SμS Publications


  • Gomilšek M, Hicken T J, Wilson M N, Franke K J A, Huddart B M, Štefančič A, et al.
    Anisotropic skyrmion and multi-q spin dynamics in centrosymmetric Gd2⁢PdSi3
    Physical Review Letters. 2025; 134(4): 046702 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.046702
  • Huddart BM, Hernández-Melián A, Wood GDA, Mayoh DA, Gomilšek M, Guguchia Z, et al.
    Field-orientation-dependent magnetic phases in GdRu2Si2 probed with muon-spin spectroscopy
    Physical Review B. 2025; 111(5): 054440 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.111.054440
  • Isah MM, Sorace L, Lascialfari A, Arosio P, Salman Z, Nogueira AM, et al.
    u⁢SR evidence of a marked exchange-interaction effect on the local spin dynamics of Tb-based molecular nanomagnets
    Physical Review B. 2025; 111: 014444 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.111.014444
  • Khasanov R, Hicken TJ, Gawryluk DJ, Sazgari V, Plokhikh I, Sorel LP, et al.
    Pressure-enhanced splitting of density wave transitions in La3Ni2O7–δ
    Nature Physics. 2025: 6003 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-024-02754-z
  • Quérel E, Biswas S, Heiss MW, Gerchow L, Wang Q, Asakura R, et al.
    Overcoming the probing-depth dilemma in spectroscopic analyses of batteries with muon-induced X-ray emission (MIXE)
    Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2025; 13(3): 2275 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1039/d4ta05112b
  • Shang T, Xu Y, Gao S, Yang R, Shiroka T, Shi M
    Experimental progress in Eu(Al,Ga)4topological antiferromagnets
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2025; 37(1): 013002 (32 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-648X/ad7ac0
  • Vaidya S, Curley SPM, Manuel P, Ross Stewart J, Duc Le M, Balz C, et al.
    Magnetic properties of a staggered S = 1 chain with an alternating single-ion anisotropy direction
    Physical Review B. 2025; 111: 014421 (11 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.111.014421


  • Amato A, Morenzoni E
    Introduction to muon spin spectroscopy. Applications to solid state and material sciences
    Cham: Springer; 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-44959-8
  • Asaduzzaman M, McFadden RML, Valente-Feliciano A-M, Beverstock DR, Suter A, Salman Z, et al.
    Evidence for current suppression in superconductor-superconductor bilayers
    Superconductor Science and Technology. 2024; 37(2): 025002 (13 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6668/ad1462
  • Asmara TC, Green RJ, Suter A, Wei Y, Zhang W, Knez D, et al.
    Emergence of interfacial magnetism in strongly‐correlated nickelate‐titanate superlattices
    Advanced Materials. 2024; 36(38): 2310668 (14 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202310668
  • Bonfà P, Onuorah IJ, Lang F, Timrov I, Monacelli L, Wang C, et al.
    Magnetostriction-driven muon localization in an antiferromagnetic oxide
    Physical Review Letters. 2024; 132(4): 046701 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.046701
  • Dalmas De Réotier P, Yaouanc A, Andreica D, Gupta R, Khasanov R, Lapertot G
    Origin of the suppression of magnetic order in MnSi under hydrostatic pressure
    Physical Review Letters. 2024; 133(23): 236502 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.236502
  • Dalmas de Réotier P, Yaouanc A, Lapertot G, Wang C, Amato A, Andreica D
    Experimental determination of the spin Hamiltonian of the cubic chiral magnet MnSi
    Physical Review B. 2024; 109(2): L020408 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.L020408
  • Graham JN, Mielke III C, Das D, Morresi T, Sazgari V, Suter A, et al.
    Depth-dependent study of time-reversal symmetry-breaking in the kagome superconductor AV3Sb5
    Nature Communications. 2024; 15(1): 8978 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-52688-6
  • Guguchia Z, Das D, Simutis G, Adachi T, Küspert J, Kitajima N, et al.
    Designing the stripe-ordered cuprate phase diagram through uniaxial-stress
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America PNAS. 2024; 121(1): e2303423120 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2303423120
  • Gupta R, Witteveen C, Das D, Von Rohr FO, Khasanov R
    Type-II superconductivity in the Dirac semimetal PdTe2
    Physical Review B. 2024; 109(13): 134507 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.134507
  • Hicken TJ, Wilson MN, Salman Z, Zhang SL, Holt SJR, Prokscha T, et al.
    Depth-dependent magnetic crossover in a room-temperature skyrmion-hosting multilayer
    Physical Review B. 2024; 109(13): 134423 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.134423
  • Holm-Dahlin S, Larsen J, Jacobsen H, Rømer AT, Ţuţueanu AE, Ahmad M, et al.
    Field-induced electronic phase separation in the high-temperature superconductor La1.94Sr0.06CuO4+y
    Physical Review B. 2024; 109(17): 174517 (13 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.174517
  • Huangfu S, Austin AC, Guguchia Z, Fjellvåg ØS, Knorpp AJ, Luetkens H, et al.
    Tuneable short-range antiferromagnetic correlation in Fe-containing entropy stabilized oxides
    Inorganic Chemistry. 2024; 63(1): 247-255. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c03028
  • Ishant I, Shiroka T, Stockert O, Fritsch V, Majumder M
    Frustration-induced quantum criticality in Ni-doped CePdAl as revealed by the μ SR technique
    Physical Review Research. 2024; 6(2): 023112 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.023112
  • Janka G, Mendes Martins M, Ni X, Salman Z, Suter A, Prokscha T
    Improving the beam quality of the low-energy muon beamline at Paul Scherrer Institute: characterization of ultrathin carbon foils
    Physical Review Accelerators and Beams. 2024; 27(5): 054501 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.27.054501
  • Junginger T, Laxdal R, MacFarlane WA, Suter A
    SRF material research using muon spin rotation and beta-detected nuclear magnetic resonance
    Frontiers in Electronic Materials. 2024; 4: 1346235 (18 pp.). https://doi.org/10.3389/femat.2024.1346235
  • Kane M, Balakrishnan PP, Köksal O, Holtz M, Suter A, Fitzsimmons MR, et al.
    Evidence of antiferromagnetism in ultrathin metallic (111)-oriented LaNiO3 films
    Physical Review Materials. 2024; 8(12): 124406 (11 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.8.124406
  • Keßler P, Garcia-Gassull L, Suter A, Prokscha T, Salman Z, Khalyavin D, et al.
    Absence of magnetic order in RuO2: insights from μSR spectroscopy and neutron diffraction
    npj Spintronics. 2024; 2(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s44306-024-00055-y
  • Khasanov R, Ummarino GA
    Pressure weakens coupling strength in In and Sn elemental superconductors
    Physical Review B. 2024; 110(21): 214515 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.110.214515
  • Khasanov R, Ruan BB, Shi YQ, Chen GF, Luetkens H, Ren ZA, et al.
    Tuning of the flat band and its impact on superconductivity in Mo5Si3−xPx
    Nature Communications. 2024; 15: 2197 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-46514-2
  • Kiaba M, Suter A, Salman Z, Prokscha T, Chen B, Koster G, et al.
    Observation of Mermin-Wagner behavior in LaFeO3/SrTiO3 superlattices
    Nature Communications. 2024; 15: 5313 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-49518-0
  • Kumar P, Martins MIM, Bathen ME, Prokscha T, Grossner U
    Al-implantation induced damage in 4H-SiC
    Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 2024; 174: 108241 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mssp.2024.108241
  • Kumar P, Bathen ME, Martins MIM, Prokscha T, Grossner U
    Electrically active defects induced by thermal oxidation and post-oxidation annealing of n-type 4H-SiC
    Journal of Applied Physics. 2024; 135(18): 185704 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0205965
  • McKenzie I, Karner VL, Scheuermann R
    Analysis of avoided level crossing muon spin resonance spectra of muoniated radicals in anisotropic environments: estimation of muon dipolar hyperfine parameters for lorentzian-like Δ1 resonances
    Quantum Beam Science. 2024; 8(2): 15 (12 pp.). https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs8020015
  • Mielke C, Das D, Spring J, Nakamura H, Shin S, Liu H, et al.
    Microscopic study of the impurity effect in the kagome superconductor La(Ru1-xFex)3Si2
    Physical Review B. 2024; 109(13): 134501 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.134501
  • Mizuno R, Niikura M, Saito TY, Matsuzaki T, Sakurai H, Amato A, et al.
    Development of wide range photon detection system for muonic X-ray spectroscopy
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2024; 1060: 169029 (14 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2023.169029
  • Nagl J, Flavián D, Hayashida S, Povarov KY, Yan M, Murai N, et al.
    Excitation spectrum and spin Hamiltonian of the frustrated quantum Ising magnet Pr3BWO9
    Physical Review Research. 2024; 6(2): 023267 (18 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.023267
  • Pachmayr U, Rendenbach B, Lammer N, Kamusella S, Klauss HH, Holenstein S, et al.
    Water encapsulated [(Fe4Se4)Se4]6- clusters in [Na6(H2O)18][Fe4Se8]
    Inorganic Chemistry. 2024; 63(50): 23907-23913. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c04176
  • Rahn MC, Wilson MN, Hicken TJ, Pratt FL, Wang C, Orlandi F, et al.
    Magnetism in the axion insulator candidate Eu5In2Sb6
    Physical Review B. 2024; 109(17): 174404 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.174404
  • Riccioli R, Calzolaio C, Gabard A, Kettle PR, Kiselev D, Knecht A, et al.
    Magnet design for the high-intensity muon beams project (HIMB) at PSI's accelerator complex HIPA
    IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 2024; 34(5): 4004305 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1109/TASC.2024.3351625
  • Ruiz Bustos R, van Duijn J, Lamura G, Manuel P, Sanna S
    Magnetic ordering in the frustrated pyrochlore Yb2Ru2O7
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2024; 1008: 176661 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2024.176661
  • Sadrollahi E, Litterst FJ, Prodan L, Tsurkan V, Loidl A
    Magnetism of CuC⁢r2X4 (X=S and Se) spinels studied with muon spin rotation and relaxation
    Physical Review B. 2024; 110(5): 054439 (11 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.110.054439
  • Sahoo M, Onuorah IJ, Folkers LC, Kochetkova E, Chulkov EV, Otrokov MM, et al.
    Ubiquitous order‐disorder transition in the Mn antisite sublattice of the (MnBi2Te4)(Bi2Te3)n magnetic topological insulators
    Advanced Science. 2024; 11(34): 2402753 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.202402753
  • Shang T, Wang Y, Yu B, Xia K, Gawryluk DJ, Xu Y, et al.
    Nodeless superconductivity and topological nodal states in molybdenum carbide
    Physical Review B. 2024; 110(6): 064510 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.110.064510
  • Shang T, Svanidze E, Shiroka T
    Probing the superconducting pairing of the La4Be33Pt16 alloy via muon-spin spectroscopy
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2024; 36(10): 105601 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-648X/ad0e93
  • Wang Y, Zhen Z, Meng J, Plokhikh I, Wu D, Gawryluk DJ, et al.
    Spin order and dynamics in the topological rare-earth germanide semimetals
    Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy. 2024; 67(10): 107512 (15 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11433-024-2438-9
  • Weinhold T, Wang C, Seewald F, Grinenko V, Imai Y, Sato F, et al.
    Magnetism in the Kitaev quantum spin liquid candidate RuBr3
    Physical Review B. 2024; 109(1): 014440 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.014440
  • Wu Q, Fu Y, Wang L, Zhou X, Wang S, Zhu Z, et al.
    Microscopic magnetism of nickel-based infinite-layer superconducting parent compounds RNiO2 (R = La, Nd): a μSR study
    Chinese Physics Letters. 2024; 41(9): 097502 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1088/0256-307X/41/9/097502
  • Yi H, Zhao Y-F, Chan Y-T, Cai J, Mei R, Wu X, et al.
    Interface-induced superconductivity in magnetic topological insulators
    Science. 2024; 383(6683): 634-639. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.adk1270
  • Yuan W, Yan ZJ, Yi H, Wang Z, Paolini S, Zhao YF, et al.
    Coexistence of superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in topological magnet MnBi2Te4 films
    Nano Letters. 2024; 24(26): 7962-7971. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c01407


  • Ajeesh MO, Materne P, dos Reis RD, Weber K, Dengre S, Sarkar R, et al.
    Interplay of structure and magnetism in LuFe4Ge2 tuned by hydrostatic pressure
    Physical Review B. 2023; 107(12): 125136 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.107.125136
  • Alberto HV, Vilão RC, Ribeiro EFM, Gil JM, Curado MA, Teixeira JP, et al.
    Low energy muon study of the p-n interface in chalcopyrite solar cells
    In: The 15th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 2462. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2023:012047 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2462/1/012047
  • Anand VK, Adroja DT, Ritter C, Das D, Nair HS, Bhattacharyya A, et al.
    Magnetic structure and crystal field states of Pr2Pd3Ge5: μsR and neutron scattering investigations
    Physical Review B. 2023; 107(10): 104412 (12 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.107.104412
  • Biswas S, Megatli-Niebel I, Raselli L, Simke R, Cocolios TE, Deokar N, et al.
    The non-destructive investigation of a late antique knob bow fibula (Bügelknopffibel) from Kaiseraugst/CH using Muon Induced X-ray Emission (MIXE)
    Heritage Science. 2023; 11: 43 (17 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40494-023-00880-0
  • Brahlek M, Mazza AR, Annaberdiyev A, Chilcote M, Rimal G, Halász GB, et al.
    Emergent magnetism with continuous control in the ultrahigh-conductivity layered oxide PdCoO2
    Nano Letters. 2023; 23(16): 7279-7287. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c01065
  • Chatterjee D, Puphal P, Barthélemy Q, Willwater J, Süllow S, Baines C, et al.
    From spin liquid to magnetic ordering in the anisotropic kagome Y-kapellasite Y3Cu9(OH)19Cl8: a single-crystal study
    Physical Review B. 2023; 107(12): 125156 (13 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.107.125156
  • Cortinovis I, Ohayon B, de Sousa Borges L, Janka G, Golovizin A, Zhadnov N, et al.
