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Here you find current and previous news from the PSI Center for Neutron and Muon Sciences. 

Rahn et al

Clarifying the fate of collective metallic quantum states

Many complex metals exhibit collective states in which electrons appear to collaborate to generate novel and frequently functional behavior. These states develop when metals are cooled down to remove the effects of thermal fluctuations, enabling collective states in which electrons move coherently through the material. These collective electronic states are of tremendous importance because they are the foundation for many quantum states of interest such as unconventional superconductivity, frustrated magnetism, hidden order, as well as topologically non-trivial and electronic-nematic states.


Yin et al

Discovery of Charge Order and Corresponding Edge State in Kagome Magnet FeGe

Kagome materials often host exotic quantum phases, including spin liquids, Chern gap, charge density wave, and superconductivity. Existing scanning microscopy studies of the kagome charge order have been limited to nonkagome surface layers. Here, we tunnel into the kagome lattice of FeGe to uncover features of the charge order. Our spectroscopic imaging identifies a 2 × 2 charge order in the magnetic kagome lattice, resembling that discovered in kagome superconductors. Spin mapping across steps of unit cell height demonstrates the existence of spin-polarized electrons with an antiferromagnetic stacking order.


Gupta et al

Two types of charge order with distinct interplay with superconductivity in the kagome material CsV3Sb5

The kagome metals of the family AV3Sb5, featuring a unique structural motif, harbor an array of intriguing phenomena such as chiral charge order and superconductivity. CsV3Sb5 is of particular interest because it displays a double superconducting dome in the region of the temperature-pressure phase diagram where charge order is still present. However, the microscopic origin of such an unusual behavior remains an unsolved issue. Here, to address it, we combine high-pressure, low-temperature muon spin relaxation/rotation with first-principles calculations. We observe ....


Tseng et al

Crossover of high-energy spin fluctuations from collective triplons to localized magnetic excitations in Sr14−xCaxCu24O41 ladder

We studied the magnetic excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional (q-1D) ladder subsystem of Sr14−xCaxCu24O41 (SCCO) using Cu L3-edge resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS). By comparing momentum-resolved RIXS spectra with high (x = 12.2) and without (x = 0) Ca content, we track the evolution of the magnetic excitations from collective two-triplon (2 T) excitations (x = 0) to weakly- dispersive gapped modes at an energy of 280 meV (x = 12.2)...


Artur Glavic NI Price

Artur Glavic received the first Instrumentation Price Neutron Research

Artur Glavic received the first Instrumentation Price Neutron Research “for his significant contributions to the development and construction of novel neutron reflectometers”. 

Dr. Øystein Slagtern Fjellvåg during the commissioning of the wide angle detector of DMC

Neutron scattering collaboration with Norwegian Institute for Energy Technology

A collaboration between the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) and the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) provides dedicated beam-time to Norwegian scientists, bringing with them diverse and exciting topics ranging from revealing hidden inscriptions in amulets to neutron based cancer therapies.

Bonfa et al

Entanglement between Muon and I > 1/2 Nuclear Spins as a Probe of Charge Environment

We report on the first example of quantum coherence between the spins of muons and quadrupolar nuclei. We reveal that these entangled states are highly sensitive to a local charge environment and thus, can be deployed as a functional quantum sensor of that environment. The quantum coherence effect was observed in vanadium intermetallic compounds which adopt the A15 crystal structure, and whose members include all technologically pertinent superconductors. Furthermore ...


Facheris et al

Spin Density Wave versus Fractional Magnetization Plateau in a Triangular Antiferromagnet

We report an excellent realization of the highly nonclassical incommensurate spin-density wave (SDW) state in the quantum frustrated antiferromagnetic insulator Cs2CoBr4. In contrast to the well-known Ising spin chain case, here the SDW is stabilized by virtue of competing planar in-chain anisotropies and frustrated interchain exchange.


