The quantum spin-liquid compound (C4H12N2)Cu2Cl6 is studied by muon spin relaxation under hydrostatic pressures up to 23.6 kbar. At low temperatures, pressure-induced incommensurate magnetic order is detected beyond a quantum critical point at Pc ∼ 4.3 kbar. An additional phase transition to a different ordered phase is observed at P1 ∼ 13.4 kbar. The data indicate that the high-pressure phase may be a commensurate one. The established (P-T) phase diagram reveals the corresponding pressure-induced multicritical point at P1, T1 = 2.0 K.
Facilities: SμS
Reference: M. Thede et al, Physical Review Letters 112, 087204 (2014)
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Reference: M. Thede et al, Physical Review Letters 112, 087204 (2014)
Read full article: here