    Update of Muonium 1S-2S transition frequency
    European Physical Journal D: Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics. 2023; 77(4): 66 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1140/epjd/s10053-023-00639-z
  • Das D, Adroja D, Tripathi R, Guguchia Z, Hotz F, Luetkens H, et al.
    Superconducting gap structure of the noncentrosymmetric topological superconductor candidate HfRuP
    Magnetochemistry. 2023; 9(5): 135 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.3390/magnetochemistry9050135
  • Domínguez C, Fowlie J, Georgescu AB, Mundet B, Jaouen N, Viret M, et al.
    Coupling of magnetic phases at nickelate interfaces
    Physical Review Materials. 2023; 7(6): 065002 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.7.065002
  • Elson F, Das D, Simutis G, Forslund OK, Miniotaite U, Palm R, et al.
    TRIM simulations tool for μ+ stopping fraction in hydrostatic pressure cells
    In: The 15th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 2462. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2023:012024 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2462/1/012024
  • Flokstra M, Stewart R, Yim C-M, Trainer C, Wahl P, Miller D, et al.
    Spin-orbit driven superconducting proximity effects in Pt/Nb thin films
    Nature Communications. 2023; 14(1): 5081 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-40757-1
  • Fowlie J, Georgescu AB, Suter A, Mundet B, Toulouse C, Jaouen N, et al.
    Metal-insulator transition in composition-tuned nickel oxide films
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2023; 35(30): 304001 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-648X/accd38
  • Ge Y, Andreica D, Sassa Y, Nocerino E, Pomjakushina E, Khasanov R, et al.
    Confirming the high pressure phase diagram of the Shastry-Sutherland model
    In: The 15th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 2462. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2023:012042 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2462/1/012042
  • Gerchow L, Biswas S, Janka G, Vigo C, Knecht A, Vogiatzi SM, et al.
    GermanIum array for non-destructive testing (GIANT) setup for muon-induced x-ray emission (MIXE) at the Paul Scherrer Institute
    Review of Scientific Instruments. 2023; 94(4): 045106 (15 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0136178
  • Gosar Ž, Arh T, Jaksetič K, Zorko A, Liu W, Wu H, et al.
    The pairing symmetry in quasi-one-dimensional superconductor Rb2Mo3As3
    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2023; 181: 111478 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpcs.2023.111478
  • Grinenko V, Sarkar R, Ghosh S, Das D, Guguchia Z, Luetkens H, et al.
    μSR measurements on Sr2RuO4 under ⟨110⟩ uniaxial stress
    Physical Review B. 2023; 107(2): 024508 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.107.024508
  • Guguchia Z, Gawryluk DJ, Shin S, Hao Z, Mielke C, Das D, et al.
    Hidden magnetism uncovered in a charge ordered bilayer kagome material ScV6Sn6
    Nature Communications. 2023; 14(1): 7796 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-43503-9
  • Guguchia Z, Mielke III C, Das D, Gupta R, Yin J-X, Liu H, et al.
    Tunable unconventional kagome superconductivity in charge ordered RbV3Sb5 and KV3Sb5
    Nature Communications. 2023; 14(1): 153 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-35718-z
  • Guguchia Z, Khasanov R, Luetkens H
    Unconventional charge order and superconductivity in kagome-lattice systems as seen by muon-spin rotation
    npj Quantum Materials. 2023; 8(1): 41 (17 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41535-023-00574-7
  • Hofmann BA, Bolliger Schreyer S, Biswas S, Gerchow L, Wiebe D, Schumann M, et al.
    An arrowhead made of meteoritic iron from the late Bronze Age settlement of Mörigen, Switzerland and its possible source
    Journal of Archaeological Science. 2023; 157: 105827 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2023.105827
  • Hotz F, Arh T, Guguchia Z, Das D, Wang C, Gomilsek M, et al.
    An experimental procedure to determine quantitative muon Knight shifts
    In: The 15th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 2462. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2023:012041 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2462/1/012041
  • Huangfu S, Guguchia Z, Shang T, Lin H, Liu H, Zhang X, et al.
    Competing spin-glass and spin-fluctuation states in NdxPr4-xNi3O8
    Physical Review B. 2023; 108(1): 014410 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.108.014410
  • Huddart BM, Lancaster T, Blundell SJ, Guguchia Z, Taniguchi H, Clark SJ, et al.
    μSR investigation of magnetism in κ-(ET)2X: antiferromagnetism
    Physical Review Research. 2023; 5(1): 013015 (16 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.013015
  • Ito TU, Higemoto W, Shimomura K
    Understanding muon diffusion in perovskite oxides below room temperature based on harmonic transition state theory
    Physical Review B. 2023; 108(22): 224301 (11 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.108.224301
  • Kang M, Zhang CC, Schierle E, McCoy S, Li J, Sutarto R, et al.
    Discovery of charge order in a cuprate Mott insulator
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America PNAS. 2023; 120(30): e2302099120 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2302099120
  • Khasanov R, Ramires A, Grinenko V, Shipulin I, Kikugawa N, Sokolov DA, et al.
    In-plane magnetic penetration depth in Sr2RuO4: muon-spin rotation and relaxation study
    Physical Review Letters. 2023; 131(23): 236001 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.236001
  • Khasanov R, Shengelaya A, Conder K, Karpinski J, Bussmann-Holder A, Keller H
    Oxygen isotope effect on the superfluid density within the d-wave and s-wave pairing channels of YBa2Cu4O8
    Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications. 2023; 613: 1354332 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physc.2023.1354332
  • Kintzel B, Böhme M, Plaul D, Görls H, Yeche N, Seewald F, et al.
    A trinuclear high-spin iron(III) complex with a geometrically frustrated spin ground state featuring negligible magnetic anisotropy and antisymmetric exchange
    Inorganic Chemistry. 2023; 62(8): 3420-3430. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c03455
  • Krempaský J, Springholz G, D'Souza SW, Caha O, Gmitra M, Ney A, et al.
    Efficient magnetic switching in a correlated spin glass
    Nature Communications. 2023; 14(1): 6127 (11 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-41718-4
  • Krieger JA, Guguchia Z, Khasanov R, Biswas PK, Li L, Wang K, et al.
    Enhancement of superconductivity at a quantum critical point in (CaxSr1-x)3Rh4Sn13
    In: The 15th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 2462. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2023:012060 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2462/1/012060
  • Krieger JA, Tay D, Rusinov IP, Barua S, Biswas PK, Korosec L, et al.
    Hydrogen-impurity-induced unconventional magnetism in semiconducting molybdenum ditelluride
    Physical Review Materials. 2023; 7(4): 044414 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.7.044414
  • Kumar P, Mendes Martins MI, Etzelmüller Bathen M, Woerle J, Prokscha T, Grossner U
    Investigation of the SiO2-SiC interface using low-energy muon-spin-rotation spectroscopy
    Physical Review Applied. 2023; 19(5): 054025 (17 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.19.054025
  • Law JM, Luetkens H, Pascua G, Hansen T, Glaum R, Wang Z-S, et al.
    Neutron diffraction, muon-spin rotation, and high magnetic field investigation of the multiferroic antiferromagnetic quantum spin-chain system CuCrO4
    Physical Review B. 2023; 107(18): 184442 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.107.184442
  • Lee C, Lee S, Choi Y, Wang C, Luetkens H, Shiroka T, et al.
    Coexistence of random singlets and disordered Kitaev spin liquid in H3LiIr2O6
    Physical Review B. 2023; 107(1): 014424 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.107.014424
  • Lee S, Choi YS, Do S-H, Lee W, Lee CH, Lee M, et al.
    Kondo screening in a Majorana metal
    Nature Communications. 2023; 14: 7405 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-43185-3
  • McFadden RML, Asaduzzaman M, Prokscha T, Salman Z, Suter A, Junginger T
    Depth-resolved measurements of the Meissner screening profile in surface-treated Nb
    Physical Review Applied. 2023; 19(4): 044018 (17 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.19.044018
  • Mendes Martins M, Kumar P, Woerle J, Ni X, Grossner U, Prokscha T
    Defect profiling of oxide‐semiconductor interfaces using low‐energy muons
    Advanced Materials Interfaces. 2023; 10(21): 2300209 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1002/admi.202300209
  • Mendes Martins M, Suter A, Salman Z, Prokscha T
    Depth profiling of LE-µSR parameters with musrfit
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  • LE-muSR Study of Superconductivity in the Thin Film Battery Material LiTi 2 O 4 Månsson M, Forslund OK, Nozaki H, Umegaki I, Shiraki S, Hitosugi T, Prokscha T, Salman Z, Suter A, Sassa Y, Sugiyama J
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  • LaSr3NiRuO4H4: A 4d Transition-Metal Oxide-Hydride Containing Metal Hydride Sheets Jin Lun, Lane Michael, Zeng Dihao, Kirschner Franziska K K, Lang Franz, Manuel Pascal, Blundell Stephen J, McGrady John E, Hayward Michael A
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  • Li-Diffusion in Spinel Li[Ni 1/2 Mn 3/2 ]O 4 Powder and Film Studied with uSR Sugiyama J, Nozaki H, Umegaki I, Mukai K, Cottrell SP, Shiraki S, Hitosugi T, Sassa Y, Suter A, Salman Z, Prokscha T, Månsson M
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  • Local magnetic moments in the topological insulators Sakhin V, Kukovitskii E, Garifyanov N, Khasanov R, Talanov Yu, Teitelbaum G
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  • Low-temperature breakdown of antiferromagnetic quantum critical behavior in FeSe Grinenko V, Sarkar R, Materne P, Kamusella S, Yamamshita A, Takano Y, Sun Y, Tamegai T, Efremov DV, Drechsler SL, Orain JC, Goko T, Scheuermann R, Luetkens H, Klauss HH
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  • Magnetic Field Control of Cycloidal Domains and Electric Polarization in Multiferroic BiFeO3 Bordacs S, Farkas DG, White JS, Cubitt R, DeBeer-Schmitt L, Ito T, Kezsmarki I
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  • Magnetic Spin Correlations in the One-dimensional Frustrated Spin-chain System Ca3Co2O6 Månsson M, Sugiyama J, Roessli B, Hitti B, Ikedo Y, Zivkovic I, Nozaki H, Harada M, Sassa Y, Andreica D, Goko T, Amato A, Ofer O, Ansaldo EJ, Brewer JH, Chow KH, Yi HT, Cheong SW, Prsa K
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  • Magnetic inhomogeneity in the copper pseudochalcogenide CuNCN Zorko A, Jeglic P, Pregelj M, Arcon D, Luetkens H, Tchougreeff A L, Dronskowski R
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  • Magnetic phase diagram of Ca-substituted EuFe2As2 Tran L M, Babij M, Korosec L, Shang T, Bukowski Z, Shiroka T
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  • Magnetic phases of skyrmion-hosting GaV4S8-ySey(y=0,2,4,8) probed with muon spectroscopy Franke KJA, Huddart BM, Hicken Thomas J, Xiao F, Blundell SJ, Pratt FL, Crisanti M, Barker JAT, Clark SJ, Stefancic A, Hatnean M, Balakrishnan G, Lancaster T
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  • Magnetic tricritical point and nematicity in FeSe under pressure Khasanov Rustem, Fernandes Rafael M, Simutis Gediminas, Guguchia Zurab, Amato Alex, Luetkens Hubertus, Morenzoni Elvezio, Dong Xiaoli, Zhou Fang, Zhao Zhongxian
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  • Magnetism and the phase diagram of MnSb2O6 Koo C, Werner J, Tzschoppe M, Abdel-Hafiez M, Biswas PK, Sarkar R, Klauss HH, Raganyan GV, Ovchenkov EA, Nikulin AYu, Vasiliev AN, Zvereva EA, Klingeler R
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  • Magnetism in semiconducting molybdenum dichalcogenides Guguchia Z, Kerelsky A, Edelberg D, Banerjee S, von Rohr F, Scullion D, Augustin M, Scully M, Rhodes DA, Shermadini Z, Luetkens H, Shengelaya A, Baines C, Morenzoni E, Amato A, Hone JC, Khasanov R, Billinge SJL, Santos E, Pasupathy AN, Uemura YJ
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  • Microscopic effects of Dy doping in the topological insulator Bi2Te3 Duffy LB, Steinke NJ, Krieger JA, Figueroa AI, Kummer K, Lancaster T, Giblin SR, Pratt FL, Blundell SJ, Prokscha T, Suter A, Langridge S, Strocov VN, Salman Z, van der Laan G, Hesjedal T
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  • Microscopic investigation of the weakly correlated noncentrosymmetric superconductor SrAuSi3 Barbero N, Biswas PK, Isobe M, Amato A, Morenzoni E, Hillier AD, Ott HR, Mesot J, Shiroka T
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  • Muon spin rotation study of the topological superconductor SrxBi2Se3 Leng H, Cherian D, Huang YK, Orain JC, Amato A, de Visser A
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  • NaYbS2: A planar spin-1/2 triangular-lattice magnet and putative spin liquid Baenitz M, Schlender Ph, Sichelschmidt J, Onykiienko Y A, Zangeneh Z, Ranjith K M, Sarkar R, Hozoi L, Walker H C, Orain J C, Yasuoka H, van den Brink J, Klauss H H, Inosov D S, Doert Th
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  • Nodal-to-nodeless superconducting order parameter in LaFeAs1-xPxO synthesized under high pressure Shiroka T, Barbero N, Khasanov R, Zhigadlo Nikolai D, Ott H, Mesot J
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  • Nodeless superconductivity and time-reversal symmetry breaking in the noncentrosymmetric superconductor Re24Ti5 Shang T, Pang GM, Baines C, Jiang WB, Xie W, Wang A, Medarde M, Pomjakushina E, Shi M, Mesot J, Yuan HQ, Shiroka T
