Postdoc positions
Below, you can find a list of open postdoc positions at LMS. For more details, click on the individual projects. Please apply via the PSI job portal.
PhD positions
Below, you can find a list of open PhD positions at LMS. For more details, click on the individual projects. Please apply via the PSI job portal.
Masters projects, dissertations, and industry placements
Students enrolled in a masters programme at a university can complete Masters projects and theses at PSI.
PSI will not provide a stipend during the project; it is expected that you will continue to receive a stipend from your home institution. However, PSI may reimburse expenses (up to 600 CHF/month).
For masters students required to complete industry placements as a part of their degree, it may be possible to complete these projects as an industry placement. This depends on PSI qualifying as an industrial host according to the masters programme in question. (This is the case for SMX masters students from EPFL; for other institutions please check with your course administrators.) In such cases, PSI will pay a salary.
You can find a list of available projects below.
Contact: Edward Linscott
INSPIRE Fellowships
As part of the MARVEL National Centre of Competence in Research, funded fellowships are available for women students to conduct a Master's research thesis at PSI. More details about how to apply can be found on the MARVEL website.