at PSI...
2018-2025: Member of Personalkommission (PeKo) PSI
2017-2018: "Bauherr" Sportclub PSI - Clubhaus (
2012-2024: President Sportclub PSI
2010-2024: PSI emergency staff
2010-2020: Lecturer at ETHZ Department of Environmental Systems Science / Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics
2006-2017: Member of the CCEM Research Committee
2003-2013: Member of the PSI Research Committee
1996-2010: PSI fire brigade (corporal, respiration and radiation protection unit)
Since July 1991: Research Scientist at PSI/LES
1987-1991: Research scientist - Institut of Water Resources Management, Hydrology and Agricultural Hydraulic Engineering, University Hannover, Germany.
1987: Research scientist - Laserzentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany.
February 1987: Diplom-Physiker, University Hannover, Germany, thesis title: “Entwicklung eines leistungsstarken Selen-Anti-Stokes-Raman Lasers.
Research Interests
- Flow and reactive transport modelling
- Modelling of coupled geochemical processes (sorption competition, equilibrium & kinetic mineral reactions, redox reactions, ...) in porous and fractured media
- Multi-physics multi-scale modelling
- Parameter uncertainty quantification
- Machine learning
- Digital twins (heat transport in large-scale underground laboratory experiments, geochemical evolution of cemeted waste packages)
- Discussion of complex modelling results with civil society
- ...
Refereed journals
Hu G, Miron GD, Pfingsten W, Dähn R. Digital twin and surrogate model for long-term geochemical processes in nuclear waste management. In: Decontamination and decommissioning, radiation protection, and waste management. Vol. 8. Danvers, MA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); 2024:135796 (7 pp.),
Hu, G., N. Prasianakis, S. V. Churakov and W. Pfingsten (2024). "Performance analysis of data-driven and physics-informed machine learning methods for thermal-hydraulic processes in Full-scale Emplacement experiment." Applied Thermal Engineering 245,
Hu, G. and W. Pfingsten (2023). "Machine learning-assisted heat transport modelling for full-scale emplacement experiment at Mont Terri underground laboratory." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 213,
Olaf Kolditz, Diederik Jacques, Francis Claret, Johan Bertrand, Sergey V. Churakov, Christophe Debayle, Daniela Diaconu, Kateryna Fuzik, David Garcia, Nico Graebling, Bernd Grambow, Erika Holt, Andrés Idiart, Petter Leira, Vanessa Montoya, Ernst Niederleithinger, Markus Olin, Wilfried Pfngsten, Nikolaos I. Prasianakis, Karsten Rink, Javier Samper, István Szöke, Réka Szöke, Louise Theodon, Jacques Wendling. "Digitalisation for nuclear waste management: predisposal and disposal." Environmental Earth Sciences (2023) 82:4,
Hu, G. and W. Pfingsten (2023). "Data-driven machine learning for disposal of high-level nuclear waste: A review. ." Annals Nuclear Energy (180).
Águila, J. F., V. Montoya, J. Samper, L. Montenegro, G. Kosakowski, P. Krejci and W. Pfingsten (2021). "Modelling Cs migration through Opalinus clay: A benchmark for single- and multi-species sorption-diffusion models." Comput Geosci, Volume 25, pages 1405–1436,
Ayoub, A., W. Pfingsten, L. Podofillini and G. Sansavini (2020). "Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of the chemistry of cesium sorption in deep geological repositories." Appl Geochem 117: 104607. Doi 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104607
Prasianakis, N. I., R. Haller, M. Mahrous, J. Poonoosamy, W. Pfingsten and S. V. Churakov (2020). "Neural network based process coupling and parameter upscaling in reactive transport simulations." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 291: 126-143.
