The Zuoz school’s 26th edition

From 04-10 August the 26th Zuoz Summer School on particle physics took place at the Lyceum Alpinum with close to 100 participants.

The school is a bi-annual opportunity for young physicists to get didactical introductions to advanced key concepts of particle physics. The topic of this year's school was "From Low to High: Particle Physics at the Frontier" and it featured lectures about precision Higgs physics, QCD and parton showers, the Standard Model and beyond, precision low energy physics, B Physics as well as an introduction to lattice QCD and accelerator physics & modelling. The evening lecture covered cosmology and gravitational waves. A special feature of the Zuoz school is the mix between experimentalists and theorists with ample time for discussions and exchange of ideas and experiences. Not least, the school serves as an opportunity for the young scientist to network and get a wider view on the rich field of particle physics.