Emergence of Nontrivial Low-Energy Dirac Fermions in Antiferromagnet EuCd2As2

Figure: Crystal structure, schematic and the observation of magnetic Dirac cones in EuCd2As2. The right part shows the colorful novel states which can be generated from this magnetic topological material.

When magnetism meets topology, colorful novel states can emerge in condensed matter. It is widely believed that parity-time symmetry plays an essential role for the formation of Dirac states in Dirac semimetals. So far, all of the experimentally identified topological nontrivial Dirac semimetals possess both parity and time reversal symmetry. Since the magnetism will break time-reversal symmetry, only in special cases the Dirac states can be protected in a magnetic system. Thus, the realization of magnetic topological Dirac materials remains a major issue in the research of topological physics. In this work, the authors ascertained that the ground state of EuCd2As2 is a good candidate for magnetic topological Dirac semimetal when the spins point in the out-of-plane direction in the A-type antiferromagnetic phase. The Dirac state is protected by the combination of parity-time symmetry with additional translation operation. Moreover, when the spins deviate from out-of-plane direction, the bulk Dirac cone will open a gap, and the system develops into a novel state containing axion insulator, antiferromagnetic topological crystalline insulator, and higher order topological insulator.


Dr Junzhang Ma
Spectroscopy of Novel Materials Group
Paul Scherrer Institute, Forschungsstrasse 111, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 56 310 51 41
E-mail: junzhang.ma@psi.ch

Original Publication

Emergence of Nontrivial Low‐Energy Dirac Fermions in Antiferromagnetic EuCd2As2
J. Ma,  H. Wang,  S. Nie, C. Yi,  Y. Xu,  H. Li,  J. Jandke,  W. Wulfhekel, Y. Huang, D. West, P. Richard,  A. Chikina, V. N. Strocov, J. Mesot, H. Weng, S. Zhang, Y. Shi,  T. Qian, M. Shi, H. Ding
Advanced Materials 2020, 1907565 – Published 24 February 2020
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201907565