Meng, S. and W. Pfingsten (2017). "Multispecies random walk simulations in radial symmetry: model concept, benchmark, and application to HTO, 22Na and 36Cl diffusion in clay". Radioactive Waste Confinement: Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers. S. Norris, Bruno, J., Van Geet, M. & Verhoef, E. . London, UK Geological Society London Special Publications 443. [Link] . Several free downloads are available here
Pfingsten, W. (2014). "The influence of stable element inventory on the migration of radionuclides in the vicinity of a high level nuclear waste repository exemplified for 59Ni." Applied Geochemistry 49(0): 103-115. [Link]
Pfingsten, W. , Bradbury, M. & Baeyens, B. (2011). "The influence of Fe(II) competition on the sorption and migration of Ni(II) in MX-80 bentonite". Applied Geochemistry, 26(8): 1414-1422.) [Link]
Kosakowski, G., Blum, P., Kulik, D., Pfingsten, W., Shao, H. & A. Singh (2009). "Evolution of a generic clay/cement interface: First reactive transport calculations utilizing a Gibbs ernergy minimization based approach for geochemical calculations." Journal of Environmental Science for Sustainable Society 3: 41-49. [Link]
Huber, F.,Kienzler, B., J. Lützenkirchen, Pfingsten, W. & C. Tiffreau (2009). "Karlsruher Geochemical Workshop TRePro II 2009: Workshop on Modelling of Coupled Transport Reaction Processes." atw - Internationale Zeitschrift für Kernenergie 54(7): 478-479.
Shao, H., Dmytrieva, S. V., Kolditz, O., Kulik, D. A., Pfingsten, W. and G. Kosakowski (2009). Modeling reactive transport in non-ideal aqueous-solid solution system. Applied Geochemistry, 24 (7): 1287-1300. [Link]
Jakob, A., Pfingsten, W. and Van Loon, L. (2009). Effects of sorption competition on caesium diffusion through compacted argillaceous rock. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(9): 2441-2456. [Link]
Mibus, J., Sachs, S., Pfingsten, W., Nebelung, C. and Bernhard, G. (2007). Migration of uranium (IV/VI) in the presence of humic acids in quartz sand: A laboratory column study. J. Contaminant Hydrology, 89(3-4): 199-217. [Link]
Pfingsten, W., B. Paris, J. M. Soler and U. K. Mäder (2006). Tracer and reactive transport modelling of interactions between high-pH fluids and fractured rock: Field and laboratory experiments. Journal of Geochemical Exploration - Geochemistry for the Safe Isolation of Hazardous Wastes, 90(1-2): 95-113. [Link]
Pfingsten, W. and J. M. Soler (2003). Modelling of non-reactive tracer dipole tests in a shear zone at the Grimsel test site. J. Contaminant Hydrology 61(1-4): 387 - 403. [Link]
Pfingsten, W. (2002). Experimental and modeling indications for self-sealing of a cementitious L&ILW repository by calcite precipitation. Nuclear Technology 140(1): 63-82. pfingsten 2002
Schuessler, W., V. Metz, J. Lützenkirchen, B. Kienzler and W. Pfingsten (2002). Modelling of Coupled Transport Reaction Processes - Summary and Conclusions of the TRePro 2002 Workshop held at Karlsruhe. atw - Internationale Zeitschrift für Kernenergie 47(8/9): 568-569.
Pfingsten, W., J. Hadermann and P. Perrochet (2001). Radio-nuclide release and transport from nuclear underground tests performed at Mururoa and Fangataufa-predictions under uncertainty. J. Contaminant Hydrology 47(2-4): 349-363. [Link]
Pfingsten, W. (1996). Efficient Modeling of Reactive Transport Phenomena by a Multispecies Random Walk Coupled to Chemical Equilibrium. Nuclear Technology 116(2):208-221.
Pfingsten, W. and R. Mull (1990). Transportprozesse in Kluftgrundwasserleitern. Deutsche Gewässerkundliche Mitteilungen (Heft 4): 116-122).
Ludewigt, K., W. Pfingsten, C. Möhlmann and B. Wellegehausen (1987). High-Power Vacuum Ultraviolet Anti-Stokes Raman Lasers with Atomic Selenium. Optics Letters 11(1): 39-41.
Ludewigt, K., R. Dierking, W. Pfingsten and B. Wellegehausen (1986). Vacuum Ultraviolet Anti-Stokes Raman Lasers. IEEE J. Quantum Electronics 22(10): 1967-74.
Refereed PSI Berichte and Nagra Technical Reports
Soler, J. M., W. Pfingsten, B. PARIS, U. K. Maeder, B. Frieg, F. Neall, G. Kaellvenius, M. Yui, P. Shi, C. A. Rochelle and D. J. Noy (2006). Grimsel Test Site - Phase V HPF Experiment: Modeling Report. Nagra NTB 05-01, Nagra, Wettingen, CH.
