Dr Lea Caminada, a researcher in the High-Energy Particle Physics group of the Laboratory for Particle Physics (LTP) in NUM, has been awarded a Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship. Together with the High-Energy Particle Physics group Lea is working for the CMS experiment at the LHC facility at CERN. Her research proposal consists of two parts. In the first one she proposes to investigate the decay of the Higgs boson into charm quarks, which will enable a deeper understanding of it's nature. The second part focuses on the further development of silicon pixel detectors, a speciality of the group at PSI. Lea obtained her PhD in 2010 at the ETH in Zurich. After a 4 year postdoc at LBNL in Berkeley she moved to the University of Zurich in 2014. Since 2016 she has been holding a joint scientist position at PSI and University of Zurich.