The μSR Facility at PSI maintains different kinds of archive of the data collected on the Facility instruments.
Note that this is not intended to exempt the users from maintaining their own data archives.
It is firm PSI policy that all users must make their own backup copies of data they have taken at PSI and that they are responsible for the storage of these data.
For this purpose, data files can be retrieved from either the AFS file system or the μSR ftp server.
A new utility to search for specific data files
is now available (written by Z. Salman, and
completed by A. Raselli)
μSR data in the AFS file system
The AFS file system at PSI contains the data of the present year. Also some data from previous years can be obtained from the AFS file system.
These data can be retrived either from all Unix/Linux machines at PSI or world-wide by using an appropriate AFS client.
The data are saved in the directory:
The temperature monitor files are copied and the end of each day also in the AFS file system, as well as the "tlog" files (monitor files for individual runs)
These data can be retrived either from all Unix/Linux machines at PSI or world-wide by using an appropriate AFS client.
The data are saved in the directory:
represents the instrument.
The temperature monitor files are copied and the end of each day also in the AFS file system, as well as the "tlog" files (monitor files for individual runs)
and /afs/
μSR data in the ftp-server
Since 2002, a ftp-server containing all the known PSI μSR-data is
A common account is available for all users:
A common account is available for all users:
- ftp server:
- account name :
- the password can be obtained from your instrument scientist
The ftp server can be accessed:
Temperature log files (i.e. temperature log recorded during a specific run) are obtained in the directories:
(see the definitions of YYYY and __aaaa __just above).
Temperature monitor files (i.e. temperature log grouped for an entire day) are obtained in the directories:
/data/YYYY/aaaa/mon/ (see the definitions of YYYY and __aaaa __just above). Lists (sorted or not) of the runs saved for a spefific year can be found in the directory __ /list/__
- either directly by a ftp client (for example use the command ftp from Unix) by specifying the ftp name, account and password. For example: ftp . You will be prompted
- or directly from a browser by typing the following address: ftp://musrr:******
where ****** represents the password
)where: - YYYY represents the year
- aaaa represents the area i.e. either ltf, pim3 (for GPS), mue1, mue4 and pie3
- and NNNN is the number of the first run in the directory
Temperature log files (i.e. temperature log recorded during a specific run) are obtained in the directories:
(see the definitions of YYYY and __aaaa __just above).
Temperature monitor files (i.e. temperature log grouped for an entire day) are obtained in the directories:
/data/YYYY/aaaa/mon/ (see the definitions of YYYY and __aaaa __just above). Lists (sorted or not) of the runs saved for a spefific year can be found in the directory __ /list/__
All the files are zipped individually.
Use your favorite unzip software to unzip the requested files. The muSR-data zip-files contain the data files with the extension ".bin" (binary format with 512 bytes/record).
The monitor-files contain the monitor files with the extension".mon" (ASCII format).
-- Main.AlexAmato - 20 Sep 2013
Use your favorite unzip software to unzip the requested files. The muSR-data zip-files contain the data files with the extension ".bin" (binary format with 512 bytes/record).
The monitor-files contain the monitor files with the extension".mon" (ASCII format).
-- Main.AlexAmato - 20 Sep 2013