Pfingsten, W. (2001). Indications for self-sealing of a cementitious L&ILW repository. PSI Bericht 01-09, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland: pp. 96; also: Nagra NTB 01-05.
Pfingsten, W. and C. L. Carnahan (1995). Heterogeneous Redox Reactions in Groundwater Flow Systems - Investigation and Application of two Different Coupled Codes. PSI Bericht 95-08, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland: pp. 60; also: Nagra NTB 95-01.
Pfingsten, W. (1994). Modular Coupling of Transport and Chemistry: Theory and Model Applications. PSI Bericht 94-15, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland: pp. 65; also: Nagra NTB 94-19.
Conference proceedings
Pfingsten, W. (2024): SITEX.Network benchmarks of safety case review and modelling approaches. International Conference on Enhancing Nuclear Safety and Security Through Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs): Challenges and Opportunities in a Rapidly Changing World, 2-6 December 2024, IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
Pfingsten, W. and G. Hu (2024). Physics-based and data-driven digital twins for 3D temperature development in the near field of the FE experiment in the Mont Terri rock laboratory. 22nd Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2024 Basel. Basel, Switzerland, 8-9 November 2024.
Wilfried Pfingsten & Guang Hu: Physics-Based and Data-Driven Digital Twins for 3D-Temperature Evolution in the Near-field of the FE Tunnel at Mont Terri. 9th Clay Conference, Hannover, Germany, 25-28 November 2024.
Hu, G. and W. Pfingsten (2024). Physics-Based and Data-Driven Digital Twins for 3D-temperature evolution in the near-field of FE tunnel. EURAD FINAL ANNUAL EVENT, Bucharest, Romania, April 23rd - 25th 2024.
Pfingsten, W. (2024). MODATS - Advancements in Monitoring Data Management, Modelling and Visualisation. EURAD FINAL ANNUAL EVENT, Bucharest, Romania, April 23rd - 25th 2024.
Pfingsten1, W., Diaconu2, D. & Dewoghélaëre3, J. (2024). UMAN WP 10 –Nearfield uncertainties -views of different actors on their identification, characterization and potential significance for safety and a pluralistic dialogue with CS. EURAD FINAL ANNUAL EVENT, April 23rd - 25th 2024, Bucharest, Romania.
Hu, G., G. D. Miron, N. Prasianakis, S. V. Churakov, R. Dähn and W. Pfingsten (2024). Machine learning and surrogate model for two-case studies in nuclear waste management. Data Science for the Sciences 2024, 11-12 April 2024, Bern, Switzerland
Hu, G., N. Prasianakis and W. Pfingsten (2023). Comparison of physical informed neural network and other machine learning methods for simulating heat transport in a nuclear waste disposal system. Goldschmidt 2023 Conference, Lyon, France.
Pfingsten, W. (2023). Reactive transport modelling within a statistical framework to quantify sorption parameter uncertainties for Ni diffusion in clay. Goldschmidt 2023 Conference, Lyon, France.
Diaconu, D., M. Rocher, F. Lemy, J. Dewoghélaëre, K. Röhlig, Z. Lahodová, Wilfried Pfingsten, N. Zeleznik, Jean-Noël Dumont and a. f.-A. Becker (2023). Multi-Actor Dialogue on Managing Site and Geosphere Uncertainties in a RWM Programme: Lessons from the UMAN Project (EURAD). WM2023 - Planning for the Future: Innovation, Transformation, Sustainibility. Phoenix, Arizona, USA 26 February - 2 March 2023.
Bernier, F., D. Collier, H. Rey, K. Govers, O. De Clercq, G. Pochet, M. Surkova, D. Pellegrini, M. Rocher, N. Zeleznik, J. Miksova, J. Swahn, W. Pfingsten and V. Detillieux (2021). SITEX.NETWORK BENCHMARK ON SAFETY CASE REVIEWING APPROACHES. International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management: Technology Advancement and Good Practisces Vienna, IAEA.
