Update of useful HRPT commands
Commands to use in the xbu-scripts, which are used to run the experiments (txt file)
Best practice example 1 of xbu-scripts (pdf file), (txt file)
Good practice example 2 of xbu-scripts (pdf file), (txt file)
Good practice example 3 of xbu-scripts (pdf file), (txt file)
New SICS logging system (since 2016)
SICS documentation search. Type in the command or part of the command you are looking for.
SICS: exe manager
SICS: counterbox
The HRPT essentials. A bit obsolete with respect to HRPT control (pdf)
tcl 8.4 manual
SICS: SINQ Instrument Control Software
Slides from the SICS Users Meeting 2005
`fit' program: To fit and/or calibrate the raw data and convert them to HRPT-format (by M.Zolliker)
LNS Unix Basics manual
Some technical info (mainly for instrument scientists)
Calibration procedure (TBD)