PD Dr. Georg Kosakowski

Short description
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI

  • Coupled physical and chemical processes in heterogeneous porous media
  • Reactive transport models
  • Long-term evolution of materials (cement, clays, waste) in nuclear waste repositories 
  • Application of numerical models for the risk assessment of the Swiss nuclear waste repositories

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Vehling, F., Kosakowski, G., & Shao, H. (2025). Two-phase reactive transport modeling of heterogeneous gas production in a low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste repository. Applied Geochemistry, 178, 106219. doi:/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2024.106219

Damiani, L. H., Kosakowski, G., Vinsot, A., & Churakov, S. V. , 2024. Hydrogen gas transfer between a borehole and claystone: experiment and geochemical model. Environmental Geotechnics, 11(3), 180-193. doi:10.1680/jenge.21.00061

Boiger, R., Churakov, S. V., Ballester Llagaria, I., Kosakowski, G., Wüst, R., & Prasianakis, N. I. (2024). Direct mineral content prediction from drill core images via transfer learning. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 117(1), 8. doi:10.1186/s00015-024-00458-3

Ma, B., Provis, J.L., Wang, D., Kosakowski, G., 2024. the essential role of cement-based materials in a radioactive waste repository. npj Materials Sustainability. doi:10.1038/s44296-024-00025-9

Nakarai, K., Watanabe, M., Koibuchi, K., Kosakowski, G., 2021. Calcite Precipitation at Cement–Bentonite Interface. Part 2: Accelera-tion of Transport by an Electrical Gradient. J. Adv. Concr. Technol. 19, 447–461. doi:10.3151/jact.19.447

Nakarai, K., Shibata, M., Sakamoto, H., Owada, H., Kosakowski, G., 2021. Calcite Precipitation at Cement–Bentonite Interface. Part 1: Effect of Carbonate Admixture in Bentonite. J. Adv. Concr. Technol. 19, 433–446. doi:10.3151/jact.19.433

Águila, J.F., Montoya, V., Samper, J., Montenegro, L., Kosakowski, G., Krejci, P., Pfingsten, W., 2021. Modeling cesium migration through Opalinus clay: a benchmark for single- and multi-species sorption-diffusion models. Computational Geosciences. doi:10.1007/s10596-021-10050-5

Huang, Y., Shao, H., Wieland, E., Kolditz, O., Kosakowski, G., 2021. Two-phase transport in a cemented waste package considering spatio-temporal evolution of chemical conditions. npj Materials Degradradation 5, 4. doi:10.1038/s41529-021-00150-z

Wieland, E., Kosakowski, G., Lothenbach, B., & Kulik, D. A. (2020). Geochemical modelling of the effect of waste degradation processes on the long-term performance of waste forms. Applied Geochemistry, 104539. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104539

Idiart, A., Laviña, M., Kosakowski, G., Cochepin, B., Meeussen, J. C. L., Samper, J., Mon, A., Montoya, V., Munier, I., Poonoosamy, J., Montenegro, L., Deissmann, G., Rohmen, S., Damiani, L. H., Coene, E., & Naves, A. (2020). Reactive transport modelling of a low-pH concrete / clay interface. Applied Geochemistry, 115, 104562. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104562

Damiani, L.H., Kosakowski, G., Glaus, M.A., Churakov, S. V, 2020 (online first). A framework for reactive transport modeling using FEniCS–Reaktoro: governing equations and benchmarking results. Computational Geosciences. doi:10.1007/s10596-019-09919-3

Poonoosamy, J., Klinkenberg, M., Deissmann, G., Brandt, F., Bosbach, D., Mäder, U.,  Kosakowski, G., 2020. Effects of solution supersaturation on barite precipitation in porous media and consequences on permeability: Experiments and modelling. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 270, 43–60. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2019.11.018

Yapparova, A., Miron, G. D., Kulik, D. A., Kosakowski, G., Driesner, T. 2019. An advanced reactive transport simulation scheme for hydrothermal systems modelling. Geothermics, 78, 138–153. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2018.12.003

Yang, Y., Patel, R. A., Churakov, S. V, Prasianakis, N. I., Kosakowski, G., Wang, M., 2019. Multiscale modeling of ion diffusion in cement paste: electrical double layer effects. Cement and Concrete Composites, 96(February 2019), 55–65. doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2018.11.008

