Beamline Status

The MS beamline has undergone in 2010 a comprehensive upgrade. The wiggler has been replaced by a shortperiod (14 mm) in-vacuum, cryogenically cooled, permanent-magnet undulator, (CPMU, U14), while the front end and optics have been completely redesigned to optimally exploit the characteristics of the U14 source. In addition to providing fundamental improvements to both powder and SXRD experiments. The upgrade should allow new experimental setups previously excluded to the beamline. We welcome applications for beamtime as for the normal non PX schedule. Read the MS upgrade newsletter
Status optics and monochromatorOK Upgraded for undulator radiation
Status sample and environmentOK Robot for rapid and automatic sample exchange at PD commissioned and in operation.
Status endstations and detectorsOK Mythen II microstrip detector at PD commissioned and fully integrated into PD station.
Status analysis toolsOK  

| Status operation | OK | Upgrade to undulator beamline completed.
