Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation and Femtochemistry
Dr. Tomas Aidukas
Dr. Andre Al Haddad
Beamline scientist at the Maloja endstation at SwissFEL
Dr. Camila Bacellar Cases da Silveira
Group Leader of the Alvra Group
Loïc Lucien Cédric Bassement
Dr. Emma Victoria Beale
Biochemistry Specialist at SwissFEL
Mario Birri
Dr. András Bödi
Group Leader
Aryabhatta Borah
Dr. Camelia Nicoleta Borca
Beamline scientist
Prof. Dr. Christoph Bostedt
Head of Laboratory
Dr. Aram Bugaev
Jovanni Cabana
Dr. Claudio Cirelli
Beamline scientist at Alvra
Dr. Adam Hugh Clark
Dr. Florian Dworkowski
Beamline Scientist
Dr. Dario Ferreira Sanchez
Senior scientist
Christophe Frieh
Dardan Gashi
SwissFEL technician
Dr. Daniel Grolimund
Group Leader
Zhaoheng Guo
Dr. Patrick Hemberger
Beamline scientist
Stephan Hitz
Beamline Engineer
Dr. Thomas Huthwelker
Group Leader, Senior Scientist
Max Jückstock
Michael Alexander Kaufmann
Dr. Gregor Knopp
Senior Scientist
Dr. Jonas Knurr
Dr. Suddhasattwa Mandal
PSI-FELLOW board member
Eloisa Florence Manetti
Beat Meyer
Dr. Vladimir Ovuka
Dr. Antoine Sarracini
Dr. Kirsten Andrea Schnorr
Dr. Boris Sorokin
Simon Christian Tiefenbacher
Reto Wetter
Ningchen Yang
Hankai Zhang
Matrixed from ENE Division, In-situ X-ray Spectroscopy group
Abhimanyu Bharade
Cheshta Chopra
Dr. Nina Sharmen Genz
Prof. Dr. Maarten Nachtegaal
Group Leader
Sumant Phadke
PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Safonova and Prof. Copéret (ETH Zurich)
Dr. Olga Safonova
Dr. Grigory Smolentsev
Chunlin Yuan
Seline Ziegler