Poonoosamy, J., Wanner, C., Alt Epping, P., Águila, J. F., Samper, J., Montenegro, L., Kosakowski, G. 2018 (online first). Benchmarking of reactive transport codes for 2D simulations with mineral dissolution–precipitation reactions and feedback on transport parameters. Computational Geosciences. doi:10.1007/s10596-018-9793-x

Huang, Y., Shao, H., Wieland, E., Kolditz, O., Kosakowski, G., 2018. A new approach to coupled two-phase reactive transport simulation for long-term degradation of concrete. Construction and Building Materials 190, 805–829. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.09.114

Prasianakis, N. I., Curti, E., Kosakowski, G., Poonoosamy, J., Churakov, S. V., 2017. Deciphering pore-level precipitation mechanisms. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 13765. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-14142-0

Leal, A. MM., Kulik, D. A., Kosakowski, G., Saar, M. O., 2016. Computational methods for reactive transport modeling: An extended law of mass-action, xLMA, method for multiphase equilibrium calculations, Advances in Water Resources. doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.08.008

Poonoosamy, J., Curti, E., Kosakowski, G., Grolimund, D., Van Loon, L.R., Mäder, U., 2016. Barite precipitation following celestite dissolution in a porous medium: A SEM/BSE and μ-XRD/XRF study. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 182, 131-144. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2016.03.011

Fowler, S.J., Kosakowski, G., Driesner, T., Kulik, D.A., Wagner, T., Wilhelm, S., Masset, O., 2016. Numerical Simulation of Reactive Fluid Flow on Unstructured Meshes. Transport in Porous Media 112, 283-312. doi:10.1007/s11242-016-0645-7

Leal, A. MM., Kulik, D. A, Kosakowski, G., 2016. Computational methods for reactive transport modeling: A Gibbs energy minimization approach for multiphase equilibrium calculations. Advances in Water Resources, 88, 321-240, doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.11.021

Thien, B. M. J., Kosakowski, G., Kulik, D. A., 2015. Differential alteration of basaltic lava flows and hyaloclastites in Icelandic hydrothermal systems. Geothermal Energy, 3(1), 11. doi:10.1186/s40517-015-0031-7

Poonoosamy, J., Kosakowski, G., Van Loon, L.,Mäder, U., 2015. Dissolution-Precipitation Processes in Tank Experiments for Testing Numerical Models for Reactive Transport Calculations: Experiments and Modelling. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 177-178, 1–17. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2015.02.007

Perko, J., Mayer, K. U., Kosakowski, G., De Windt, L., Govaerts, J., Jacques, D., Meeussen, J. C. L., 2015. Decalcification of cracked cement structures. Computational Geosciences, 19(3), 673–693. doi:10.1007/s10596-014-9467-2

Hingerl, F. F., Kosakowski, G., Wagner, T., Kulik, D. a., Driesner, T., 2014. GEMSFIT: a generic fitting tool for geochemical activity models. Computational Geosciences, 18(2), 227-242. doi:10.1007/s10596-014-9405-3

Kosakowski, G., Watanabe, N., 2014. OpenGeoSys-Gem: A numerical tool for calculating geochemical and porosity changes in saturated and partially saturated media. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 70-71, 138-149, doi:10.1016/j.pce.2013.11.008.

Kulik, D. a., Wagner, T., Dmytrieva, S. V., Kosakowski, G., Hingerl, F. F., Chudnenko, K. V., Berner, U. R., 2013. GEM-Selektor geochemical modeling package: revised algorithm and GEMS3K numerical kernel for coupled simulation codes. Computational Geosciences, 17(1), 1-24. doi:10.1007/s10596-012-9310-6.

Kosakowski, G., Berner, U. 2013. The evolution of clay rock/cement interfaces in a cementitious repository for low- and intermediate level radioactive waste. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 64, 65–86. doi:10.1016/j.pce.2013.01.003.

Shao, H., Kosakowski, G., Berner, U., Kulik, D.A., Mäder, U., Kolditz, O. 2013. Reactive transport modeling of the clogging process at Maqarin natural analogue site. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C,64, 21-31. doi:10.1016/j.pce.2013.01.002.

