Frustrated magnets with spiral magnetic orders are of high current interest due to their potential for spintronics and low-power magnetoelectric devices. However, their low magnetic order temperatures (typically <100K) greatly restrict their fields of application. Researchers of PSI have demonstrated that the stability domain of the spiral phase in the perovskite YBaCuFeO5 can be enlarged by more than 150K through a controlled manipulation of the Fe/Cu chemical disorder. Moreover, they showed that this novel mechanism can stabilize the magnetic spiral state of YBaCuFeO5 above the symbolic value of 25C. These findings demonstrate that the properties of a magnetic spiral, including its wavelength and stability range, can be engineered through the control of chemical disorder, offering a great potential for the design of materials with magnetoelectric properties beyond room temperature. This study, fully conducted at the PSI, was an output of the project 'Magnetoelectric coupling at RT: investigating novel routes' funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Reference: M.Morin et al, Nature Communications 7, 13758 (2016)
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