Search for the lepton-flavour violating decay
$\mu^+ \to e^+ e^+ e^-$
The Mu3e experiment is a new search for the lepton-flavour violating decay of a positive muon into two positrons and one electron. See here for a an overview of the experiment.
Current news
Collaboration Meeting in Wengen
The Mu3e collaboration met in Wengen for four days of intensive discussion of recent progress, detector construction and installation as well as plans for the coming months.
Marius Köppel defends his thesis on the Mu3e Data Acqusistion System
Marius Köppel has defended his PhD on the data acquisition system for Mu3e at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
Ian Shipsey
The Mu3e collaboration is deeply saddened to by the loss of our colleague and friend Professor Ian Shipsey, Head of Department of Physics in Oxford and co-lead of the Oxford Mu3e group.
Collaboration Server
(restricted access)