Secondary beam lines at PSI

View of the PSI experimental hall with the secondary beam lines for pions and muons.

PSI provides beam time for particle physics and other experiments. Its unique specialty is very high intensity pion and muon beams of momenta up to a few hundred MeV/c as well as ultracold neutrons. The secondary beam lines are maintained jointly by the Laboratory for Particle Physics, the Division of Large Research Facilities and the Spallation Source Operation Group.

Following Secondary Beam Lines are available for nuclear and particle physics experiments.

Pions, Muons

AreaTargetMomentumMomentum Resolution % FHWMParticle Typemax. π flux 1/s
πE1E10-500 MeV/c0.26Pions, Muons1 x 1010
πE5E20-120 MeV/c2Pions, Muons2 x 1010
πM1M100-500 MeV/c0.1Pions, Protons4 x 108

Ultracold Neutrons

AreaEnergy Particle TypeNumber of UCN
West-1> 50 neVNeutrons~50 x 106 / 300 s
West-2> 100 neVNeutrons~4 x 106 / 300 s
South> 50 neVNeutrons~50 x 106 / 300 s