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  • Nodeless superconductivity in the cage-type superconductor Sc 5 Ru 6 Sn 18 with preserved time-reversal symmetry Kumar D, Kuo C, Astuti F, Shang T, Lee M, Lue C, Watanabe I, Barker J, Shiroka T, Chang L
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  • Nodeless superconductivity in the noncentrosymmetric Mo3Rh2N superconductor: A muon study Shang T, Wei W, Baines C, Zhang JL, Du HF, Medarde M, Shi M, Mesot J, Shiroka T
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  • Observation of Anomalous Meissner Screening in Cu/Nb and Cu/Nb/Co Thin Films Flokstra MG, Stewart R, Satchell N, Burnell G, Luetkens H, Prokscha T, Suter A, Morenzoni E, Langridge S, Lee SL
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  • Observation of a crossover from nodal to gapped superconductivity in LuxZr1-xB12 Kirschner Franziska KK, Sluchanko Nikolay E, Filipov Vladimir B, Pratt Francis L, Baines C, Shitsevalova Natalya Yu, Blundell Stephen J
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  • On the Robustness of the MnSi Magnetic Structure Determined by Muon Spin Rotation Dalmas de Réotier P, Yaouanc A, Amato A, Maisuradze A, Andreica D, Roessli B, Goko T, Scheuermann R, Lapertot G
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  • Piezoelectric-Driven Uniaxial Stress Apparatus for Muon Spin Rotation Hicks CW, Ghosh S, Barber ME, Klauss H
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  • Pressure effects on the electronic properties of the undoped superconductor ThFeAsN Barbero N, Holenstein S, Shang T, Shermadini Z, Lochner F, Eremin I, Wang C, Cao GH, Khasanov R, Ott HR, Mesot J, Shiroka T
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  • Quantum magnetism in molecular spin ladders probed with muon-spin spectroscopy Lancaster T, Xiao F, Huddart B, Williams R, Pratt F, Blundell S, Clark S, Scheuermann R, Goko T, Ward S, Manson J, Rüegg C, Krämer K
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  • Quasistatic antiferromagnetism in the quantum wells of SmTiO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures Need Ryan F, Marshall Patrick B, Kenney E, Suter A, Prokscha T, Salman Z, Kirby Brian J, Stemmer S, Graf Michael J, Wilson Stephen D
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  • Search for d0 -Magnetism in Amorphous MB6 ( M = Ca, Sr, Ba) Thin Films Suter A, Ackland K, Stilp E, Prokscha T, Salman Z, Coey M
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  • Slow-muon study of quaternary solar-cell materials: Single layers and p-n junctions Alberto HV, Vilão RC, Vieira RBL, Gil JM, Weidinger A, Sousa MG, Teixeira JP, da Cunha AF, Leitão JP, Salomé PMP, Fernandes PA, Törndahl T, Prokscha T, Suter A, Salman Z
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  • Spin dynamics in the single-ion magnet [Er(W5O18)2]9- Mariani M, Borsa F, Graf MJ, Sanna S, Filibian M, Orlando T, Sabareesh KPV, Cardona-Serra S, Coronado E, Lascialfari A
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  • Spin-liquid-like state in a spin-1/2 square-lattice antiferromagnet perovskite induced by d10?d0 cation mixing Mustonen O, Vasala S, Sadrollahi E, Schmidt KP, Baines C, Walker HC, Terasaki I, Litterst FJ, Baggio-Saitovitch E, Karppinen M
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  • Static and Fluctuating Magnetic Moments in the Ferroelectric Metal LiOsO3 Kirschner Franziska KK, Lang F, Pratt FL, Lancaster T, Shi Y, Guo Y, Boothroyd AT, Blundell SJ
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  • Strain-induced competition between ferromagnetism and emergent antiferromagnetism in (Eu,Sr) MnO3 Grutter AJ, Disseler SM, Moon EJ, Gilbert DA, Arenholz E, Suter A, Prokscha T, Salman Z, Kirby BJ, May SJ
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  • Superconducting Properties of Cu Intercalated Bi 2Se3 Studied by Muon Spin Spectroscopy Krieger Jonas A, Kanigel A, Ribak A, Pomjakushina E, Chashka Khanan B, Conder K, Morenzoni E, Prokscha T, Suter A, Salman Z
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  • Superconductivity drives magnetism in delta-doped La2CuO4 Suter A, Logvenov G, Boris AV, Baiutti F, Wrobel F, Howald L, Stilp E, Salman Z, Prokscha T, Keimer B
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  • Superconductivity of Bi-III phase of elemental bismuth: Insights from muon-spin rotation and density functional theory Khasanov R, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, Simutis G, Schönecker S, Östlin A, Chioncel L, Amato A
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  • Suppression of mu+ depolarization by fast magnetic fluctuations at avoided level crossings for Ho3+ ions in CaWO4 Kenney E, Amato A, Giblin SR, Malkin BZ, Graf MJ
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  • Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Re-Based Superconductors Shang T, Smidman M, Ghosh SK, Baines C, Chang LJ, Gawryluk DJ, Barker JAT, Singh RP, Paul DMcK, Balakrishnan G, Pomjakushina E, Shi M, Medarde M, Hillier AD, Yuan HQ, Quintanilla J, Mesot J, Shiroka T
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  • Tuning the S=1/2 square-lattice antiferromagnet Sr2Cu(Te1-xWx)O6 from Néel order to quantum disorder to columnar order Mustonen O, Vasala S, Schmidt KP, Sadrollahi E, Walker HC, Terasaki I, Litterst FJ, Baggio-Saitovitch E, Karppinen M
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  • Unexpected effects of thickness and strain on superconductivity and magnetism in optimally doped La1.84Sr0.16CuO4 thin films Howald L, Stilp E, Baiutti F, Dietl C, Wrobel F, Logvenov G, Prokscha T, Salman Z, Wooding N, Pavuna D, Keller H, Suter A
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  • mu+ SR Study on Layered Chromium Perovskites: Sr_(n +1) Cr_n O_(3n+1) (n = 1?3) Nozaki H, Sakurai H, Umegaki I, Ansaldo E, Morris G, Hitti B, Arseneau D, Andreica D, Amato A, Månsson M, Sugiyama J
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  • µ+SR Investigation of the Shastry?Sutherland Compound SrCu 2(BO3)2 Sassa Y, Wang S, Sugiyama J, Amato A, Rønnow HM, Rüegg C, Månsson M
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  • µ+SR Study of K2Cr8O16 Under Hydrostatic Pressure Forslund O, Andreica D, Sassa Y, Nozaki H, Umegaki I, Jonsson V, Guguchia Z, Shermadini Z, Khasanov R, Isobe M, Takagi H, Ueda Y, Månsson M, Sugiyama J
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  • A segmented conical electric lens for optimization of the beam spot of the low-energy muon facility at PSI: a Geant4 simulation analysis Xiao R, Morenzoni E, Salman Z, Ye B, Prokscha T
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  • Antiferromagnetic Mott insulating state in the single-component molecular material Pd(tmdt)2 Takagi R, Sari D, Mohd-Tajudin S, Ashi R, Watanabe I, Ishibashi S, Miyagawa K, Ogura S, Zhou B, Kobayashi A, Kanoda K
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  • Comment on "Muon spin relaxation study of spin dynamics in poly (triarylamine)" McKenzie Iain, Dilger Herbert, Roduner Emil, Scheuermann Robert
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  • Complementary Response of Static Spin-Stripe Order and Superconductivity to Nonmagnetic Impurities in Cuprates Guguchia Z, Roessli B, Khasanov R, Amato A, Pomjakushina E, Conder K, Uemura YJ, Tranquada JM, Keller H, Shengelaya A
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  • Controlling the Electrical and Magnetoelectric Properties of Epitaxially Strained Sr 1- x Ba x MnO 3 Thin Films Langenberg E, Maurel L, Marcano N, Guzmán R, ?trichovanec P, Prokscha T, Magén C, Algarabel Pedro A, Pardo José A
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  • Coulomb spin liquid in anion-disordered pyrochlore Tb2Hf2O7 Sibille R, Lhotel E, Ciomaga Hatnean M, Nilsen Gøran J, Ehlers G, Cervellino A, Ressouche E, Frontzek M, Zaharko O, Pomjakushin V, Stuhr U, Walker Helen C, Adroja Devashibhai T, Luetkens H, Baines C, Amato A, Balakrishnan G, Fennell T, Kenzelmann M
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  • Defect levels and hyperfine constants of hydrogen in beryllium oxide from hybrid-functional calculations and muonium spectroscopy Marinopoulos AG, Vilão RC, Vieira RBL, Alberto HV, Gil JM, Yakushev MV, Scheuermann R, Goko T
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  • Diluted paramagnetic impurities in nonmagnetic Ba2YIrO6 Hammerath F, Sarkar R, Kamusella S, Baines C, Klauss HH, Dey T, Maljuk A, Gaß S, Wolter AUB, Grafe HJ, Wurmehl S, Büchner B
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  • Effects of Quantum Spin- 1/2 Impurities on the Magnetic Properties of Zigzag Spin Chains Karmakar K, Skoulatos M, Prando G, Roessli B, Stuhr U, Hammerath F, Rüegg C, Singh S
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  • Emergent magnetism at transition-metal?nanocarbon interfaces Al Ma?Mari F, Rogers M, Alghamdi S, Moorsom T, Lee S, Prokscha T, Luetkens H, Valvidares M, Teobaldi G, Flokstra M, Stewart R, Gargiani P, Ali M, Burnell G, Hickey BJ, Cespedes O
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  • Equilibrium properties of superconducting niobium at high magnetic fields: A possible existence of a filamentary state in type-II superconductors Kozhevnikov V, Valente-Feliciano AM, Curran PJ, Suter A, Liu AH, Richter G, Morenzoni E, Bending SJ, Van Haesendonck C
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  • Evidence for spin liquid ground state in SrDy_2O_4 frustrated magnet probed by mu-SR Gauthier N, Prévost B, Amato A, Baines C, Pomjakushin V, Bianchi A, Cava R, Kenzelmann M
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  • Evolution of Magnetism in Ln CuGa 3 ( Ln = La ? Nd, Sm ? Gd) Studied via ?SR and Specific Heat Graf MJ, Hettinger JD, Nemeth K, Dally R, Baines C, Subbarao U, Peter SC
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  • Flux Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and Magnetic Ordering of the Rare-Earth Chromium(II) Oxyselenides RE2CrSe2O2 (RE = La-Nd) Peschke Simon, Weippert Valentin, Senyshyn Anatoliy, Muehlbauer Martin Johann, Janka Oliver, Poettgen Rainer, Holenstein Stefan, Luetkens Hubertus, Johrendt Dirk
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  • Gapless excitations in the ground state of 1T-TaS2 Ribak A, Silber I, Baines C, Chashka K, Salman Z, Dagan Y, Kanigel A
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  • Ground state selection under pressure in the quantum pyrochlore magnet Yb2Ti2O7 Kermarrec E, Gaudet J, Fritsch K, Khasanov R, Guguchia Z, Ritter C, Ross KA, Dabkowska HA, Gaulin BD
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  • Growth and structural characterization of large superconducting crystals of La2-xCa1+xCu2O6 Schneeloch JA, Guguchia Z, Stone MB, Tian W, Zhong R, Mohanty KM, Xu G, Gu GD, Tranquada JM
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  • High-T c superconductivity in undoped ThFeAsN Shiroka T, Shang T, Wang C, Cao GH, Eremin I, Ott HR, Mesot J
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  • High-field H-1-NMR study around a 1/4 plateau of quantum spin dimer system NH4CuCl3 Matsui K, Fujisawa M, Tanaka H, Scheuermann R, Goto T
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  • Intrinsic and spatially nonuniform ferromagnetism in Co-doped ZnO films Tseng LT, Suter A, Wang YR, Xiang FX, Bian P, Ding X, Tseng A, Hu HL, Fan HM, Zheng RK, Wang XL, Salman Z, Prokscha T, Suzuki K, Liu R, Li S, Morenzoni E, Yi JB
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  • Long-range dynamical magnetic order and spin tunneling in the cooperative paramagnetic states of the pyrochlore analogous spinel antiferromagnets CdYb2X4 ( X=S or Se) Dalmas de Réotier P, Marin C, Yaouanc A, Ritter C, Maisuradze A, Roessli B, Bertin A, Baker PJ, Amato A
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  • Low-field spin dynamics of Cr7Ni and Cr7Ni-Cu-Cr7Ni molecular rings as detected by mu SR Sanna S, Arosio P, Bordonali L, Adelnia F, Mariani M, Garlatti E, Baines C, Amato A, Sabareesh K P V, Timco G, Winpenny R E P, Blundell S J, Lascialfari A
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  • Macroscopic phase separation of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in Sr_0.5Ce_0.5FBiS_2-xSe_x revealed by mu-SR Nikitin AM, Grinenko V, Sarkar R, Orain JC, Salis MV, Henke J, Huang YK, Klauss HH, Amato A, de Visser A
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  • Magnetic Moments and Ordered States in Pyrochlore Iridates Nd 2 Ir 2 O 7 and Sm 2 Ir 2 O 7 Studied by Muon-Spin Relaxation Asih R, Adam N, Mohd-Tajudin S, Sari D, Matsuhira K, Guo H, Wakeshima M, Hinatsu Y, Nakano T, Nozue Y, Sulaiman S, Mohamed-Ibrahim M, Biswas P, Watanabe I
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  • Magnetic order and spin dynamics across a ferromagnetic quantum critical point: mu SR investigations of YbNi4(P1-xAsx)(2) Sarkar R, Spehling J, Materne P, Luetkens H, Baines C, Brando M, Krellner C, Klauss H H
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  • Magnetic order of intermetallic FeGa3-yGey studied by mu-SR and Fe57 Mössbauer spectroscopy Munevar J, Cabrera-Baez M, Alzamora M, Larrea J, Bittar EM, Baggio-Saitovitch E, Litterst FJ, Ribeiro RA, Avila MA, Morenzoni E
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  • Magnetic states of MnP: muon-spin rotation studies Khasanov R, Amato A, Bonfà P, Guguchia Z, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, De Renzi R, Zhigadlo N
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  • Magnetism and site exchange in CuFeAs and CuFeSb: A microscopic and theoretical investigation Kamusella S, Klauss H, Thakur Gohil S, Haque Z, Gupta Laxmi C, Ganguli Ashok K, Kraft I, Burkhardt U, Rosner H, Luetkens H, Lynn Jeffrey W, Zhao Y
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  • Muon spin rotation and infrared spectroscopy study of magnetism and superconductivity in Ba1-xKxFe2As2 Mallett BPP, Wang CN, Marsik P, Sheveleva E, Yazdi-Rizi M, Tallon JL, Adelmann P, Wolf Th, Bernhard C