Berner, U., Kulik, D. A., & Kosakowski, G. 2013. Geochemical impact of a low-pH cement liner on the near field of a repository for spent fuel and high-level radioactive waste. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 64,46-56. doi:10.1016/j.pce.2013.03.007

Kolditz, O., Bauer, S., Bilke, L., Böttcher, N., Delfs, J. O., Fischer, T., Görke, U. J., Kalbacher, T., Kosakowski, G. , McDermott, C. I., Park, C. H., Radu, F., Rink, K., Shao, H., Shao, H. B., Sun, F., Sun, Y. , Singh, A. K., Taron, J., Walther, M., Wang, W., Watanabe, N., Wu, Y., Xie, M., Xu, W., Zehner, B., 2012. OpenGeoSys: an open-source initiative for numerical simulation of thermo-hydro-mechanical/chemical (THM/C) processes in porous media, Environmental Earth Sciences, 67(2), 589-599, doi:10.1007/s12665-012-1546-x.

Hayek, M., Kosakowski, G., Jakob, A., Churakov, S., 2012. A class of analytical solutions for multi-dimensional multi-species diffusive transport coupled with precipitation-dissolution reactions and porosity changes, Water Resources Research, 48, W03525, 19pp., doi:10.1029/2011WR011663.

Gimmi, T., Kosakowski, G. , 2011. How Mobile Are Sorbed Cations in Clays and Clay Rocks? Environmental Science & Technology, 45(4), 1443-1449, doi: 10.1021/es1027794

Hayek, M., Kosakowski, G. , Churakov, S., 2011. Exact analytical solutions for a diffusion problem coupled with a precipitation-dissolution reaction and feedback of porosity change Water Resources Research, 47, W07545, 13 pp., doi: 10.1029/2010WR010321

Churakov, S. V., Kosakowski, G. 2010. An ab initio molecular dynamics study of hydronium complexation in Na-montmorillonite. Philosophical Magazine, 90(17-18), 2459-2474, doi:10.1080/14786430903559474

Kosakowski, G., Blum, P., Kulik, D., Pfingsten, W., Shao, H., Singh, A., 2009. Evolution of a generic clay/cement interface. First reactive transport calculations utilizing a Gibbs energy minimization based approach for geochemical calculations. Journal of Environmental Science for Sustainable Society, 3, 41-49.

Wang, W., Kosakowski, G., Kolditz, O., 2009. A parallel finite element scheme for thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) coupled problems in porous media. Computers & Geosciences, 35(8), 1631-1641.

Shao, H., Dmytrieva S. V., Kolditz O., Kulik D. A., Pfingsten, W., Kosakowski G., 2009. Modeling reactive transport in a non-ideal aqueous - solid solution system. Applied Geochemistry, 24(7), 1287-1300.

McDermott, C., Walsh, R., Mettier, R., Kosakowski, G., Kolditz, O., 2009. Hybrid analytical and finite element numerical modeling of mass and heat transport in fractured rocks with matrix diffusion. Computational Geosciences, 13(3), 349-361, doi:10.1007/s10596-008-9123-9.

Shao H., Kulik D.A., Berner U., Kosakowski G., Kolditz O., 2009. Modeling the competition between solid solution formation and cation exchange on the retardation of aqueous radium in an idealized bentonite column. Geochemical Journal 43, e37-e42.

Kosakowski, G., McDermott, C., 2008. Modelling matrix diffusion - Results of a benchmark study. Journal of Environmental Science for Sustainable Society, 2, 57-62.

Kosakowski, G.; Churakov, S. V.; Thoenen, T., 2008. Diffusion of Na and Cs in montmorillonite. Clays and Clay Minerals, 56(2), 190-206.

Kalbacher, T., Mettier, R., McDermott, C., Wang,W., Kosakowski, G., Taniguchi, T., Kolditz, O., 2007. Geometric modelling and object-oriented software concepts applied to a heterogeneous fractured network from the Grimsel rock laboratory, Computational Geosciences, 11(1), 9-26. doi:10.1007/s10596-006-9032-8

Mettier, R., Kosakowski, G. ,Kolditz, O., 2006. Influence of small scale heterogeneities on contaminant transport in fractured crystalline rock, Ground Water, 44(5), 687-696, doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2006.00236.x.

