User Information

For detailed user information please refer to PSI User Office.
  • Beamtime is available through proposals. Please contact the beamline to discuss the feasibility of your experiments.
  • Beamtime is available for proprietary experiments, in particular for high-resolution characterization of photoresists developed for EUV lithography.
Proposers interested in an experiment at this beamline are asked to contact a staff member prior to submitting a proposal.

Proposals have to be submitted using the SLS Digital Users Office (DUO).

Important deadlines for proposal submissions can be found in detail at SLS Proposal Calls.
Beamlines Call schedule (non-PX)
Experimental Period 2019-II 2020-I
Call 2019/02/08 2019/08/08
Submission deadline 2019/03/15 2019/09/15
Start period 2019/07/01 2020/01/01
End period, Normal/Test/Pilot 2019/12/31 2020/06/30
EVALUATION closed closed
You can access the current XIL schedule in the SLS Operation Calendar.