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  • New magnetic phase in the nickelate perovskite TlNiO3 Korosec L, Pikulski M, Shiroka T, Medarde M, Luetkens H, Alonso JA, Ott HR, Mesot J
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  • Normal state above the upper critical field in Fe1+yTe1-x(Se,S)x Wang A, Kampert E, Saadaoui H, Luetkens H, Hu R, Morenzoni E, Wosnitza J, Petrovic C
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  • Partitioning of 2-phenylethanol and limonene cosurfactants in C12E4 McKenzie I, Scheuermann R, Tucker I
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  • Persistent low-temperature spin dynamics in the mixed-valence iridate Ba3InIr2O9 Dey T, Majumder M, Orain J-C, Senyshyn A, Prinz-Zwick M, Bachus S, Tokiwa Y, Bert F, Khuntia P, Büttgen N, Tsirlin A, Gegenwart P
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  • Pressure tuning of structure, superconductivity, and novel magnetic order in the Ce-underdoped electron-doped cuprate T?-Pr1.3-xLa0.7CexCuO4 ( x=0.1 ) Guguchia Z, Adachi T, Shermadini Z, Ohgi T, Chang J, Bozin ES, von Rohr F, dos Santos AM, Molaison JJ, Boehler R, Koike Y, Wieteska AR, Frandsen BA, Morenzoni E, Amato A, Billinge SJL, Uemura YJ, Khasanov R
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  • Pressure-induced magnetic order in FeSe: A muon spin rotation study Khasanov R, Guguchia Z, Amato A, Morenzoni E, Dong X, Zhou F, Zhao Z
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  • Probing current-induced magnetic fields in Au|YIG heterostructures with low-energy muon spin spectroscopy Aqeel A, Vera-Marun IJ, Salman Z, Prokscha T, Suter A, van Wees BJ, Palstra TTM
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  • Quantum Griffiths Phase Inside the Ferromagnetic Phase of Ni1-xVx Wang R, Gebretsadik A, Ubaid-Kassis S, Schroeder A, Vojta T, Baker Peter J, Pratt Francis L, Blundell Stephen J, Lancaster T, Franke I, Möller Johannes S, Page K
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  • Reorientational Hydrogen Dynamics in Complex Hydrides with Enhanced Li + Conduction Burankova T, Duchêne L, Lodziana Z, Frick B, Yan Y, Kühnel R, Hagemann H, Remhof A, Embs Jan P
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  • Room-temperature helimagnetism in FeGe thin films Zhang SL, Stasinopoulos I, Lancaster T, Xiao F, Bauer A, Rucker F, Baker AA, Figueroa AI, Salman Z, Pratt FL, Blundell SJ, Prokscha T, Suter A, Waizner J, Garst M, Grundler D, van der Laan G, Pfleiderer C, Hesjedal T
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  • Signatures of the topological s(+-) superconducting order parameter in the type-II Weyl semimetal T-d-MoTe2 Guguchia Z, von Rohr F, Shermadini Z, Lee A T, Banerjee S, Wieteska A R, Marianetti C A, Frandsen B A, Luetkens H, Gong Z, Cheung S C, Baines C, Shengelaya A, Taniashvili G, Pasupathy A N, Morenzoni E, Billinge S J L, Amato A, Cava R J, Khasanov R, Uemura Y J
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  • Spectroscopic perspective on the interplay between electronic and magnetic properties of magnetically doped topological insulators Krieger J A, Chang C-Z, Husanu M-A, Sostina D, Ernst A, Otrokov M M, Prokscha T, Schmitt T, Suter A, Vergniory M G, Chulkov E V, Moodera J S, Strocov V N, Salman Z
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  • Spin-phonon coupling in epitaxial Sr0.6Ba0.4MnO3 thin films Goian V, Langenberg E, Marcano N, Bovtun V, Maurel L, Kempa M, Prokscha T, Kroupa J, Algarabel PA, Pardo JA, Kamba S
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  • Strong Coupling of Microwave Photons to Antiferromagnetic Fluctuations in an Organic Magnet Mergenthaler M, Liu J, Le Roy Jennifer J, Ares N, Thompson Amber L, Bogani L, Luis F, Blundell Stephen J, Lancaster T, Ardavan A, Briggs GAndrew D, Leek Peter J, Laird Edward A
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  • Superconductivity with broken time-reversal symmetry in ion-irradiated Ba0.27K0.73Fe2As2 single crystals Grinenko V, Materne P, Sarkar R, Luetkens H, Kihou K, Lee CH, Akhmadaliev S, Efremov DV, Drechsler SL, Klauss HH
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  • Suppression of magnetic excitations near the surface of the topological Kondo insulator SmB6 Biswas P K, Legner M, Balakrishnan G, Hatnean Ciomaga M, Lees M R, Paul D McK, Pomjakushina E, Prokscha T, Suter A, Neupert T, Salman Z
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  • The new versatile general purpose surface-muon instrument (GPS) based on silicon photomultipliers for mu SR measurements on a continuous-wave beam Amato A, Luetkens H, Sedlak K, Stoykov A, Scheuermann R, Elender M, Raselli A, Graf D
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  • Unconventional magnetic order in the conical state of MnSi Dalmas de Réotier P, Maisuradze A, Yaouanc A, Roessli B, Amato A, Andreica D, Lapertot G
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  • An exploration of some magnetic fundamentals in EuSe using ?SR Terry I, Adams PW, Bykovetz N, Giblin SR, Guguchi Z, Khasanov R, Klein J, Lin CL, Liu TJ
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  • Antiferromagnetism in a Family of S = 1 Square Lattice Coordination Polymers NiX 2 (pyz) 2 (X = Cl, Br, I, NCS; pyz = Pyrazine) Liu J, Goddard Paul A, Singleton J, Brambleby J, Foronda F, Möller Johannes S, Kohama Y, Ghannadzadeh S, Ardavan A, Blundell Stephen J, Lancaster T, Xiao F, Williams Robert C, Pratt Francis L, Baker Peter J, Wierschem K, Lapidus Saul H, Stone Kevin H, Stephens Peter W, Bendix J, Woods Toby J, Carreiro Kimberly E, Tran Hope E, Villa Cecelia J, Manson Jamie L
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  • Bulk superconductivity at 84 K in the strongly overdoped regime of cuprates Gauzzi A, Klein Y, Nisula M, Karppinen M, Biswas PK, Saadaoui H, Morenzoni E, Manuel P, Khalyavin D, Marezio M, Geballe TH
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  • Coexistence of low-moment magnetism and superconductivity in tetragonal FeS and suppression of Tc under pressure Holenstein S, Pachmayr U, Guguchia Z, Kamusella S, Khasanov R, Amato A, Baines C, Klauss HH, Morenzoni E, Johrendt D, Luetkens H
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  • Coexisting multiple order parameters in single-layer LuMnO3 films Schneider Christof, Mukherjee Saumya, Shimamoto Kenta, Das Saikat, Luetkens Hubertus, White Jonathan, Bator Matthias, Yi Hu, Stahn Jochen, Prokscha Thomas, Suter Andreas, Salman Zaher, Kenzelmann Michel, Lippert Thomas, Niedermayer Christof
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  • Competing effects of Mn and Y doping on the low-energy excitations and phase diagram of La1-yYyFe1-xMnxAsO0.89F0.11 iron-based superconductors Moroni M, Sanna S, Lamura G, Shiroka T, De Renzi R, Kappenberger R, Afrassa MA, Wurmehl S, Wolter AUB, Büchner B, Carretta P
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  • Complexity in the structural and magnetic properties of almost multiferroic EuTiO3 Guguchia Z, Salman Z, Keller H, Roleder K, Köhler J, Bussmann-Holder J
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  • Control of the third dimension in copper-based square-lattice antiferromagnets Goddard Paul A, Singleton J, Franke I, Möller Johannes S, Lancaster T, Steele Andrew J, Topping Craig V, Blundell Stephen J, Pratt Francis L, Baines C, Bendix J, McDonald Ross D, Brambleby J, Lees Martin R, Lapidus Saul H, Stephens Peter W, Twamley Brendan W, Conner Marianne M, Funk K, Corbey Jordan F, Tran Hope E, Schlueter JA, Manson Jamie L
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  • Cooperative coupling of static magnetism and bulk superconductivity in the stripe phase of La2-xBaxCuO4 : Pressure- and doping-dependent studies Guguchia Z, Khasanov R, Shengelaya A, Pomjakushina E, Billinge SJL, Amato A, Morenzoni E, Keller H
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  • Determination of the zero-field magnetic structure of the helimagnet MnSi at low temperature Dalmas de Réotier P, Maisuradze A, Yaouanc A, Roessli B, Amato A, Andreica D, Lapertot G
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  • Distinct magnetic phases in structurally uniform SrCoO3-y Zhu ZH, Rueckert FJ, Budnick JI, Hines WA, Niedermayer Ch, Keller L, Luetkens H, Dabrowski B, Kolesnik S, Wells BO
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  • Effect of disorder on a pressure-induced z=1 magnetic quantum phase transition Mannig A, Möller JS, Thede M, Hüvonen D, Lancaster T, Xiao F, Williams RC, Guguchia Z, Khasanov R, Morenzoni E, Zheludev A
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  • Electron spin resonance insight into broadband absorption of the Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br metamagnet Zorko A, Gomilsek M, Pregelj M, Ozerov M, Zvyagin SA, Ozarowski A, Tsurkan V, Loidl A, Zaharko O
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  • Exchange anisotropy as mechanism for spin-stripe formation in frustrated spin chains Pregelj M, Zaharko O, Herak M, Gomil?ek M, Zorko A, Chapon LC, Bourdarot F, Berger H, Arcon D
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  • Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical Point Avoided by the Appearance of Another Magnetic Phase in LaCrGe3 under Pressure Taufour V, Kaluarachchi Udhara S, Khasanov R, Nguyen M, Guguchia Z, Biswas P, Bonfà P, De Renzi R, Lin X, Kim Stella K, Mun E, Kim H, Furukawa Y, Wang C, Ho K, Bud?ko Sergey L, Canfield Paul C
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  • Fully gapped superconductivity in the topological superconductor beta-PdBi2 Biswas PK, Mazzone DG, Sibille R, Pomjakushina E, Conder K, Luetkens H, Baines C, Gavilano JL, Kenzelmann M, Amato A, Morenzoni E
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  • Gapless quantum spin liquid ground state in the spin-1 antiferromagnet 6HB- Ba3NiSb2O9 Quilliam JA, Bert F, Manseau A, Darie C, Guillot-Deudon C, Payen C, Baines C, Amato A, Mendels P
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  • High pressure research using muons at the Paul Scherrer Institute Khasanov R, Guguchia Z, Maisuradze A, Andreica D, Elender M, Raselli A, Shermadini Z, Goko T, Knecht F, Morenzoni E, Amato A
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  • High-pressure magnetic state of MnP probed by means of muon-spin rotation Khasanov R, Amato A, Bonfà P, Guguchia Z, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, De Renzi R, Zhigadlo ND
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  • Influence of hydrostatic pressure on the bulk magnetic properties of Eu2Ir2O7 Prando G, Dally R, Schottenhamel W, Guguchia Z, Baek SH, Aeschlimann R, Wolter AUB, Wilson SD, Büchner B, Graf MJ
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  • Instabilities of spin-liquid states in a quantum kagome antiferromagnet Gomilsek M, Klanjsek M, Pregelj M, Coomer FC, Luetkens H, Zaharko O, Fennell T, Li Y, Zhang QM, Zorko A
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  • Intrinsic Ferromagnetism in the Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Co:TiO2 Saadaoui H, Luo X, Salman Z, Cui XY, Bao NN, Bao P, Zheng RK, Tseng LT, Du YH, Prokscha T, Suter A, Liu T, Wang YR, Li S, Ding J, Ringer SP, Morenzoni E, Yi JB
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  • Iridates from the molecular side Pedersen Kasper S, Bendix J, Tressaud A, Durand E, Weihe H, Salman Z, Morsing T, Woodruff Daniel N, Lan Y, Wernsdorfer W, Mathonière C, Piligkos S, Klokishner Sophia I, Ostrovsky S, Ollefs K, Wilhelm F, Rogalev A, Clérac R
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  • La 2 SrCr 2 O 7 : Controlling the Tilting Distortions of n = 2 Ruddlesden?Popper Phases through A-Site Cation Order Zhang R, Abbett Brian M, Read G, Lang F, Lancaster T, Tran TThao, Halasyamani PShiv, Blundell Stephen J, Benedek Nicole A, Hayward Michael A
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  • La 2 SrCr 2 O 7 F 2 : A Ruddlesden?Popper Oxyfluoride Containing Octahedrally Coordinated Cr 4+ Centers Zhang R, Read G, Lang F, Lancaster T, Blundell Stephen J, Hayward Michael A
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  • Low-temperature and high-pressure µSR study of the strongly correlated CeNiSnHx compounds Isnard O, Rusu C, Dudric R, Andreica D, Amato A, Chevalier B
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  • Magnetic ground state and spin fluctuations in MnGe chiral magnet as studied by muon spin rotation Martin N, Deutsch M, Bert F, Andreica D, Amato A, Bonfà P, De Renzi R, Rößler UK, Bonville P, Fomicheva LN, Tsvyashchenko AV, Mirebeau I
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  • Magnetic ordering in the ultrapure site-diluted spin chain materials SrCu1-xNixO2 Simutis G, Thede M, Saint-Martin R, Mohan A, Baines C, Guguchia Z, Khasanov R, Hess C, Revcolevschi A, Buechner B, Zheludev A
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  • Magnetic phase diagram of La2-xSrxCoO4 revised using muon-spin relaxation Williams RC, Xiao F, Lancaster T, De Renzi R, Allodi G, Bordignon S, Freeman PG, Pratt FL, Giblin SR, Möller JS, Blundell SJ, Boothroyd AT, Prabhakaran D
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  • Magnetization dynamics and frustration in the multiferroic double perovskite Lu2MnCoO6 Zapf Vivien S, Ueland BG, Laver M, Lonsky M, Pohlit M, Müller J, Lancaster T, Möller Johannes S, Blundell Stephen J, Singleton J, Mira J, Yañez-Vilar S, Señarís-Rodríguez M
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  • Muon-spin relaxation study of the double perovskite insulators Sr 2 B OsO 6 ( B = Fe, Y, ln) Williams R, Xiao F, Thomas I, Clark S, Lancaster T, Cornish G, Blundell S, Hayes W, Paul A, Felser C, Jansen M
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  • Nanoscale depth-resolved polymer dynamics probed by the implantation of low energy muons Pratt FL, Lancaster T, Baker PJ, Blundell SJ, Prokscha T, Morenzoni E, Suter A, Assender Hazel E
