and commission plants in the markets. The two partners also closely collaborate in obtaining first projects and potential investors. For PSI, it is important to have an implementation partner that can build certified facilities implementing PSI technology. Alphasynt can profit from their background of experience and already has a valuable network of reliable subcontracting companies. "This is important, to have this network of companies around where you know "If I order a heat exchanger it will work and is properly welded". You need a bunch of specialized companies around you with whom you can reliably collaborate,” Tilman Schildhauer explains. Andreas Aeschimann is the CEO of Alphasynt and brings implementation knowledge due to his industry experience whilst Luca Schmidlin, CTO at Alphasynt has his own methanation projects at Fachhochschule OST in Rapperswil and is therefore already very knowledgable in this area. For the knowledge transfer from PSI to Alphasynt, documents that capture the know-how in writing are created. “But there is also a lot of tacit knowledge that has to be transferred through close cooperation and intensive discussions,” says Schildhauer.
Whilst Power-to-Gas has several technology providers, scientists at PSI are relatively confident that they could be one of the cheapest on the market as they expect this technology to produce more biogas and therefore be more profitable compared to the fossil alternative.
Text: Michelle Kalousek
Dr. Tilman Schildhauer
Methanation Research
Paul Scherrer Institute
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI
Telephone: +41 56 310 27 06