Lopez et al

Dynamic magnetic crossover at the origin of the hidden-order in van der Waals antiferromagnet CrSBr

The van-der-Waals material CrSBr stands out as a promising two-dimensional magnet. Here, we report on its detailed magnetic and structural character- istics. We evidence that it undergoes a transition to an A-type anti- ferromagnetic state below TN ≈ 140 K with a pronounced two-dimensional character, preceded by ferromagnetic correlations within the monolayers. Furthermore, we unravel the low-temperature hidden-order within the long- range magnetically-ordered state. We find that it is associated to a slowing down of the magnetic fluctuations, accompanied by a continuous reorienta- tion of the internal field.


Weser et al

Dipolar spin-waves and tunable band gap at the Dirac points in the 2D magnet ErBr3

Topological magnon insulators constitute a growing field of research for their potential use as information carriers without heat dissipation. We report an experimental and theoretical study of the magnetic ground-state and excitations in the van der Waals two-dimensional honeycomb magnet ErBr3. We show that the magnetic properties of this compound are entirely governed by the dipolar interactions which generate a continuously degenerate non-collinear ground-state on the honeycomb lattice with spins confined in the plane.



Stephan Allenspach received the SNSS Young Scientists Prize

Congratulations to Stephan Allenspach for receiving the Young Scientist Prize of the Swiss Neutron Scattering Society for his outstanding PhD thesis. Stephan did his PhD in the Quantum Criticality and Dynamics Group lead by Christian Rüegg.


Seeking the sensational on a small scale

The Swiss Research Magazine 'Horizons' features particle physics performed at PSI.

Augusta Raurica

Hercules and batteries, X-rayed

Developments of the MIXE technique at PSI

With muons, PSI researchers can examine objects non-destructively. This helps in archaeology and battery development.

soft matter workshop CH-FR

SANS-LLB at PSI: keeping up with the soft matter community needs

The shutdown of the Orphée reactor at LLB (Saclay, France) and the upgrade of the SINQ neutron guide system at PSI (Villigen, Switzerland) in 2019 were the beginning of a long-term collaboration between PSI and LLB. The SANS-LLB instrument, formerly known as PA20, has travelled more than 500 km, and since 2020 is being installed at SINQ/PSI as a collaborative effort between PSI and LLB. The aim is to make a modern SANS instrument available to the soft matter neutron scattering community at the SINQ spallation source.

Choi et al

Unveiling Unequivocal Charge Stripe Order in a Prototypical Cuprate Superconductor

In the cuprates, high-temperature superconductivity, spin-density-wave order, and charge-density-wave (CDW) order are intertwined, and symmetry determination is challenging due to domain formation. We investigated the CDW in the prototypical cuprate La1.88Sr0.12CuO4 via x-ray diffraction employing uniaxial pressure as a domain-selective stimulus to establish the unidirectional nature of the CDW unambiguously.


Mielke et al

Low-temperature magnetic crossover in the topological kagome magnet TbMn6Sn6

Magnetic topological phases of quantum matter are an emerging frontier in physics and materials science, of which kagome magnets appear as a highly promising platform. Here, we explore magnetic correlations in the recently identified topological kagome system TbMn6Sn6 using muon spin rotation, combined with local field analysis and neutron diffraction. Our studies identify an out-of-plane ferrimagnetic structure with slow magnetic fluctuations which exhibit a critical slowing down below T*C1 ≃ 120 K and finally freeze into static patches with ideal out-of-plane order below TC1 ≃ 20 K....


Gupta et al

Microscopic evidence for anisotropic multigap superconductivity in the CsV3Sb5 kagome superconductor

The recently discovered kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 (Tc ≃ 2.5 K) has been found to host charge order as well as a non-trivial band topology, encompassing multiple Dirac points and probable surface states. Such a complex and phenomenologically rich system is, therefore, an ideal playground for observing unusual electronic phases. Here, we report anisotropic superconducting properties of CsV3Sb5 by means of transverse-field muon spin rotation (μSR) experiments.


