The HOTLAB is the sole Swiss laboratory authorized by the safety authorities to handle large quantities of radioactive materials including commercial as well as experimental nuclear fuel and is operated by the Hotlab division AHL. AHL operates a large infrastructure for specimen preparation techniques and the chemical and microstructural characterization of highly radioactive materials.
LNM is the main scientific user of the hotlab and is supporting its operation by own staff (e.g., lab, facility or radiation protection responsibilities). Relevant and significant R&D in the field of spallation and fuel materials or reactor internal ageing is not possible without hotcells and A labs. LNM and AHL have a very close and intense collaboration with many joint R&D projects and facilities and a joint QM system. Furthermore, LNM usually provides the scientific support for the AHL service projects (e.g., PIE of spent fuel or SINQ target) and failure analysis.
LNM is the main scientific user of the hotlab and is supporting its operation by own staff (e.g., lab, facility or radiation protection responsibilities). Relevant and significant R&D in the field of spallation and fuel materials or reactor internal ageing is not possible without hotcells and A labs. LNM and AHL have a very close and intense collaboration with many joint R&D projects and facilities and a joint QM system. Furthermore, LNM usually provides the scientific support for the AHL service projects (e.g., PIE of spent fuel or SINQ target) and failure analysis.