Kosakowski, G., 2004. Anomalous transport of colloids and solutes in a shear Zone. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 72(1-4), 23-46, doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2003.10.005

Park, J.-Y., Lee, K.-K., Kosakowski, G., & Berkowitz, B., 2003. Transport behavior in three-dimensional fracture intersections, Water Resources Research, 39(8), 1215, doi:10.1029/2002WR001801.

Thorenz, C., Kosakowski, G., Kolditz, O. & Berkowitz, B., 2002. An experimental and numerical investigation of saltwater movement in coupled saturated/partially-saturated systems.. Water Resources Research, 38(6), 1001, doi:10.1029/2001WR000364.

Berkowitz, B., Kosakowski, G., Margolin, G. & Scher, H., 2001. Application of continuous time random walk theory to tracer test measurements in fractured and heterogeneous porous media. Groundwater, 39(4), 593-604.

Kosakowski, G., Berkowitz, B., & Scher, H., 2001.Analysis of field observations of anomalous transport in a fractured till. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 47, 29-51.

Kosakowski, G., & B. Berkowitz, 1999. Flow pattern variability in natural fracture intersections. Geophysical Research Letters 26(12), 1765-1768.

Kosakowski, G., Kunert, V., Clauser, C., Franke, W. & Neugebauer, H. J., 1999. Hydrothermal transients in Variscian crust: paleo-temperature mapping and hydrothermal models. Tectonophysics, 306(3-4), 325-344.

Kolditz, O. Kasper, H., Kosakowski, G. & Taniguchi, T., 1997. Hydrogeologic Analysis: Modelling of Subsurface Flow and Transport. - Beitrag zur Jahrestagung 1996 der Fachsektion Geoinformatik der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft. Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie Teil 1, 1/2, 765-782.

Kosakowski, G., Kasper, H., Taniguchi, T., Kolditz, O. & Zielke, W., 1997. Analysis of groundwater flow and transport in fractured Rock - Geometric complexity of numerical modelling. Zeitschrift für angewandte Geologie, 43(2), 81-84.

Kasper, H., Kosakowski, G., Taniguchi, T., & Zielke W., 1995. Coupled Geometric Modelling for the Analysis of Groundwater Flow and Transport in Fractured Rock, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, 51, 106-116.

Books, book chapters

He, W., Poonoosamy, J., Kosakowski, G., Van Loon, L.R., Mäder, U., Kalbacher, T., 2016. Reactive Transport., in: (Eds) Kolditz, O., Görke, UW.,Shao, H., Wang, W., Bauer, S.,Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Media: Modelling and Benchmarking, Springer, pp. 179–197. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29224-3_10

Kosakowski, G., 1996. Modellierung von Strömungs- und Transportprozessen in geklüfteten Medien: Vom natürlichen Kluftsystem zum numerischen Gitternetzwerk. Doctoral Thesis, Fortschritt-Berichte, 7(304), VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf.

Kasper, H., Taniguchi, T. & Kosakowski, G., 1995. Dreidimensionale Hydrogeologische Modelle zur Finite-Elemente-Analyse geogener Strömungs- und Transportprozesse. In: Buziek, G. (Hrsg.): GIS in Forschung und Praxis, Konrad Wittwer Verlag.


Kosakowski, G. 2023. Reactive Transport Modelling of Material Interface Evolution in the HLW Near-field. Nagra Arbeitsbericht NAB 23-33, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.

Kosakowski, G., Churakov, S. V., Glaus, M. A., Typhaine, G., Hummel, W., Kulik, D. A., et al. 2023. Geochemical Evolution of the L/ILW Near-Field, Nagra Technical Report NTB 23-03, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.

Martin, L., Kosakowski, G., Papafotiou, A., Smith, P.A., 2023. Evolution of the sealing system porosity and its impact on performance. Nagra Arbeitsbericht NAB 23-21, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.

Prasianakis, N. I., Kosakowski, G., Gimmi, T., Luraschi, P., Miron, G. D., Pfingsten, W., & Churakov, S. V., 2023. Cement-Clay Synthesis of transport across the cement-clay interface, Nagra Arbeitsbericht NAB 22-034, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.

Wieland, E., Kosakowski, G., 2020. Review of the compositions of hydrated cements and cement-type pore water at different stages of the cement degradation. Nagra Arbeitsbericht NAB 20-12, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.