Bernier, F., D. Collier, H. Rey, K. Govers, O. De Clercq, G. Pochet, M. Surkova, D. Pelligrini, M. Rocher, N. Železnik, J. Miksova, J. Swahn, W. Pfingsten, V. Detilleux and B. W. O. 1AFCN, United Kingdom; 3NTW, France ; 4IRSN, France ; 5EIMV, Slovenia ; 6SURO, Czech Republic ; 7MKG, Sweden ; 8PSI, Switzerland; 9Bel V, Belgium (2021). SITEX.Network Benchmark on Safety Case Reviewing Approaches. IAEA International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management: Solutions for a Sustainable Future - Theme 5. Socio-Economic Aspects of Radioactive Waste Management Programme. Vienna, Austria.
Zeleznik, N., M. Rocher, C. Wales, F. Bernier, D. Karastanev and W. Pfingsten (2021). Deep Borehole Repository of HLW and SF - State of knowledge by SITEX.Network. EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5114
Montoya, V., J. F. Águila, J. Samper, L. Montenegro, G. Kosakowski, P. Krejci and W. Pfingsten (2020). Modelling Cs migration through Opalinus clay: A benchmark for single- and multi-species sorption-diffusion models. International Workshop on How to integrate geochemistry at affordable costs into reactive transport for large-scale systems, Dresden, Germany.
Pfingsten, W., A. Ayoub, L. Podofillini and G. Sansavini (2020). Multiple complex reactive transport calculations to estimate the influence of uncertain Cs sorption parameters on Cs diffusion in clay and to construct a “new Cs Kd band”. International Workshop on How to integrate geochemistry at affordable costs into reactive transport for large-scale systems, Dresden, Germany.
Prasianakis, N. I., R. Haller, M. Mahrous, J. Poonoosamy, W. Pfingsten and S. V. Churakov (2020). MACHINE LEARNING ENHANCED PROCESS COUPLING AND PARAMETER UPSCALING IN REACTIVE TRANSPORT SIMULATIONS. International Workshop on How to integrate geochemistry at affordable costs into reactive transport for large-scale systems, Dresden, Germany.
Pellegrini, D., Detillieux, V., Swahn, J., Pfingsten, W. & Zeleznik, N. (2019). THE SITEX INITIATIVE. EURADWASTE'19, 9th European Commission Conference on EURATOM Research and Training in Radioactive Waste Management. Pitesti, Romania, 4-7 June 2019. doi:10.2777/33692.
Detillieux, V., Swahn, J., Pellegrini, D., Pfingsten, W. & Zeleznik, N. (2018). SITEX_NETWORK FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABLE AND INDEPENDENT TECHNICAL EXPERTISE ON RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT - General overview of the Network and its interactions with Civil Society. International Conference on Challenges Faced by Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs) in Enhancing Nuclear Safety and Security: Ensuring Effective and Sustainable Expertise. Brussels, Belgium, 15–18 October 2018. [Link]
Pfingsten, W. (2017). Eu and other tri- and bivalent cation diffusion and sorption competition in bentonite. 7th International Conference of Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, Davos, Switzerland, 24 - 27 September 2017.
Besnus, Francois, Metcalf, Phil, Wasselin-Trupin, Virginie, Pfingsten, Wilfried, Smidts, Olivier, Miksova, Jitka & Oleksei Tokaresvski (2016) The ETSON study on treatment processes for the sustainable management of radioactive waste. International Conference on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, IAEA Vienna, Austria, 21-25 November 2016.
Mueth, Joachim, Pfingsten, Wilfried (2016). Management of irradiated graphite from decommissioning. ETSON INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP on Treatment processes for the sustainable management of radioactive waste including innovative techniques, Vienna, Austria, 4-6 July 2016.
Meng, S. and W. Pfingsten (2015). Multispecies random walk simulations in radial symmetry – model concept, benchmark and application to HTO, 22Na & 36Cl diffusion in clay. 6th international conference of Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement, Brussels, Belgium, March 23-26 2015, p. 617-618.
Van Loon, L. R. and W. Pfingsten (2015). On the role of “surface diffusion” and competing cations for diffusion of transition metal ions in Opalinus Clay. 6th international conference of Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement, Brussels, Belgium, March 23-26 2015, p 615-616.
Gimmi, T., et al. (2015). Perturbing a field diffusion experiment: The DR-A test at the Mont Terri Underground Rock Laboratory (Switzerland). 6th international conference of Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement, Brussels, Belgium, March 23-26 2015.
