PSI Center for Neutron and Muon Sciences

The PSI Center for Neutron and Muon Sciences uses neutrons and muons to explore and understand matter and materials.

Alshemi et al

Two Characteristic Contributions to the Superconducting State of 2H-NbSe2

Multiband superconductivity arises when multiple electronic bands contribute to the formation of the superconducting state, allowing distinct pairing interactions and gap structures. Here, we present field- and temperature-dependent data  ...

Andriushin et al

Observation of the spiral spin liquid in a triangular-lattice material

The spiral spin liquid (SSL) is a highly degenerate state characterized by a continuous contour or surface in reciprocal space spanned by a spiral propagation vector. Although the SSL state has been predicted in a number of various theoretical models, very few materials are so far experimentally identified to host such a state. Via combined single-crystal wide-angle and small-angle neutron scattering, we report observation  ...

Khasanov et al

Pressure-enhanced splitting of density wave transitions in La3Ni2O7–δ

The observation of superconductivity in La3Ni2O7–δ under pressure, following the suppression of a high-temperature density wave state, has attracted considerable attention. The nature of this density wave order was not clearly identified. Here we probe the magnetic response of the zero-pressure phase of La3Ni2O7–δ as hydrostatic pressure is applied, and find that the apparent single density wave transition at zero applied pressure splits into two. The comparison of our muon-spin rotation ...

Angst et al

Outstanding Paper Award

A recent paper by the "Applied Materials Group" of the LNS and their coworkers received the "Outstanding Paper Award" of the journal "Materials and Structures".

Maimone et al

Spin-orbit control of antiferromagnetic domains without a Zeeman coupling

Encoding information in antiferromagnetic (AFM) domains is a promising solution for the ever growing demand in magnetic storage capacity. The absence of a macroscopic magnetization avoids crosstalk between different domain states, enabling ultrahigh density spintronics while being detrimental to the domain detection and manipulation. Disentangling these merits and disadvantages seemed so far unattainable. We report evidence ...

Kurumaji et al

Electronic Commensuration of a Spin Moiré Superlattice in a Layered Magnetic Semimetal

Spin moiré superlattices (SMSs) formed by interfacing conventional electronic states with a multi-q magnetic lattice have been proposed as a magnetic analog of crystallographic moiré systems. The electron-minibands created in an SMS are expected to be enriched by the vector-field nature of the magnetic interaction and offer new types of moiré tunability, topological protection, and Berry curvature effects. However, most spin-vortex-hosting systems discovered to date have carrier mean free paths lmfp significantly shorter than their spin-moiré lattice constant aspin, inhibiting mini-band-formation. Furthermore ...

  • A. A, Kalal S, Saravanan K, Ojha S, Stahn J, Gupta M
    Study of structural and magnetic properties of Pd-doped Co4N thin films
    Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. 2025; 38(1): 17 (7 pp.).
  • Agarwal M, Zika A, Yücel M, Schweins R, Kohlbrecher J, Gröhn F
    The role of light irradiation and dendrimer generation in directing electrostatic self-assembly
    Polymers. 2025; 17(2): 170 (27 pp.).
  • Alshemi A, Forgan E M, Hiess A, Cubitt R, White J S, Schmalzl K, et al.
    Two characteristic contributions to the superconducting state of 2H−NbSe2
    Physical Review Letters. 2025; 134: 116001 (8 pp.).


The CNM center hosts 300 members of staff, in addition 40 PhD students perform their thesis work within CNM


The center is organized in 5 laboratories and 1 staff group.


CNM operates 3 of the 5 large scale user facilities: the Swiss spallation neutron source SINQ, the Swiss Muon Source SμS and the facilities for particle physics CHIRSP with approximately 30 experimental stations open for users.


The facilities in the CNM center are open to international access — with approximately 1700 annual user visits the associated user program is a key activity for the center and for PSI as a whole.

Postal address
Paul Scherrer Institut
Center for Neutron and Muon Sciences CNM

5232 Villigen PSI