John et al

Reconfigurable halide perovskite nanocrystal memristors for neuromorphic computing

Many in-memory computing frameworks demand electronic devices with specific switching characteristics to achieve the desired level of computational complexity. Existing memristive devices cannot be reconfigured to meet the diverse volatile and non-volatile switching requirements, and hence rely on tailored material designs specific to the targeted application, limiting their universality. “Reconfigurable memristors” that combine both ionic diffusive and drift mechanisms could address these limitations, but they remain elusive. Here we present a reconfigurable halide perovskite nanocrystal memristor that achieves on-demand switching between diffusive/volatile and drift/non-volatile modes by controllable electrochemical reactions.


Wang et al

Uniaxial pressure induced stripe order rotation in La1.88Sr0.12CuO4

Static stripe order is detrimental to superconductivity. Yet, it has been proposed that transverse stripe fluctuations may enhance the inter-stripe Josephson coupling and thus promote superconductivity. Direct experimental studies of stripe dynamics, however, remain difficult. From a strong-coupling perspective, transverse stripe fluctuations are realized in the form of dynamic “kinks”—sideways shifting stripe sections. Here, we show how modest uniaxial pressure tuning reorganizes directional kink alignment.


Takagi et al

Square and rhombic lattices of magnetic skyrmions in a centrosymmetric binary compound

Magnetic skyrmions are topologically stable swirling spin textures with particle-like char- acter, and have been intensively studied as a candidate of high-density information bit. While magnetic skyrmions were originally discovered in noncentrosymmetric systems with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, recently a nanometric skyrmion lattice has also been reported for centrosymmetric rare-earth compounds, such as Gd2PdSi3 and GdRu2Si2. For the latter systems, a distinct skyrmion formation mechanism mediated by itinerant electrons has been proposed, and the search of a simpler model system allowing for a better understanding of their intricate magnetic phase diagram is highly demanded. Here, we report the discovery of square and rhombic lattices of nanometric skyrmions in a centrosymmetric binary compound EuAl4, by performing small-angle neutron and resonant elastic X-ray scattering experiments.

Shang et al

Spin-triplet superconductivity in Weyl nodal-line semimetals

Topological semimetals are three dimensional materials with symmetry-protected massless bulk excitations. As a special case, Weyl nodal-line semimetals are realized in materials having either no inversion or broken time-reversal symmetry and feature bulk nodal lines. The 111-family, including LaNiSi, LaPtSi and LaPtGe materials (all lacking inversion symmetry), belongs to this class. Here, by combining muon-spin rotation and relaxation with thermodynamic measurements, we find that these materials exhibit a fully- gapped superconducting ground state, while spontaneously breaking time-reversal symmetry at the superconducting transition.


Bahrami et al

First demonstration of tuning between the Kitaev and Ising limits in a honeycomb lattice

Recent observations of novel spin-orbit coupled states have generated interest in 4d/5d transition metal systems. A prime example is the Jeff = 1/2 state in iridate materials and α-RuCl that drives Kitaev interactions. Here, by tuning the competition between spin-orbit interaction (λSOC) and trigonal crystal field (ΔT), we restructure the spin-orbital wave functions into a previously unobserved μ=1/2 state that drives Ising interactions.


Aparisi et al

The Running Bottom Quark Mass and the Higgs Boson

We present a new measurement of the bottom quark mass in the MS scheme at the renormalization scale of the Higgs boson mass from measurements of Higgs boson decay rates at the LHC: mb (mH) = 2.6 +0.36 -0.31 GeV. The measurement has a negligible theory uncertainty and excellent prospects to improve at the HL-LHC and a future Higgs factory.


Antiprotonic Helium

Antiprotons in superfluid helium: a new way for sensitive measurements of antimatter

Scientists, publishing in Nature, have found that a hybrid antimatter-matter atom behaves in an unexpected way when submerged in superfluid helium.