Pfingsten, Wilfried and Andreas Jakob (2014). Cs migration through Opalinus Clay modelled by a single species (COMSOL) and a multi-species (MCOTAC) reactive transport model. In: O. Bildstein, F. Claret, B. Cochepin, L. De Windt (Editors) Subsurface Environmental Simulation Benchmarking Workshop IV (SeS Bench IV),Château de Cadarache, France, October 6-8 2014, p. 652-653.
Pfingsten W., Jakob A. (2014). Benchmark for nonlinear sorption processes of Cs migration through Opalinus Clay using a single species (COMSOL) and a multi-species (MCOTAC) reactive transport model. TRePro III - Workshop on Transport and Reaction Processes, Karlsruhe,Germany, 5-7 March 2014.
Riera A., Pfingsten W. (2014). Uncertainty propagation of Linear-Free-Energy-Relationship sorption parameters to their application in reactive transport calculations. TRePro III – Workshop on Modelling of Coupled Reactive and Transport Processes, Karlsruhe, Germany, 5-7 March 2014.
Pfingsten, W. and Van Loon, L. (2011). Modelling diffsuion of sorbing radionuclides into clay samples - model assumptions and consequences for experiments ans vice versa. Migration 2011, 18-23 September 2011 Beijing, China; Beijing University, p. 46-48.
Pfingsten, W., M. H. Bradbury and Bart Baeyens (2010). Modelling Ni diffusion in bentonite using different sorption models. Proc. 4th International Meeting on Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, Nantes France, 29 March -1 1 April 2010; ANDRA, Paris, France: pp. 607-608.
Pfingsten, W., M. H. Bradbury and Bart Baeyens (2009). KD AND COMPETITIVE SORPTION APPROACH FOR THE MODELLING OF NI DIFFUSION THROUGH BENTONITE. Proc. of the Int. Workshop on "Modelling of Coupled Transport Reaction Processes" - TRePro II 2009, Karlsruhe, Germay, FZKA 7482, 83-86.
Huber, F., J. Lützenkirchen, W. Pfingsten and C.Tiffreau (2009). TReProII 2009 - Modelling of Coupled TRansport Reaction Processes. Workshop of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe held at 18th and 19th of March 2009, FZKA, Karlsruhe, Germany, FZKA 7482: pp. 148.
Pfingsten, W., 2008. The influence of the experimental set-up and the model approach on the determination of diffusion coefficients for radionuclides in laboratory column experiments. In: J.C. Refsgaard, K. Kovar, E. Haarder and E. Nygaard (Editors), Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: Credibility of Modelling. IAHS Publication 320, IAHS, Wallingford, UK, pp. 278-283.
Pfingsten, W. and Kulik, D. (2006). Two alternative geochemical modules used within a reactive transport code - coupling and computing performance investigated for a multi mineral front system. In: P. Gourbesville, J. Cunge, V. Guinot and S.-Y. Liong (Editors), 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics 2006. Research Publishing Services, Singapore, Nice, France, pp. 457-464.
Pfingsten, W., Mibus, J. and Kuechler, R. (2006). Reactive transport codes applied to gypsum dissolution in a laboratory column experiment focusing on the sensitivity of model concepts and data uncertainty. In: M.F.P. Bierkens, H. Gehrels and K. Kovar (Editors), Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: From Uncertainty to Decision Making. IAHS Publ., The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 151-157.
Soler, J. M., B. PARIS, W. Pfingsten and U. Mäder (2004). Flow and reactive transport modeling in the framework of GTS-HPF (Grimsel Test Site - Hyperalkaline Plume in Fractured Rock). Water Rock Interaction WRI-11), Saratoga Springs, NY., pp. 4
Pfingsten, W. (2004). Modelling of Cs, Co and Eu transport within a dipole flow field in a high-pH altered, heterogeneous shear zone. EGU 2004, Nice, Fr, EGU: p. pp. 1.
Mäder, U., Y. Albinsson, J. Eikenberg, S. Ekberg, T. Fierz, B. Frieg, R. Maeder, M. Mazurek, A. Möri, A. E. Milodowski, B. Paris, W. Pfingsten, M. Ruethi, P. Soler and P. Stille (2003). "Hyperalkaline leachate-rock interaction and radionuclide transport in a fractured rock." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (Special Supplement of the 13th Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference Kurashiki, Japan, September 7-12, 2003): accepted for publication (poster and Special Supplement).