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  • Neutron radiography of a static density gradient of He-3 gas at cryogenic temperatures Wichmann G, Antognini A, Eggenberger A, Kirch K, Piegsa F M, Soler U, Stahn J, Taqqu D
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  • Noncollinear antiferromagnetism of coupled spins and pseudospins in the double perovskite La2CuIrO6 Manna K, Sarkar R, Fuchs S, Onykiienko YA, Bera AK, Cansever GAslan, Kamusella S, Maljuk A, Blum CGF, Corredor LT, Wolter AUB, Yusuf SM, Frontzek M, Keller L, Iakovleva M, Vavilova E, Grafe HJ, Kataev V, Klauss HH, Inosov DS, Wurmehl S, Büchner B
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  • Origin of the Spin-Orbital Liquid State in a Nearly J=0 Iridate Ba3ZnIr2O9 Nag Abhishek, Middey S, Bhowal Sayantika, Panda S K, Mathieu Roland, Orain J C, Bert F, Mendels P, Freeman P G, Mansson M, Ronnow H M, Telling M, Biswas P K, Sheptyakov D, Kaushik S D, Siruguri Vasudeva, Meneghini Carlo, Sarma D D, Dasgupta Indra, Ray Sugata
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  • Physical realization of a quantum spin liquid based on a complex frustration mechanism Balz C, Lake B, Reuther J, Luetkens H, Schönemann R, Herrmannsdörfer T, Singh Y, Nazmul Islam ATM, Wheeler Elisa M, Rodriguez-Rivera Jose A, Guidi T, Simeoni Giovanna G, Baines C, Ryll H
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  • Probing the pairing symmetry in the over-doped Fe-based superconductor Ba0.35Rb0.65Fe2As2 as a function of hydrostatic pressure Guguchia Z, Khasanov R, Bukowski Z, von Rohr F, Medarde M, Biswas PK, Luetkens H, Amato A, Morenzoni E
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  • Proximity-induced superconductivity within the insulating ( Li0.84Fe0.16 )OH layers in ( Li0.84Fe0.16 ) OHFe0.98Se Khasanov R, Zhou H, Amato A, Guguchia Z, Morenzoni E, Dong X, Zhang G, Zhao Z
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  • Quantum kagome frustrated antiferromagnets: One route to quantum spin liquids Mendels P, Bert F
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  • Rate of Molecular Transfer of Allyl Alcohol across an AOT Surfactant Layer Using Muon Spin Spectroscopy Jayasooriya Upali A, Clayden Nigel J, Steytler David C, Oganesyan Vasily S, Peck Jamie NT, Khasanov R, Scheuermann R, Stoykov A
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  • Recent ?SR Studies of Insulating Rare-Earth Pyrochlore Magnets Dalmas de Réotier P, Maisuradze A, Yaouanc A
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  • Remotely induced magnetism in a normal metal using a superconducting spin-valve Flokstra MG, Satchell N, Kim J, Burnell G, Curran PJ, Bending SJ, Cooper JFK, Kinane CJ, Langridge S, Isidori A, Pugach N, Eschrig M, Luetkens H, Suter A, Prokscha T, Lee SL
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  • Robust Magnetic Properties of a Sublimable Single Molecule Magnet Kiefl E, Mannini M, Bernot K, Yi X, Amato A, Leviant T, Magnani A, Prokscha T, Suter A, Sessoli R, Salman Z
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  • Short-range magnetic correlations and spin dynamics in the paramagnetic regime of (Mn,Fe)2(P,Si) Miao XF, Caron L, Cedervall J, Gubbens PCM, Dalmas de Réotier P, Yaouanc A, Qian F, Wildes AR, Luetkens H, Amato A, van Dijk NH, Brück E
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  • Spatial confinement of muonium atoms Khaw KS, Antognini A, Prokscha T, Kirch K, Liszkay L, Salman Z, Crivelli P
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  • Spin Liquid State in the 3D Frustrated Antiferromagnet PbCuTe2O6: NMR and Muon Spin Relaxation Studies Khuntia P, Bert F, Mendels P, Koteswararao B, Mahajan A V, Baenitz M, Chou F C, Baines C, Amato A, Furukawa Y
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  • Spin dynamics of the ordered dipolar-octupolar pseudospin- 12 pyrochlore Nd2Zr2O7 probed by muon spin relaxation Xu J, Balz C, Baines C, Luetkens H, Lake B
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  • Spin excitations in optimally P-doped BaFe2(As0.7P0.3)2 superconductor Hu D, Yin Z, Zhang W, Ewings RA, Ikeuchi K, Nakamura M, Roessli B, Wei Y, Zhao L, Chen G, Li S, Luo H, Haule K, Kotliar G, Dai P
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  • Spin glass behavior in LaCo1-xRhxO3 ( x=0.4 , 0.5, and 0.6) Guo H, Manna K, Luetkens H, Hoelzel M, Komarek AC
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  • Strong Electron Correlation behind the Superconductivity in Ce-Free and Ce-Underdoped High- T c T?-Cuprates Adachi T, Takahashi A, Suzuki Kensuke M, Baqiya Malik A, Konno T, Takamatsu T, Kato M, Watanabe I, Koda A, Miyazaki M, Kadono R, Koike Y
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  • Successive Magnetic Transitions Relating to Itinerant Spins and Localized Cu Spins in La 2- x Sr x Cu 1- y Fe y O 4 : Possible Existence of Stripe Correlations in the Overdoped Regime Suzuki Kensuke M, Adachi T, Sato H, Watanabe I, Koike Y
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  • Transverse field muon-spin rotation measurement of the topological anomaly in a thin film of MnSi Lancaster T, Xiao F, Salman Z, Thomas IO, Blundell SJ, Pratt FL, Clark SJ, Prokscha T, Suter A, Zhang SL, Baker AA, Hesjedal T
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  • Unconventional magnetism on a honeycomb lattice in alpha-RuCl3 studied by muon spin rotation Lang F, Baker PJ, Haghighirad AA, Li Y, Prabhakaran D, Valentí R, Blundell SJ
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  • Volume-wise destruction of the antiferromagnetic Mott insulating state through quantum tuning Frandsen Benjamin A, Liu L, Cheung Sky C, Guguchia Z, Khasanov R, Morenzoni E, Munsie Timothy JS, Hallas Alannah M, Wilson Murray N, Cai Y, Luke Graeme M, Chen B, Li W, Jin C, Ding C, Guo S, Ning F, Ito Takashi U, Higemoto W, Billinge Simon JL, Sakamoto S, Fujimori A, Murakami T, Kageyama H, Alonso J, Kotliar G, Imada M, Uemura Yasutomo J
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  • muSR insight into the impurity problem in quantum kagome antiferromagnets Gomil?ek M, Klanj?ek M, Pregelj M, Luetkens H, Li Y, Zhang QM, Zorko A
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  • Anisotropic Local Modification of Crystal Field Levels in Pr-Based Pyrochlores: A Muon-Induced Effect Modeled Using Density Functional Theory Foronda FR, Lang F, Moeller JS, Lancaster T, Boothroyd AT, Pratt FL, Giblin SR, Prabhakaran D, Blundell SJ
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  • Anomalously slow spin dynamics and short-range correlations in the quantum spin ice systems Yb2Ti2O7 and Yb2Sn2O7 Maisuradze A, de Reotier P Dalmas, Yaouanc A, Forget A, Baines C, King P J C
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  • Candidate Quantum Spin Liquid in the Ce3+ Pyrochlore Stannate Ce2Sn2O7 Sibille R, Lhotel E, Pomjakushin V, Baines C, Kenzelmann M
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  • Coexistence of 3d-Ferromagnetism and Superconductivity in [(Li1-xFex)OH](Fe1-yLiy)Se Pachmayr Ursula, Nitsche Fabian, Luetkens Hubertus, Kamusella Sirko, Brueckner Felix, Sarkar Rajib, Klauss HansHenning, Johrendt Dirk
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  • Coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism in Ca1-xNaxFe2As2: Universal suppression of the magnetic order parameter in 122 iron pnictides Materne Philipp, Kamusella Sirko, Sarkar Rajib, Goltz Til, Spehling Johannes, Maeter Hemke, Harnagea Luminita, Wurmehl Sabine, Buechner Bernd, Luetkens Hubertus, Timm Carsten, Klauss HansHenning
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  • Common effect of chemical and external pressures on the magnetic properties of RCoPO (R=La,Pr,Nd,Sm). II. Prando G, Profeta G, Continenza A, Khasanov R, Pal A, Awana V, Büchner B, Sanna S
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  • Competing superconducting and magnetic order parameters and field-induced magnetism in electron-doped Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 Larsen J, Mencia Uranga B, Stieper G, Holm SL, Bernhard C, Wolf T, Lefmann K, Andersen BM, Niedermayer C
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  • Controllable Broadband Absorption in the Mixed Phase of Metamagnets Pregelj Matej, Zaharko Oksana, Zorko Andrej, Gomilsek Matjaz, Sendetskyi Oles, Guenther Axel, Ozerov Mykhaylo, Zvyagin Sergei A, Luetkens Hubertus, Baines Christopher, Tsurkan Vladimir, Loidl Alois
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  • Core-shell nanostructure in a Ge0.9Mn0.1 film observed via structural and magnetic measurements Dalmas de Reotier P, Prestat E, Bayle-Guillemaud P, Boukhari M, Barski A, Marty A, Jamet M, Suter A, Prokscha T, Salman Z, Morenzoni E, Yaouanc A
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  • Direct evidence for a pressure-induced nodal superconducting gap in the Ba0.65Rb0.35Fe2As2 superconductor Guguchia Z, Amato A, Kang J, Luetkens H, Biswas PK, Prando G, von Rohr F, Bukowski Z, Shengelaya A, Keller H, Morenzoni E, Fernandes Rafael M, Khasanov R
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  • Distribution of glass transition temperatures Tg in polystyrene thin films as revealed by low-energy muon spin relaxation: A comparison with neutron reflectivity results Kanaya T, Ogawa H, Kishimoto M, Inoue R, Suter A, Prokscha T
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  • Effect of external pressure on the magnetic properties of RCoAsO (R=La, Pr, Sm): a mu SR study Prando G, Sanna S, Khasanov R, Pal A, Bruening E M, Mazzani M, Awana V P S, Buechner B, De Renzi R
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  • Elevated Curie temperature and half-metallicity in the ferromagnetic semiconductor LaxEu1−xO Monteiro PMS, Baker PJ, Hine NDM, Steinke NJ, Ionescu A, Cooper JFK, Barnes CHW, Kinane CJ, Salman Z, Wildes AR, Prokscha T, Langridge S
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  • Evidence for Coexistence of Bulk Superconductivity and Itinerant Antiferromagnetism in the Heavy Fermion System CeCo(In1-xCdx)5 Howald L, Stilp E, Dalmas de Reotier P, Yaouanc A, Raymond S, Piamonteze C, Lapertot G, Baines C, Keller H
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  • Evidence for magnetic clusters in Ni1-xVx close to the quantum critical concentration Wang R, Ubaid-Kassis S, Schroeder A, Baker P J, Pratt F L, Blundell S J, Lancaster T, Franke I, Moeller J S, Vojta T
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  • Evidence for unidimensional low-energy excitations as the origin of persistent spin dynamics in geometrically frustrated magnets Yaouanc A, de Reotier P Dalmas, Bertin A, Marin C, Lhotel E, Amato A, Baines C
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  • Geant4 simulation of the PSI LEM beam line: energy loss and muonium formation in thin foils and the impact of unmoderated muons on the muSR spectrometer Khaw KS, Antognini A, Crivelli P, Kirch K, Morenzoni E, Salman Z, Suter A, Prokscha T
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  • Ground state and low-energy magnetic dynamics in the frustrated magnet CoAl2O4 as revealed by local spin probes Iakovleva M, Vavilova E, Grafe H -J, Zimmermann S, Alfonsov A, Luetkens H, Klauss H -H, Maljuk A, Wurmehl S, Buechner B, Kataev V
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  • Interfacial dominated ferromagnetism in nanograined ZnO: a muSR and DFT study Tietze T, Audehm P, Chen Y, Schuetz G, Straumal BB, Protasova SG, Mazilkin AA, Straumal PB, Prokscha T, Luetkens H, Salman Z, Suter A, Baretzky B, Fink K, Wenzel W, Danilov D, Goering E
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  • Intrinsic Paramagnetic Meissner Effect Due to s-Wave Odd-Frequency Superconductivity Di Bernardo A, Salman Z, Wang XL, Amado M, Egilmez M, Flokstra MG, Suter A, Lee SL, Zhao JH, Prokscha T, Morenzoni E, Blamire MG, Linder J, Robinson JWA
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  • Li-ion diffusion in Li4Ti5O12 and LiTi2O4 battery materials detected by muon spin spectroscopy Sugiyama Jun, Nozaki Hiroshi, Umegaki Izumi, Mukai Kazuhiko, Miwa Kazutoshi, Shiraki Susumu, Hitosugi Taro, Suter Andreas, Prokscha Thomas, Salman Zaher, Lord James S, Mansson Martin
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  • Low Temperature Magnetic Ordering of the Magnetic Ionic Plastic Crystal, Choline[FeCl 4 ] de Pedro I, García-Saiz A, Andreica D, Barquín L, Fernández-Díaz M, Blanco J, Amato A, Fernández J
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  • Low-energy mu-SR Study on the Tetradymite Topological Insulator Bi1.5Sb0.5TeSe2 Goto T, Matsui K, Adachi T, Ohtsuki T, Tu N, Tanabe Y, Tanigaki K, Watanabe I, Salman Z, Suter A, Prokscha T
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  • Magnetic Order, Spin Waves and Fluctuations in the Triangular Antiferromagnet La 2 Ca2 MnO7 Dalmas de Réotier P, Marin C, Yaouanc A, Douce T, Sikora A, Amato A, Baines C
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  • Magnetic Phases in Sr1-x CaxCo2P2 Studied by mu+SR Sugiyama J, Nozaki H, Harada M, Umegaki I, Higuchi Y, Miwa K, Imai M, Michioka C, Yoshimura K, Ansaldo Eduardo J, Brewer Jess H, Andreica D, Baines C, Mansson M
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  • Magnetic ground-state properties of noncentrosymmetric CePt3B1-xSix Rauch D, Horenburg P, Hartwig S, Litterst F J, Suellow S, Luetkens H, Baines C, Yamazaki S, Hidaka H, Amitsuka H, Bauer E
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  • Magnetic inhomogeneity on a triangular lattice: the magnetic-exchange versus the elastic energy and the role of disorder Zorko A, Kokalj J, Komelj M, Adamopoulos O, Luetkens H, Arcon D, Lappas A
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  • Magnetostructural relationship in the tetrahedral spin-chain oxide CsCoO2 Ali N Z, Williams R C, Xiao F, Clark S J, Lancaster T, Blundell S J, Sheptyakov D V, Jansen M
