Welcome to Our New Team Members!

Dr. Haohan Zhang

Dr. Haohan Zhang is joining us as a postdoctoral fellow, bringing his expertise to the forefront of our cutting-edge research. She will be focusing on the study of noble gas release from liquid heavy metals, a critical component of the ANSELMUS EU-Horizon 2020 project. Her work aims to advance our understanding of the interactions and behaviors of noble gases within heavy metal systems, contributing to significant advancements in nuclear science and technology.

Elizaveta Artiushova

Elizaveta Artiushova is beginning her PhD project with us, where she will be investigating the removal of Co-60 from the primary cooling loop of nuclear power plants. Her research is crucial for enhancing the safety and efficiency of nuclear reactors by addressing the challenges associated with radioactive contamination in cooling water systems. Elizaveta's innovative approach will help pave the way for more sustainable and safer nuclear energy solutions.

We are excited about the valuable contributions Dr. Zhang and Elizaveta will bring to our team and look forward to supporting their research endeavors.