Metz, V., W. Pfingsten, J. Lützenkirchen and W. Schuessler (2002). TRePro 2002 - Modelling of Coupled TRansport Reaction Processes. Workshop of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe held at 20th and 21st of March 2002, FZKA, Karlsruhe, Germany, FZKA 6721: pp. 119.
Pfingsten, W. (2002). Modelling cement-rock-water interactions - The influence of boundary conditions. Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Modelling of Coupled Transport Reaction Processes - TRePro2002, Karlsruhe, Germany, FZKA 6721, 69-72.
Pfingsten, W. (2002). The attempt to characterise the hydrogeological properties of a fractured shear zone by modelling of several tracer dipole tests. IAHR Int. Groundwater Symp. on Bridging the Gap between Measurement and Modeling in Heterogeneous Media, Berkeley, CA, IAHR, Paseo Bajo Virgen del Puerto 3, Madrid, Spain: 240-245.
Pfingsten, W. and S. Kislitsin (2002). Radionuclide migration from underground nuclear tests performed at the Lira facility, Kazakhstan - estimations by source term and transport modelling. ModelCARE 2002 : Calibration and reliability in groundwater modelling, Prague, Czech Rep., Univerzita Karlova V Praze Nakladatelstvi Karolinum, Acta Universitatis Carolinae-Geologica,46(2/3):461-466.
Pfingsten, W. and J. Hadermann (2000). Modelling the tritium release from underground nuclear tests performed at Mururoa and Fangataufa - a conservative estimate based on uncertain data. Calibration and reliability in groundwater modelling, ModelCARE'99. F. Stauffer, Kinzelbach, W., K. Kovar, E. Hoehn. Zurich, Switzerland, IAHS 265: 346-352.
Pfingsten, W. and M. Shiotsuki (1998). Modeling a Cement Degradation Experiment by a Hydraulic Transport and Chemical Equilibrium Coupled Code. 21st Int. Symp. on the Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management, Davos, Switzerland, Mat. Res. Soc. 506: 805-812.
Pfingsten, W. and M. Shiotsuki (1997). Modeling the Migration of Radionuclides in the Near-Field of a Cementitious Repository by a Fully Coupled Code Approach. 6th Int. Conf. on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Sendai, Japan, Mat. Res. Soc. 2: 303-304.
Eikenberg, J., W. Pfingsten and A. Fiechtner (1995). A laboratory and model study on HTO soil infiltration and atmospheric re-emission after surface deposition. International Symposium on Tracer Technologies for Hydrological Systems, at the XXI General Assembly of the International-Union-of-Geodesy-and-Geophysics, Bolder, CO, IAHS PUBLICATION 229: 255-262.
Pfingsten, W. and R. Mull (1991). Transport in Fracture Matrix Systems - Laboratory Experiments and Calculated Parameter Studies on Field Scale. Modelling Groundwater Flow and Pollution (Y. Xue and J. Bear Eds.), Nanjing, PR China, Nanjing University Press:
PSI-internal reports
Pfingsten, W. (2013). The influence of inactive cations from waste packages, barrier material and host rock on the migration/sorption of radionuclides in the vicinity of a high level nuclear waste repository exemplified for 59Ni, AN-44-13-01, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI: pp. 52.
Pfingsten, W. and A. Jakob (2011). Benchmark exercise using a single species (COMSOL) and multi-species (MCOTAC) reactive transport model, both accounting for nonlinear sorption processes of Cs on Opalinus clay, AN-44-11-16, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI: pp. 18.
Kosakowski, G., Mäder, U. & W. Pfingsten (2010). Final report of the expert group on the “Implementation of geochemical FEPs in the Integrated Flow Code“. TM-44-10-03, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI: pp. 24.
Pfingsten, W. (2006). MCOTAC Manual 1.0, AN-44-06-09, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI, pp. 33.
Pfingsten, W. (2005). MCOTAC 2005, AN-44-05-07, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI, pp. 24.