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  • Mott transition in granular aluminum Bachar N, Lerer S, Levy A, Hacohen-Gourgy S, Almog B, Saadaoui H, Salman Z, Morenzoni E, Deutscher G
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  • Muon spin rotation study of the magnetic structure in the tetragonal antiferromagnetic state of weakly underdoped Ba 1-x K x Fe 2 As 2 Mallett BPP, Pashkevich YuG, Gusev A, Wolf Th, Bernhard C
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  • Muonium in Stishovite: Implications for the Possible Existence of Neutral Atomic Hydrogen in the Earth's Deep Mantle Funamori N, Kojima KM, Wakabayashi D, Sato T, Taniguchi T, Nishiyama N, Irifune T, Tomono D, Matsuzaki T, Miyazaki M, Hiraishi M, Koda A, Kadono R
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  • Mutual Independence of Critical Temperature and Superfluid Density under Pressure in Optimally Electron-Doped Superconducting LaFeAsO1−xFx Prando G, Hartmann Th, Schottenhamel W, Guguchia Z, Sanna S, Ahn F, Nekrasov I, Blum CGF, Wolter AUB, Wurmehl S, Khasanov R, Eremin I, Buechner B
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  • Nature of antiferromagnetic order in epitaxially strained multiferroic SrMnO3 thin films Maurel L, Marcano N, Prokscha T, Langenberg E, Blasco J, Guzman R, Suter A, Magen C, Morellon L, Ibarra M R, Pardo J A, Algarabel P A
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  • Nd2Sn2O7: An all-in-all-out pyrochlore magnet with no divergence-free field and anomalously slow paramagnetic spin dynamics Bertin A, de Reotier P Dalmas, Fak B, Marin C, Yaouanc A, Forget A, Sheptyakov D, Frick B, Ritter C, Amato A, Baines C, King P J C
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  • Nodeless superconductivity in quasi-one-dimensional Nb2PdS5: A mu SR study Biswas P K, Luetkens H, Xu Xiaofeng, Yang J H, Baines C, Amato A, Morenzoni E
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  • Oxygen isotope effects on lattice properties of La2-xBaxCuO4 (x=1/8) Guguchia Z, Sheptyakov D, Pomjakushina E, Conder K, Khasanov R, Shengelaya A, Simon A, Bussmann-Holder A, Keller H
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  • Pressure-induced electronic phase separation of magnetism and superconductivity in CrAs Khasanov R, Guguchia Z, Eremin I, Luetkens H, Amato A, Biswas Pabitra K, Rüegg C, Susner Michael A, Sefat Athena S, Zhigadlo Nikolai D, Morenzoni E
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  • Probing the multi gap behavior within '11' and '122' families of iron based superconductors: the muon-spin rotation studies Khasanov R, Guguchia Z
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  • Quenched crystal-field disorder and magnetic liquid ground states in Tb2Sn2-xTixO7 Gaulin B D, Kermarrec E, Dahlberg M L, Matthews M J, Bert F, Zhang J, Mendels P, Fritsch K, Granroth G E, Jiramongkolchai P, Amato A, Baines C, Cava R J, Schiffer P
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  • Robustness of superconductivity to structural disorder in Sr-0.3(NH2)(y)(NH3)(1-y)Fe2Se2 Foronda F R, Ghannadzadeh S, Sedlmaier S J, Wright J D, Burns K, Cassidy S J, Goddard P A, Lancaster T, Clarke S J, Blundell S J
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  • Slow magnetic fluctuations and superconductivity in fluorine-doped NdFeAsO Lamura G, Shiroka T, Bonfa P, Sanna S, De Renzi R, Putti M, Zhigadlo ND, Katrych S, Khasanov R, Karpinski J
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  • Spectroscopic study of metallic magnetism in single-crystalline Nb1-yFe2+y Rauch D, Kraken M, Litterst F J, Suellow S, Luetkens H, Brando M, Foerster T, Sichelschmidt J, Neubauer A, Pfleiderer C, Duncan W J, Grosche F M
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  • Spin-polarized quantum well states on Bi2-xFexSe3 Yee MM, Zhu ZH, Soumyanarayanan A, He Y, Song CL, Pomjakushina E, Salman Z, Kanigel A, Segawa K, Ando Y, Hoffman JE
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  • Strong enhancement of s-wave superconductivity near a quantum critical point of Ca3Ir4Sn13 Biswas P K, Guguchia Z, Khasanov R, Chinotti M, Li L, Wang Kefeng, Petrovic C, Morenzoni E
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  • Superconducting properties and pseudogap from preformed Cooper pairs in the triclinic (CaFe1-xPtxAs)10Pt3As8 Surmach M, Brueckner F, Kamusella S, Sarkar R, Portnichenko P, Park J, Ghambashidze G, Luetkens H, Biswas P, Choi W, Seo Y, Kwon Y, Klauss H, Inosov D
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  • The phase diagram of electron-doped La2-xCexCuO4-delta Saadaoui H, Salman Z, Luetkens H, Prokscha T, Suter A, Macfarlane WA, Jiang Y, Jin K, Greene RL, Morenzoni E, Kiefl RF
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  • Thermodynamic phase transitions in a frustrated magnetic metamaterial Anghinolfi L, Luetkens H, Perron J, Flokstra M G, Sendetskyi O, Suter A, Prokscha T, Derlet P M, Lee S L, Heyderman L J
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  • Tiny cause with huge impact: polar instability through strong magneto-electric-elastic coupling in bulk EuTiO3 Reuvekamp Patrick, Caslin Kevin, Guguchia Zurab, Keller Hugo, Kremer Reinhard K, Simon Arndt, Koehler Juergen, Bussmann-Holder Annette
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  • Transverse field muon-spin rotation signature of the skyrmion-lattice phase in Cu2OSeO3 Lancaster T, Williams R C, Thomas I O, Xiao F, Pratt F L, Blundell S J, Loudon J C, Hesjedal T, Clark S J, Hatton P D, Hatnean M Ciomaga, Keeble D S, Balakrishnan G
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  • Unveiled magnetic transition in Na battery material: mu+SR study of P2-Na0.5VO2 Sugiyama Jun, Umegaki Izumi, Andreica Daniel, Baines Christopher, Amato Alex, Guignard Marie, Delmas Claude, Mansson Martin
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  • Weak interband-coupling superconductivity in the filled skutterudite LaPt4Ge12 Zhang J L, Pang G M, Jiao L, Nicklas M, Chen Y, Weng Z F, Smidman M, Schnelle W, Leithe-Jasper A, Maisuradze A, Baines C, Khasanov R, Amato A, Steglich F, Gumeniuk R, Yuan H Q
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  • A mu SR study of the ruthenium perovskites ACu(3)Ru(4)O(12) with A = Ca, Pr, Nd Kalvius G M, Hartmann O, Guenther A, Krimmel A, Loidl A, Waeppling R, Sedlak K, Scheuermann R
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  • Absence of time-reversal symmetry breaking in the noncentrosymmetric superconductor Mo3Al2C Bauer E, Sekine C, Sai U, Rogl P, Biswas P K, Amato A
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  • Amorphous ferromagnetism and re-entrant magnetic glassiness in single-crystalline Sm2Mo2O7 Prando G, Carretta P, Wolter AUB, Saint-Martin R, Revcolevschi A, Buechner B
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  • Anomalous spin dynamics in CdCu2(BO3)(2) revealed by B-11 NMR and ZF-mu SR Lee W -J, Do S -H, Yoon Sungwon, Jang Z H, Suh B J, Lee J H, Reyes A P, Kuhns P L, Luetkens H, Choi K -Y
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  • Band filling effect on polaron localization in La1-x(CaySr1-y)(x)MnO3 manganites Allodi G, De Renzi R, Zheng K, Sanna S, Sidorenko A, Baumann C, Righi L, Orlandi F, Calestani G
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  • Bipartite magnetic parent phases in the iron oxypnictide superconductor Hiraishi M, Iimura S, Kojima K M, Yamaura J, Hiraka H, Ikeda K, Miao P, Ishikawa Y, Torii S, Miyazaki M, Yamauchi I, Koda A, Ishii K, Yoshida M, Mizuki J, Kadono R, Kumai R, Kamiyama T, Otomo T, Murakami Y, Matsuishi S, Hosono H
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  • Bulk superconductivity in undoped T '-La1.9Y0.1CuO4 probed by muon spin rotation Kojima KM, Krockenberger Y, Yamauchi I, Miyazaki M, Hiraishi M, Koda A, Kadono R, Kumai R, Yamamoto H, Ikeda A, Naito M
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  • CDW order and unconventional s-wave superconductivity in Ba1-xNaxTi2Sb2O Kamusella Sirko, Doan Phuong, Goltz Til, Luetkens Hubertus, Sarkar Rajib, Guloy Arnold, Klauss Hans-Henning
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  • Characterization of magnetic properties of Sr2CuWO6 and Sr2CuMoO6 Vasala Sami, Saadaoui Hassan, Morenzoni Elvezio, Chmaissem Omar, Chan Ting-Shan, Chen Jin-Ming, Hsu Ying-Ya, Yamauchi Hisao, Karppinen Maarit
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  • Comprehensive study of the spin-charge interplay in antiferromagnetic La-2 - xSrxCuO4 Drachuck Gil, Razzoli Elia, Bazalitski Galina, Kanigel Amit, Niedermayer Christof, Shi Ming, Keren Amit
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  • Controlling Magnetic Order and Quantum Disorder in Molecule-Based Magnets Lancaster T, Goddard PA, Blundell SJ, Foronda FR, Ghannadzadeh S, Moeller J-S, Baker PJ, Pratt FL, Baines C, Huang L, Wosnitza J, Mcdonald RD, Modic K-A, Singleton J, Topping CV, Beale TAW, Xiao F, Schlueter JA, Barton AM, Cabrera RD, Carreiro KE, Tran HE, Manson JL
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  • Controlling the near-surface superfluid density in underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+x by photo-illumination Stilp E, Suter A, Prokscha T, Salman Z, Morenzoni E, Keller H, Pahlke P, Huehne R, Bernhard C, Ruixing L, Hardy WN, Bonn DA, Baglo JC, Kiefl RF
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  • Crossover between magnetism and superconductivity in LaFeAsO with low H-doping level Lamura G, Shiroka T, Bonfa P, Sanna S, De Renzi R, Caglieris F, Cimberle MR, Iimura S, Hosono H, Putti M
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  • Depth dependence of the ionization energy of shallow hydrogen states in ZnO and CdS Prokscha T, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, Nieuwenhuys G J, Suter A, Doebeli M, Horisberger M, Pomjakushina E
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  • Direct Spectroscopic Observation of a Shallow Hydrogenlike Donor State in Insulating SrTiO3 Salman Z, Prokscha T, Amato A, Morenzoni E, Scheuermann R, Sedlak K, Suter A
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  • Field dependence of the superconducting gap in YPd2Sn: A mu SR and NMR study Morenzoni E, Saadaoui H, Amato A, Baines C, Luetkens H, Pomjakushina E, Pikulski M, Shiroka T
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  • Frustration-induced nanometre-scale inhomogeneity in a triangular antiferromagnet Zorko A, Adamopoulos O, Komelj M, Arcon D, Lappas A
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  • Ground State of Bond-Disordered Quasi-One-Dimensional Spin System (CH3)2CHNH3Cu(ClxBr1−x)3 with x = 0, 0.25, and 0.3 Goto T, Suzuki T, Watanabe I, Manaka H, Luetkens H, Amato A
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  • Inhomogeneous ordering in weakly coupled Heisenberg S=1/2 chains with random bonds Thede M, Haku T, Masuda T, Baines C, Pomjakushina E, Dhalenne G, Revcolevschi A, Morenzoni E, Zheludev A
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  • Insights into the high temperature superconducting cuprates from resonant inelastic X-ray scattering Dean MPM
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  • Interplay of magnetism and superconductivity in EuFe2(As1-xPx)(2) single crystals probed by muon spin rotation and Fe-57 Mossbauer spectroscopy Goltz T, Kamusella S, Jeevan H S, Gegenwart P, Luetkens H, Materne P, Spehling J, Sarkar R, Klauss H-H
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  • Interplay of magnetism and superconductivity in EuFe2(As1-xPx)2 single crystals probed by muon spin rotation and 57Fe Moessbauer spectroscopy Goltz T, Kamusella S, Jeevan HS, Gegenwart P, Luetkens H, Materne P, Spehling J, Sarkar R, Klauss HH
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  • Intrinsic paramagnetism and aggregation of manganese dopants in SrTiO3 Zorko A, Pregelj M, Luetkens H, Axelsson AK, Valant M
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  • Lattice-Site-Specific Spin Dynamics in Double Perovskite Sr2CoOsO6 Yan B, Kumar Paul A, Kanungo S, Reehuis M, Hoser A, Toebbens DM, Schnelle W, Williams RC, Lancaster T, Xiao F, Moeller JS, Blundell SJ, Hayes W, Felser C, Jansen M
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  • Lithium Diffusion & Magnetism in Battery Cathode Material LixNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 Mansson M, Nozaki H, Wikberg J M, Prsa K, Sassa Y, Dahbi M, Kamazawa K, Sedlak K, Wantanabe I, Sugiyama J
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  • Low field magnetic response of the non-centrosymmetric superconductor YPtBi Bay T V, Jackson M, Paulsen C, Baines C, Amato A, Orvis T, Aronson M C, Huang Y K, de Visser A
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  • Low temperature crystal structure and local magnetometry for the geometrically frustrated pyrochlore Tb2Ti2O7 de Reotier P Dalmas, Yaouanc A, Bertin A, Marin C, Vanishri S, Sheptyakov D, Cerevellino A, Roessli B, Baines C
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  • Low-Energy Muons at PSI: Examples of Investigations of Superconducting Properties in Near-Surface Regions and Heterostuctures Morenzoni E, Prokscha T, Saadaoui H, Salman Z, Suter A, Wojek B, Baglo J, Bozovic I, Hossain M, Kiefl R, Logvenov G, Ofer O
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  • Low-temperature magnetic fluctuations in the Kondo insulator SmB6 Biswas PK, Salman Z, Neupert T, Morenzoni E, Pomjakushina E, von Rohr F, Conder K, Balakrishnan G, Ciomaga Hatnean M, Lees MR, Paul DMcK, Schilling A, Baines C, Luetkens H, Khasanov R, Amato A
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  • Magnetic field distribution and characteristic fields of the vortex lattice for a clean superconducting niobium sample in an external field applied along a three-fold axis Yaouanc A, Maisuradze A, Nakai N, Machida K, Khasanov R, Amato A, Biswas PK, Baines C, Herlach D, Henes R, Keppler P, Keller H
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 89, 184503 (2014).
