
Safety Training Course

Every person accessing a PSI beam area needs to complete an online safety training before coming to PSI. The training is integrated into the badge application procedure via the DUO system and needs to be completed every 2 years. More details can be found at the PSI User Office Safety page.

Safety Declaration Form

Certain safety regulations are in effect at PSI. As a part of that, a safety training at the beginning of the beam time for each experiment has to be done by the spokesperson(s) before the experiment is allowed to be started. This training is in addition to the above described safety training course and covers more specific aspects of each experiment. It is usually done together with the respective area coordinator and PSI contact person for the experiment. It includes an inspection of the area and a review of PSI safety instructions. Then the spokesperson has to fill out a safety declaration form, pass the safety training to all collaborators in the experiment, and collect their signatures in the safety declaration form. The completed form then has to be given to the PSI contact person.

For further information please visit the PSI User Office Safety page.