Dr. Kirsten Andrea Schnorr

Photo of Kirsten Schnorr
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI

Kirsten Schnorr received her PhD in physics in 2014 from Ruprecht Karl University Heidelberg on XUV Pump-Probe Experiments on Electron Rearrangement and Interatomic Coulombic Decay in Diatomic Molecules under PD Dr .Robert Moshammer at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics. In 2015 she was awarded a Peter Paul Ewald Fellowship from the Volkswagen Foundation for studying non-linear relaxation processes in real time, which she carried out in the Physical Chemistry Department at University of California Berkeley in the group of Prof. Dr. Stephen Leone.

Since 2018, Kirsten has joined the SwissFEL team to work on a new endstation for atomic, molecular and non-linear physics, the Maloja instrument. She was responsible for designing, building and bringing the endstation into operation.

Kirsten is interested in atomic, molecular and nonlinear science with XUV and X-ray radiation. Specifically, she studies photo-induced ultrafast relaxation mechanisms in atoms, molecules and nanoparticles by performing time-resolved experiments at Free-Electron Lasers and High Harmonic Generation sources. One of her main research interests is to understand and steer non-local relaxation processes, like Interatomic Coulombic Decay and Electron Mediated Decay, by exploiting the multi color pump-probe schemes with ultrashort X-ray pulses. 

For an extensive overview we kindly refer you to one of the following publication repositories Google Scholar, ORCID and DORA.


  • Kittel C, Sarracini A, Augustin S, Yang N, Al Haddad A, Ferrari E, et al.
    Demonstration of full polarization control of soft X-ray pulses with Apple X undulators at SwissFEL using recoil ion momentum spectroscopy
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 2024; 31(Pt 5): 1134-1145. https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600577524006325
  • Wang G, Dijkstal P, Reiche S, Schnorr K, Prat E
    Millijoule femtosecond X-ray pulses from an efficient fresh-slice multistage free-electron laser
    Physical Review Letters. 2024; 132(3): 035002 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.035002
  • Pradervand C, Rosenberg C, Eckerlin H-J, Schnorr K, Al Haddad A, Wiegand P, et al.
    A compact gas attenuator for the SwissFEL ATHOS beamline realized using additive manufacturing
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 2023; 30(4): 717-722. https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600577523004241
  • Prat E, Al Haddad A, Arrell C, Augustin S, Boll M, Bostedt C, et al.
    An X-ray free-electron laser with a highly configurable undulator and integrated chicanes for tailored pulse properties
    Nature Communications. 2023; 14: 5069 (11 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-40759-z
  • Schnorr K, Belina M, Augustin S, Lindenblatt H, Liu Y, Meister S, et al.
    Direct tracking of ultrafast proton transfer in water dimers
    Science Advances. 2023; 9(28): eadg7864 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.adg7864
  • Hinger V, al Haddad A, Barten R, Bergamaschi A, Brückner M, Carulla M, et al.
    Advancing the JUNGFRAU detector toward low-energy X-ray applications
    Journal of Instrumentation. 2022; 17(9): C09027 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/17/09/C09027
  • Prat E, Dijkstal P, Ferrari E, Ganter R, Juranić P, Malyzhenkov A, et al.
    Widely tunable two-color x-ray free-electron laser pulses
    Physical Review Research. 2022; 4(2): L022025 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.L022025
  • Sun Z, Al Haddad A, Augustin S, Knopp G, Knurr J, Schnorr K, et al.
    Ultrafast single-particle imaging with intense X-ray pulses
    Chimia. 2022; 76(6): 529-537. https://doi.org/10.2533/chimia.2022.529
  • Meister S, Bondy A, Schnorr K, Augustin S, Lindenblatt H, Trost F, et al.
    Linear dichroism in few-photon ionization of laser-dressed helium
    European Physical Journal D: Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics. 2021; 75(7): 205 (11 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1140/epjd/s10053-021-00218-0
  • Rebholz M, Ding T, Despré V, Aufleger L, Hartmann M, Meyer K, et al.
    All-XUV pump-probe transient absorption spectroscopy of the structural molecular dynamics of di-iodomethane
    Physical Review X. 2021; 11(3): 031001 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.031001
  • Cheng Y-C, Oostenrijk B, Lahl J, Maclot S, Augustin S, Schmid G, et al.
    Imaging multiphoton ionization dynamics of CH3I at a high repetition rate XUV free-electron laser
    Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 2020; 54(1): 014001 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6455/abc6bc
  • Meister S, Lindenblatt H, Trost F, Schnorr K, Augustin S, Braune M, et al.
    Atomic, molecular and cluster science with the reaction microscope endstation at FLASH2
    Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(8): 2953 (11 pp.). https://doi.org/10.3390/APP10082953
  • Meister S, Bondy A, Schnorr K, Augustin S, Lindenblatt H, Trost F, et al.
    Photoelectron spectroscopy of laser-dressed atomic helium
    Physical Review A. 2020; 102(6): 062809 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.102.062809
  • Menzi S, Knopp G, Al Haddad A, Augustin S, Borca C, Gashi D, et al.
    Generation and simple characterization of flat, liquid jets
    Review of Scientific Instruments. 2020; 91(10): 105109 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0007228
  • Abela R, Alarcon A, Alex J, Arrell C, Arsov V, Bettoni S, et al.
    The SwissFEL soft X-ray free-electron laser beamline: Athos
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 2019; 26(4): 1073-1084. https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600577519003928
  • Ganter R, Aeppli G, Alex J, Al Haddad A, Arrell C, Arsov V, et al.
    Status of Athos, the soft X-ray FEL line of SwissFEL
    In: Decking W, Sinn H, Geloni G, Schreiber S, Marx M, Schaa VRW, eds. 39th international free-electron laser conference. FEL2019. Proceedings. Vol. 39. Free electron laser conference. Geneva: JACoW Publishing; 2019:753-756. https://doi.org/10.18429/JACoW-FEL2019-THP085
  • Schmid G, Schnorr K, Augustin S, Meister S, Lindenblatt H, Trost F, et al.
    Reaction microscope endstation at FLASH2
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 2019; 26(3): 854-867. https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600577519002236
  • Schmid G, Schnorr K, Augustin S, Meister S, Lindenblatt H, Trost F, et al.
    Terahertz-field-induced time shifts in atomic photoemission
    Physical Review Letters. 2019; 122(7): 073001 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.073001
  • Schmid G, Schnorr K, Augustin S, Meister S, Lindenblatt H, Trost F, et al.
    Tracing charge transfer in argon dimers by XUV-pump IR-probe experiments at FLASH
    Journal of Chemical Physics. 2019; 151(8): 084314 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5116234
  • Bhattacherjee A, Schnorr K, Oesterling S, Yang Z, Xue T, de Vivie-Riedle R, et al.
    Photoinduced heterocyclic ring opening of furfural: distinct open-chain product identification by ultrafast X-ray transient absorption spectroscopy
    Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2018; 140(39): 12538-12544. https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.8b07155
  • Yang Z, Schnorr K, Bhattacherjee A, Lefebvre PL, Epshtein M, Xue T, et al.
    Electron-withdrawing effects in the photodissociation of CH2ICl to form CH2Cl radical, simultaneously viewed through the carbon K and chlorine L2,3 X-ray edges
    Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2018; 140(41): 13360-13366. https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.8b08303