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  • Magnetic order and spin dynamics in La2O2Fe2OSe2 probed by Fe-57 Mossbauer, La-139 NMR, and muon-spin relaxation spectroscopy Guenther M, Kamusella S, Sarkar R, Goltz T, Luetkens H, Pascua G, Do S -H, Choi K -Y, Zhou H D, Blum C G F, Wurmehl S, Buechner B, Klauss H -H
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  • Magnetic order and spin dynamics in La2O2Fe2OSe2 probed by Fe57 Moessbauer, La139 NMR, and muon-spin relaxation spectroscopy Guenther M, Kamusella S, Sarkar R, Goltz T, Luetkens H, Pascua G, Do S-H, Choi K-Y, Zhou H D, Blum C G F, Wurmehl S, Buechner B, Klauss H-H
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  • Magnetic order in the 2D Heavy-Fermion system CePt2In7 studied by mu+SR Mansson M, Prsa K, Sassa Y, Tobash P H, Bauer E D, Rusu C, Andreica D, Tjernberg O, Sedlak K, Grioni M, Durakiewicz T, Sugiyama J
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  • Magnetic properties of the multiferroic compounds Eu1-xYxMnO3 (x=0.2 and 0.3) Kalvius G M, Litterst F J, Hartmann O, Wappling R, Krimmel A, Mukhin A A, Balbashov A M, Loidl A
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  • Magnetism and magnetic order in the pyrochlore iridates in the insulator-to-metal crossover region Graf M J, Disseler S M, Dhital C, Hogan T, Bojko M, Amato A, Luetkens H, Baines C, Margineda D, Giblin S R, Jura M, Wilson S D
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  • Magnetism of Pd1-xNix alloys near the critical concentration for ferromagnetism Kalvius GM, Hartmann O, Waeppling R, Guenther A, Krimmel A, Loidl A, MacLaughlin DE, Bernal OO, Nieuwenhuys GJ, Aronson MC, Dickey RP, Maple MB, Amato A, Baines C
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  • Measurement of hyperfine coupling constants of muoniated radicals in small molecule semiconductors Schulz L, Wang K, Willis M, Nuccio L, Murahari P, Zhang S, Pratt F L, Lord J S, Morley N A, Bernhard C, Drew A J
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  • Measurement of the spatial extent of inverse proximity in a Py/Nb/Py superconducting trilayer using low-energy muon-spin rotation Flokstra MG, Ray SJ, Lister SJ, Aarts J, Luetkens H, Prokscha T, Suter A, Morenzoni E, Lee SL
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  • Microscopic coexistence of magnetism and superconductivity in charge-compensated Ba1-xKx(Fe1-yCoy)(2)As-2 Goltz T, Zinth V, Johrendt D, Rosner H, Pascua G, Luetkens H, Materne P, Klauss HH
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  • Modifications of the Meissner screening profile in YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films by gold nanoparticles Stilp E, Suter A, Prokscha T, Salman Z, Morenzoni E, Keller H, Katzer C, Schmidl F, Doebeli M
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  • Muon spin precession in ferromagnetic DyAl2 Hartmann O, Kalvius G M, Waeppling R
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  • Muon-spin rotation measurements of the vortex state in Sr2RuO4: Type-1.5 superconductivity, vortex clustering, and a crossover from a triangular to a square vortex lattice Ray SJ, Gibbs AS, Bending SJ, Curran PJ, Babaev E, Baines C, Mackenzie AP, Lee SL
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  • Muonic atom as an acceptor centre in diamond Mamedov T N, Baturin A S, Gritsaj K I, Maisuradze A, Ralchenko V G, Scheuermann R, Sedlak K, Stoykov A V
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  • Muonium states in Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cell material Alberto H V, Vilao R C, Gil J M, Duarte J Piroto, Vieira R B L, Weidinger A, Leitao J P, da Cunha A F, Sousa M G, Teixeira J P, Fernandes P A, Salome P M P, Timmo K, Loorits M, Amato A, Luetkens H, Prokscha T, Suter A, Salman Z
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  • Muonium states in Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cell material Alberto HV, Vilao RC, Gil JM, Piroto Duarte J, Vieira RBL, Weidinger A, Leitao JP, da Cunha AF, Sousa MG, Teixeira JP, Fernandes PA, Salome PMP, Timmo K, Loorits M, Amato A, Luetkens H, Prokscha T, Suter A, Salman Z
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  • Negative Oxygen Isotope Effect on the Static Spin Stripe Order in Superconducting La2-x,BaxCuO4(x=1/8) Observed by Muon-Spin Rotation Guguchia Z, Khasanov R, Bendele M, Pomjakushina E, Conder K, Shengelaya A, Keller H
    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 113, 057002 (2014).
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  • New insights for the description of magnetic correlations inferred from mu SR de Reotier P Dalmas, Yaouanc A, Maisuradze A
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  • Poisoning effect of Mn in LaFe1-xMnxAsO0.89F0.11: Unveiling a quantum critical point in the phase diagram of iron-based superconductors Hammerath F, Bonfa P, Sanna S, Prando G, De Renzi R, Kobayashi Y, Sato M, Carretta P
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  • Polymer dynamics near the surface and in the bulk of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) probed by zero-field muon-spin-relaxation spectroscopy Mckenzie I, Salman Z, Giblin SR, Han YY, Leach GW, Morenzoni E, Prokscha T, Suter A
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  • Presence of parimagnetism in HoCo2 under hydrostatic pressure Valenta J, Prchal J, Khasanov R, Kratochvilova M, Misek M, Valiska M, Sechovsky V
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  • Pressure Effects in the Iron Chalcogenides Bendele M, Pomjakushina E, Conder K, Khasanov R, Keller H
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  • Pressure-Induced Quantum Critical and Multicritical Points in a Frustrated Spin Liquid Thede M, Mannig A, Mansson M, Huevonen D, Khasanov R, Morenzoni E, Zheludev A
    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 112, 087204 (2014).
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  • Probing the magnetic phases in the Ni-V alloy close to the disordered ferromagnetic quantum critical point with mu SR Schroeder A, Wang R, Baker P J, Pratt F L, Blundell S J, Lancaster T, Franke I, Moeller J S
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  • Quantum spin chain as a potential realization of the Nersesyan-Tsvelik model Balz C, Lake B, Luetkens H, Baines C, Guidi T, Abdel-Hafiez M, Wolter A U B, Buechner B, Morozov I V, Deeva E B, Volkova O S, Vasiliev A N
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  • Quantum spin chain as a potential realization of the Nersesyan-Tsvelik model (vol 90, 060409, 2014) Balz C, Lake B, Luetkens H, Baines C, Guidi T, Abdel-Hafiez M, Wolter A U B, Buechner B, Morozov I V, Deeva E B, Volkova O S, Vasiliev A N
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 90, 099901 (2014).
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  • Relation between cuprate superconductivity and magnetism: A Raman study of (CaLa)(1)(BaLa)(2)Cu3Oy Wulferding Dirk, Shay Meni, Drachuck Gil, Ofer Rinat, Bazalitsky Galina, Salman Zaher, Lemmens Peter, Keren Amit
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  • Short-Range Correlations in the Magnetic Ground State of Na4Ir3O8 Dally Rebecca, Hogan Tom, Amato Alex, Luetkens Hubertus, Baines Chris, Rodriguez-Rivera Jose, Graf Michael J, Wilson Stephen D
    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 113, 247601 (2014).
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  • Simulation of TF-muSR histograms in germanium in the presence of cyclic charge state transitions of muonium Prokscha T
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  • Spin dynamics and disorder effects in the S=1/2 kagome Heisenberg spin-liquid phase of kapellasite Kermarrec E, Zorko A, Bert F, Colman R H, Koteswararao B, Bouquet F, Bonville P, Hillier A, Amato A, van Tol J, Ozarowski A, Wills A S, Mendels P
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  • Spin fluctuations above 100 K in stoichiometric LiCoO2 Mukai K, Aoki Y, Andreica D, Amato A, Watanabe I, Giblin S R, Sugiyama J
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  • Spin-lattice coupling induced weak dynamical magnetism in EuTiO3 at high temperatures Guguchia Z, Keller H, Kremer R K, Koehler J, Luetkens H, Goko T, Amato A, Bussmann-Holder A
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 90, 064413 (2014).
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  • SrPt3P: A two-band single-gap superconductor Khasanov R, Amato A, Biswas P K, Luetkens H, Zhigadlo N D, Batlogg B
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 90, 140507 (2014).
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  • Stripe disorder and dynamics in the hole-doped antiferromagnetic insulator La5/3Sr1/3CoO4 Lancaster T, Giblin S, Allodi G, Bordignon S, Mazzani M, De Renzi R, Freeman P, Baker P, Pratt F, Babkevich P, Blundell S, Boothroyd A, Moeller J, Prabhakaran D
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 89, 020405 (2014).
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  • Strong Meissner screening change in superconducting radio frequency cavities due to mild baking Romanenko A, Grassellino A, Barkov F, Suter A, Salman Z, Prokscha T
    APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 104, 072601 (2014).
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  • Superconducting and magnetic properties of Sr3Ir4Sn13 Biswas P K, Amato A, Khasanov R, Luetkens H, Wang Kefeng, Petrovic C, Cook R M, Lees M R, Morenzoni E
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 90, 144505 (2014).
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  • Superconducting properties of Ca3Ir4Sn13: a mu SR study Biswas P K, Amato A, Wang Kefeng, Petrovic C, Khasanov R, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E
    DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/551/1/012029
  • Superconductivity in a new layered bismuth oxyselenide: LaO0.5F0.5BiSe2 Krzton-Maziopa A, Guguchia Z, Pomjakushina E, Pomjakushin V, Khasanov R, Luetkens H, Biswas P K, Amato A, Keller H, Conder K
    DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/26/21/215702
  • Suppression of T-C by overdoped Li in the diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor Li1+y(Zn1-xMnx)P: A mu SR investigation Ning FL, Huiyuan M, Xin G, Guoxiang Z, Shengli G, Cui D, Quan W, Goko T, Liu L, Frandsen BA, Uemura YJ, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, Jin CQ, Munsie T, Luke GM, Wang H, Bin C
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 90, 085123 (2014).
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  • The Structure and Regulation of Human Muscle α-Actinin Ribeiro E, Pinotsis N, Ghisleni A, Salmazo A, Konarev Petr V, Kostan J, Sjöblom B, Schreiner C, Polyansky Anton A, Gkougkoulia Eirini A, Holt Mark R, Aachmann Finn L, ?agrovic B, Bordignon E, Pirker Katharina F, Svergun Dmitri I, Gautel M, Djinovic-Carugo K
    CELL 159, 1447 (2014).
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  • Thermally activated spin fluctuations in stoichiometric LiCoO2 clarified by electron paramagnetic resonance and muon-spin rotation and relaxation measurements Mukai Kazuhiko, Aoki Yoshifumi, Andreica Daniel, Amato Alex, Watanabe Isao, Giblin Sean R, Sugiyama Jun
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 89, 094406 (2014).
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  • Tuning the magnetic and structural phase transitions of PrFeAsO via Fe/Ru spin dilution Yiu Yuen, Bonfa Pietro, Sanna Samuele, De Renzi Roberto, Carretta Pietro, McGuire Michael A, Huq Ashfia, Nagler Stephen E
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 90, 064515 (2014).
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  • Tuning the spin dynamics of single molecule magnets via dipolar interactions Hofmann A, Salman Z
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  • Two-Dimensional Magnetic and Superconducting Phases in Metal-Insulator La(2−x)Sr(x)CuO(4) Superlattices Studied by Low-Energy Muon-Spin Rotation Suter A, Morenzoni E, Prokscha T, Wojek B, Luetkens H, Gozar A, Logvenov G, Bozovic I
    DOI: 10.7566/JPSCP.2.010204
  • Understanding the mu SR spectra of MnSi without magnetic polarons Amato A, Dalmas de Reotier P, Andreica D, Yaouanc A, Suter A, Lapertot G, Pop IM, Morenzoni E, Bonfa P, Bernardini F, De Renzi R
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 89, 184425 (2014).
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  • mu SR and NMR study of the superconducting Heusler compound YPd2Sn (vol 88, 094518, 2013) Saadaoui H, Shiroka T, Amato A, Baines C, Luetkens H, Pomjakushina E, Pomjakushin V, Mesot J, Pikulski M, Morenzoni E
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 90, 059902 (2014).