Kosakowski, G., Huang, Y., Wieland, E., 2020. Influence of material heterogeneities, process couplings and aggregate reactivity on the geochemical evolution of the L/ILW repository . Nagra Arbeitsberichte NAB 20-11, Wettingen, Switzerland.

Cloet, V., Curti, E., Kosakowski, G., Lura, P., Lothenbach, B., Wieland, E., 2018. Cementitious backfill for a high-level waste repository: impact of repository induced effects. Nagra Arbeitsbericht NAB 18-41, Nagra, Wettingen, Schweiz.

Wieland, E., Kosakowski, G., Lothenbach, B., Kulik, D. A., Cloet, V. 2018. Preliminary Assessment of the Temporal Evolution of Waste Packages in the near Field of the L/ILW Repository. Nagra Arbeitsbericht NAB 18-05, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.

Kosakowski, G., Smith, P. 2014. Long -term evolution of the Engineered Gas Transport System, Nagra Arbeitsberichte NAB 14-16, Wettingen, Switzerland, Nagra.

Kosakowski, G., Berner, U., Wieland, E., Glaus, M. A., Degueldre, C., 2014. Geochemical evolution of the L/ILW near-field. Nagra Technical Report NTB 14-11, Wettingen, Switzerland, Nagra.

Bradbury, M. H., Berner, U., Curti, E., Hummel, W., Kosakowski, G., Thoenen, T., 2014. Geochemical near-field evolution of a deep geological repository for spent fuel and high-level radioactive waste. Nagra Technical Report NTB 12-01, Wettingen, Switzerland.

Kosakowski, G., Smith, P., 2005. Modelling the transport of solutes and colloids in the Grimsel Migration shear zone. PSI-Bericht Nr. 05-03, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland, and Nagra Technical Report 04-01, Wettingen Switzerland.

Smith, P. A., Guimerà, J., Kosakowski, G., Pudewills, A., Ibaraki, M., 2006. Grimsel Test Site Investigation Phase V The CRR Final Project Report Series III: Results of the Supporting Modelling Programme. Nagra Technical Report 03-03, Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle (NAGRA), Wettingen Switzerland.

Kosakowski, G., 2004. Time-dependent flow and transport calculations for Project Opalinus Clay (Entsorgungsnachweis). PSI-Bericht 04-10, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland, and Nagra Technical Report 03-10, Wettingen Switzerland.

1986 - 1992 Diplom-Geophysiker (Dipl.-Geophys.) Institute of Geophysics, University of Münster, Germany Thesis-advisor: Prof. J. Untiedt and Prof. H. J. Duerbaum Estimation of transmissivity and porosity in an heterogeneous gravel aquifer. (in German) 

1993 - 1996 Dr. rer. nat. Chair of Geodynamics - Physics of the Lithosphere, University of Bonn, Germany Thesis advisors: Prof. H. J. Neugebauer and Dr.C. Clauser Numerical simulation of flow and transport processes in fractured media: from the natural fracture system to the numerical network. (in German) 

2007 Habilitation Faculty of Geosciences, University of Tübingen, Venia Legendi for Environmental Geology and Hydroinformatics 

2016 Umhabilitation University of Bern, Venia Docendi for Hydrology and Hydroinformatics

2000 - present Senior Scientist Laboratory for Waste Management, Nuclear Energy and Safety Research Division, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland 

1998 - 2000 Post Doctoral Fellow Weizmann Institute of Science, Department of Environmental Sciences and Energy Research, Rehovot, Israel 

1996 - 1998 Scientist Geological Survey of Lower Saxony, Section for Geothermics and Groundwater Hydraulics, Hannover, Germany 

1993 - 1996 Graduate Research Assistant Geological Survey of Lower Saxony, Section for Geothermics and Groundwater Hydraulics, Hannover, Germany 

1992 Deutsche Montan Technologie, Essen, Germany

2015 - present Geostatistics University of Bern, Switzerland 

2015 Transport processes in concrete Thermodynamic modeling of concrete with GEM-SELEKTOR Hiroshima University, Japan 

2003 - 2013 Applied Geostatistics I and II, Statistics in earth sciences Center for Applied Geoscience, University of Tübingen, Germany 

2006, 2008 University of Okayama, Japan