Georgian Order of Honor for Zurab Guguchia

Thomas Prokscha from Laboratory for the Muon Spin Spectroscopy LMU and Head of the LEM Group was invited to serve an additional year as a member of the INTC Committee (ISOLDE and Neutron Time-of-Flight Experiments Committee) at CERN.
The INTC evaluates proposals for experiments on the ISOLDE facility. In addition it reviews the experiments proposed for the neutron time-of-flight facility.

Robert Scheuermann from the Laboratory for Muon Spin Spectroscopy LMU has been nominated chairman of MMS-EEC at TRIUMF for the next three years. The committee is a peer review board constituted of distinguished scientists from all over the globe screening the material science experimental proposals at TRIUMF. The Materials Sciences EEC convenes to hear formal proposals twice a year, and then recommends TRIUMF's Director of its priorities in the allocation of beam time and major facilities.

The president of Georgia - George Margvelashvili - has awarded the Georgian Order of Honor to Zurab Guguchia from the Laboratory for Muon Spectroscopy (LMU) for his work elucidating the microscopic properties of High-Temperature superconductors. Following that the president of Wissol Group in Georgia decided to even name a fellowship after Zurab and give that to outstanding students of the Tbilisi State University. Finally, Zurab also received the 'Tsinandali Award' in exact and natural sciences. The award was established by the former prime minister of Georgia - Zurab Zhvania - in 1999 and aims to encourage young scientists, writers, cinematographic artists etc. This award is very popular and many young scientists from abroad are applying.