Jakob, A., Fanghaenel, T., Geckeis, H., Gimmi, T., Hadermann, J., Kienzler, B., Pfingsten, W. and L. Van Loon, (2005). Migration of radionuclides at Mont Terri (MAMOT): A new long-term research program. AN-44-05-01, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI.
Pfingsten, W., Kulik, D.A., Dmytriyeva, S.V. and Enzmann, F. (2005). First MCOTAC - GEMIPM coupling: Procedure, example calculations, and some performance considerations, AN-44-05-02, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI, pp. 18.
Pfingsten, W. (2004). Estimations of Cs, Co and Eu migration in a heterogeneous, high-pH altered shear zone at Grimsel Test Site compared to that of a non-sorbing dye-tracer (uranine). AN-44-04-10, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, pp.25.
Pfingsten, W. and D. Kulik (2004). Coupled flow, transport and geochemical processes in a heterogeneous repository near-field using high performance computer. AN-44-04-04, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland.
Pfingsten, W. (2002). Modelling of dipole tracer experiments at the Grimsel Test Site to investigate the HPF shear zone AU126 properties with respect of a long-term injection of a high pH fluid, TM-44-02-08, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen: pp. 90.
Pfingsten, W. and S. Kislitsin (2002). Radionuclide migration from underground nuclear tests performed at the Lira facility, Kazakhstan - estimations by source term and transport modelling. TM-44-02-07, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland: pp. 42.
Pfingsten, W. (2000). FRAC3DVS, RANCHMD, PICNIC and MCOTAC code comparison for advective-dispersive- diffusive systems - verification tests and applications. AN-44-00-14, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland, pp. 44.
Hadermann, J. and W. Pfingsten (1998). Source term and geosphere transport calculations for the atolls of Mururoa and Fangataufa. TM-44-98-06, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland: pp. 232
Pfingsten, W. (1998). Late 1998 considerations on mortar M1 column experiments and modelling to investigate the degradation of the most permeable component of a L/ILW repository and implications for the pH plume development. TM-44-98-17, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland: pp. 33.
Further reports
Becker, D.-A., Xiaoshuo, L., Holt, E., Pfingsten, W., Coelho, D., Strusińska-Correia, A. & Göbel, A. (2024). UMAN – Management options for different types of uncertainties and preferences of different actors. Final version as of 22.05.2024 of deliverable D10.19 of the HORIZON 2020 project EURAD. EC Grant agreement no: 847593. EC: 66.
Pfingsten, W. (2024). UMAN - Views of the different actors on the identification, characterization and potential significance of uncertainties on the near-field, Final version as of 16.05.2024 of deliverable D10.18 of the HORIZON 2020 project EURAD. EC Grant agreement no: 847593. EC: 140.
White, M. J., Aihkisalo, T., Bertrand, J., Buchwald, J., Chinesta, F., Cotton, J. C., Graebling, N., Haines, T. J., Hu, G., Kuusela, P., Laikari, A., Manukyan, E., Muñoz, D., Pfingsten, W., Purhonen, A., Schoenball M., Thomas, A. E., Verstricht, J. &Wetter, C. (2024). Advancements in Monitoring Data Management, Modelling and Visualisation. Deliverable D17.6 of the HORIZON 2020 project EURAD. EC Grant agreement no: 847593. EC: 141.
Pfingsten, W., 2008. The influence of competitive sorption processes on radionuclide migration. In: S. Capper (Editor), PSI Scientific Report 2007. Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland, pp. 68-69.
Nussbaum, C., Bossart, P., Graf, A., Metille, J., Oyama, T., Morel, J., Andre, G., Pfingsten, W. and D. Traber (2005). Studies on weathered Opalinus Clay in a 130 year old railway tunnel (Col de la Croix). Mont Terri Project, Technical Note TN 2005-31, St. Ursanne, Switzerland, pp. 67.
Pfingsten, W. and J. Hadermann (1999). PSI contribution to the IAEA study on the radiological situation at the atolls of Mururoa and Fangataufa. Villigen, Switzerland, Paul Scherrer Institut. Annex IV: 79-91.
Pfingsten, W. (1994). Efficient modelling of reactive transport phenomena by multi-species random-walk coupled to chemical equilibrium. Villigen, Switzerland, Paul Scherrer Institut. Annex IV: 81-93.
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