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  • mu SR study of a quantum spin liquid candidate: the S=1/2 vanadium oxyfluoride kagome antiferromagnet Orain J C, Clark L, Bert F, Attfield P, Aidoudi F H, Morris R E, Lightfoot P, Amato A, Baines C
    DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/551/1/012004
  • mu SR study on quantum spin system NH4CuCl3 Matsui K, Oosawa A, Yoshizawa K, Goto T, Suzuki T, Fujisawa M, Tanaka H, Biswas P K, Amato A
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  • (La1-xBax)(Zn1-xMnx)AsO: A two-dimensional 1111-type diluted magnetic semiconductor in bulk form Ding Cui, Man Huiyuan, Qin Chuan, Lu Jicai, Sun Yunlei, Wang Quan, Yu Biqiong, Feng Chunmu, Goko T, Arguello C J, Liu L, Frandsen B A, Uemura Y J, Wang Hangdong, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, Han W, Jin C Q, Munsie T, Williams T J, D'Ortenzio R M, Medina T, Luke G M, Imai T, Ning F L
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 88, 041102 (2013).
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  • A magnetic glassy phase in Fe1+ySexTe1-x single crystals Lamura G, Shiroka T, Bonfa P, Sanna S, Bernardini F, De Renzi R, Viennois R, Giannini E, Piriou A, Emery N, Cimberle MR, Putti M
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  • A view from inside iron-based superconductors Carretta P, De Renzi R, Prando G, Sanna S
    PHYSICA SCRIPTA 88, 068504 (2013).
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  • Absence of spontaneous magnetism associated with a possible time-reversal symmetry breaking state beneath the surface of (110)-oriented YBa2Cu3O7-delta superconducting films Saadaoui H, Salman Z, Prokscha T, Suter A, Huhtinen H, Morenzoni E
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 88, 180501 (2013).
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  • Another dimension: investigations of molecular magnetism using muon-spin relaxation Lancaster Tom, Blundell Stephen J, Pratt Francis L
    PHYSICA SCRIPTA 88, 068506 (2013).
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  • Antiferromagnetic spin structure and lithium ion diffusion in Li2MnO3 probed by mu+SR Sugiyama Jun, Mukai Kazuhiko, Nozaki Hiroshi, Harada Masashi, Mansson Martin, Kamazawa Kazuya, Andreica Daniel, Amato Alex, Hillier Adrian D
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 024409 (2013).
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  • Common effect of chemical and external pressures on the magnetic properties of RCoPO (R = La, Pr) Prando G, Bonfa P, Profeta G, Khasanov R, Bernardini F, Mazzani M, Bruening E M, Pal A, Awana V P S, Grafe H -J, Buechner B, De Renzi R, Carretta P, Sanna S
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  • Competing magnetic interactions in the graphite-intercalation compound Li0.25Eu1.95C6 Shiroka T, Thede M, Wittenfeld L, Litterst F J, Cahen S, Rida H, Emery N, Mareche J -F, Lagrange P, Herold C
    CARBON 63, 294-302 (2013).
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  • Complex spectral evolution in a BCS superconductor, Z(r)B(12) Thakur Sangeeta, Biswas Deepnarayan, Sahadev Nishaina, Biswas P K, Balakrishnan G, Maiti Kalobaran
    Scientific Reports 3, 3342 (2013).
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  • Conventional superconductivity and charge-density-wave ordering in Ba1-xNaxTi2Sb2O von Rohr Fabian, Schilling Andreas, Nesper Reinhard, Baines Chris, Bendele Markus
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 88, 140501 (2013).
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  • Diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor Li(Zn,Mn)P with decoupled charge and spin doping Deng Z, Zhao K, Gu B, Han W, Zhu J L, Wang X C, Li X, Liu Q Q, Yu R C, Goko T, Frandsen B, Liu L, Zhang Jinsong, Wang Yayu, Ning F L, Maekawa S, Uemura Y J, Jin C Q
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  • Dynamical Splayed Ferromagnetic Ground State in the Quantum Spin Ice Yb2Sn2O7 Yaouanc A, Dalmas de Reotier P, Bonville P, Hodges JA, Glazkov V, Keller L, Sikolenko V, Bartkowiak M, Amato A, Baines C, King PJC, Gubbens PCM, Forget A
    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 110, 127207 (2013).
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  • Effect of pressure on the Cu and Pr magnetism in Nd1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-delta investigated by muon spin rotation Maisuradze A, Graneli B, Guguchia Z, Shengelaya A, Pomjakushina E, Conder K, Keller H
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 054401 (2013).
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  • Evidence for Cooper pair diffraction on the vortex lattice of superconducting niobium Maisuradze A, Yaouanc A, Khasanov R, Amato A, Baines C, Herlach D, Henes R, Keppler P, Keller H
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 88, 140509 (2013).
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  • Evidence for superconductivity with broken time-reversal symmetry in locally noncentrosymmetric SrPtAs Biswas P K, Luetkens H, Neupert T, Stuerzer T, Baines C, Pascua G, Schnyder A P, Fischer M H, Goryo J, Lees M R, Maeter H, Brueckner F, Klauss H -H, Nicklas M, Baker P J, Hillier A D, Sigrist M, Amato A, Johrendt D
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 180503 (2013).
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  • Evolution of magnetic interactions in a pressure-induced Jahn-Teller driven magnetic dimensionality switch Ghannadzadeh S, Moeller J S, Goddard P A, Lancaster T, Xiao F, Blundell S J, Maisuradze A, Khasanov R, Manson J L, Tozer S W, Graf D, Schlueter J A
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, UNSP 241102 (2013).
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  • Gapless Spin Liquid Ground State in the S=1/2 Vanadium Oxyfluoride Kagome Antiferromagnet [NH4](2)[C7H14N][V7O6F18] Clark L, Orain JC, Bert F, De Vries MA, Aidoudi FH, Morris RE, Lightfoot P, Lord JS, Telling MTF, Bonville P, Attfield JP, Mendels P, Harrison A
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  • Hyperfine Coupling Constants of the Cyclohexadienyl Radical in Benzene and Dilute Aqueous Solution McKenzie Iain, Scheuermann Robert, Cottrell Stephen P, Lord James S, Tucker Ian M
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 117, 13614-13618 (2013).
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  • Importance of Spin-Orbit Interaction for the Electron Spin Relaxation in Organic Semiconductors Nuccio L, Willis M, Schulz L, Fratini S, Messina F, D'Amico M, Pratt FL, Lord JS, McKenzie I, Loth M, Purushothaman B, Anthony J, Heeney M, Wilson RM, Hernandez I, Cannas M, Sedlak K, Kreouzis T, Gillin WP, Bernhard C, Drew AJ
    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 110, 216602 (2013).
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  • In situ muSR and NMR investigation of methanol dissociation on carbon-supported nanoscaled Pt-Ru catalyst Suleimanov Nail M, Khantimerov Sergey M, Scheuermann Robert, Herlach Dierk, Loschin Alexandr A, Gnezdilov Oleg I, Sakhratov Yurii A, Matukhin Vadim L
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  • Influence of short-range spin correlations on the mu SR polarization functions in the slow dynamic limit: Application to the quantum spin-liquid system Yb2Ti2O7 Yaouanc A, Maisuradze A, de Reotier P Dalmas
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 134405 (2013).
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  • Low superfluid density and possible multigap superconductivity in the BiS2-based layered superconductor Bi4O4S3 Biswas P K, Amato A, Baines C, Khasanov R, Luetkens H, Lei Hechang, Petrovic C, Morenzoni E
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 88, 224515 (2013).
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  • Low temperature ballistic spin transport in the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain compound SrCuO2 Maeter H, Zvyagin A A, Luetkens H, Pascua G, Shermadini Z, Saint-Martin R, Revcolevschi A, Hess C, Buechner B, Klauss H-H
    DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/25/36/365601
  • Low-Field Superconducting Phase of (TMTSF)(2)ClO4 Pratt FL, Lancaster T, Blundell SJ, Baines C
    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 110, 107005 (2013).
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  • Magnetic fluctuations and spin freezing in nonsuperconducting LiFeAs derivatives Wright J D, Pitcher M J, Trevelyan-Thomas W, Lancaster T, Baker P J, Pratt F L, Clarke S J, Blundell S J
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  • Magnetic form factor, field map, and field distribution for a BCS type-II superconductor near its B-c2(T) phase boundary Maisuradze A, Yaouanc A
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  • Magnetic form factor, field map, and field distribution for a BCS type-II superconductor near its B-c2(T) phase boundary (vol 87, 134508, 2013) Maisuradze A, Yaouanc A
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  • Magnetic order and low-energy excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet CuSe2O5 with staggered fields Herak M, Zorko A, Pregelj M, Zaharko O, Posnjak G, Jaglicic Z, Potocnik A, Luetkens H, van Tol J, Ozarowski A, Berger H, Arcon D
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  • Magnetic phase diagram of low-doped La2-xSrxCuO4 thin films studied by low-energy muon-spin rotation Stilp E, Suter A, Prokscha T, Morenzoni E, Keller H, Wojek BM, Luetkens H, Gozar A, Logvenov G, Bozovic I
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  • Magnetization and Hall effect studies on the pyrochlore iridate Nd2Ir2O7 Disseler S M, Giblin S R, Dhital Chetan, Lukas K C, Wilson Stephen D, Graf M J
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  • Measurement of Unique Magnetic and Superconducting Phases in Oxygen-Doped High-Temperature Superconductors La2-xSrxCuO4+y Udby L, Larsen J, Christensen N B, Boehm M, Niedermayer Ch, Mohottala H E, Jensen T B S, Toft-Petersen R, Chou F C, Andersen N H, Lefmann K, Wells B O
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  • Microscopic studies of the normal and superconducting state of Ca3Ir4Sn13 Gerber S, Gavilano J L, Medarde M, Pomjakushin V, Baines C, Pomjakushina E, Conder K, Kenzelmann M
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  • Mn(dca)(2)(o-phen) {dca = dicyanamide; o-phen=1,10-phenanthroline}: Long-range magnetic order in a low-dimensional Mn-dca polymer Manson Jamie L, Brown Craig M, Huang Qing, Schlueter John A, Lancaster Tom, Blundell Stephen J, Singleton John, Lynn Jeffrey W, Pratt Francis L
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  • Multiferroicity in the geometrically frustrated FeTe2O5Cl Pregelj M, Zorko A, Zaharko O, Jeglic P, Kutnjak Z, Jaglicic Z, Jazbec S, Luetkens H, Hillier AD, Berger H, Arcon D
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  • Muon diffusion and electronic magnetism in Y2Ti2O7 Rodriguez J, Yaouanc A, Barbara B, Pomjakushina E, Quemerais P, Salman Z
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  • Muon spin relaxation and electron/neutron diffraction studies of BaTi2(As1-xSbx)(2)O: Absence of static magnetism and superlattice reflections Nozaki Y, Nakano K, Yajima T, Kageyama H, Frandsen B, Liu L, Cheung S, Goko T, Uemura Y J, Munsie T S J, Medina T, Luke G M, Munevar J, Nishio-Hamane D, Brown C M
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  • Muon-Spin Rotation Measurements of an Unusual Vortex-Glass Phase in the Layered Superconductor Bi2.15Sr1.85CaCu2O8+delta Heron DOG, Ray SJ, Lister SJ, Aegerter CM, Keller H, Kes PH, Menon GI, Lee SL
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  • Muon-Spin Rotation and Magnetization Studies of Chemical and Hydrostatic Pressure Effects in EuFe2(As1-xPx)(2) Guguchia Z, Shengelaya A, Maisuradze A, Howald L, Bukowski Z, Chikovani M, Luetkens H, Katrych S, Karpinski J, Keller H
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  • Muoniated spin probes in the discotic liquid crystal HHTT: Rapid electron spin relaxation in the hexagonal columnar and isotropic phases McKenzie Iain, Cammidge Andrew N, Gopee Hemant, Dilger Herbert, Scheuermann Robert, Stoykov Alexey, Jayasooriya Upali A
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  • Muonium in synthetic diamond Mamedov T N, Baturin A S, Blank V D, Gritsaj K I, Kuznetsov M S, Nosukhin S A, Ralchenko V G, Scheuermann R, Stoykov A V, Terentiev S A
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  • New diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor with Curie temperature up to 180 K and isostructural to the '122' iron-based superconductors Zhao K, Deng Z, Wang XC, Han W, Zhu JL, Li X, Liu QQ, Yu RC, Goko T, Frandsen B, Liu L, Ning F, Uemura YJ, Dabkowska H, Luke GM, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, Dunsiger SR, Senyshyn A, Boeni P, Jin CQ
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  • Nonlocal effect and dimensions of Cooper pairs measured by low-energy muons and polarized neutrons in type-I superconductors Kozhevnikov V, Suter A, Fritzsche H, Gladilin V, Volodin A, Moorkens T, Trekels M, Cuppens J, Wojek B, Prokscha T, Morenzoni E, Nieuwenhuys GJ, Van Bael MJ, Temst K, Van Haesendonck C, Indekeu JO
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  • Nonlocal effect and dimensions of Cooper pairs measured by low-energy muons and polarized neutrons in type-I superconductors (vol 87, 104508, 2013) Kozhevnikov V, Suter A, Fritzsche H, Gladilin V, Volodin A, Moorkens T, Trekels M, Cuppens J, Wojek B M, Prokscha T, Morenzoni E, Nieuwenhuys G J, Van Bael M J, Temst K, Van Haesendonck C, Indekeu J O
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  • Onset of magnetism in optimally electron-doped LFe1-xRuxAsO1-yFy (L = La, Nd, or Sm) superconductors around x=1/4 Sanna S, Carretta P, De Renzi R, Prando G, Bonfa P, Mazzani M, Lamura G, Shiroka T, Kobayashi Y, Sato M
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  • Partially disordered spin structure in Ag2CrO2 studied with mu+SR Sugiyama J, Nozaki H, Miwa K, Yoshida H, Isobe M, Prsa K, Amato A, Andreica D, Mansson M
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  • Phase separation at the magnetic-superconducting transition in La0.7Y0.3FeAsO1-xFx Prando G, Sanna S, Lamura G, Shiroka T, Tropeano M, Palenzona A, Grafe HJ, Buuchner B, Carretta P, De Renzi R
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  • Photo-induced persistent inversion of germanium in a 200-nm-deep surface region Prokscha T, Chow KH, Stilp E, Suter A, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, Nieuwenhuys GJ, Salman Z, Scheuermann R
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  • Photoemission and muon spin relaxation spectroscopy of the iron-based Rb0.77Fe1.61Se2 superconductor: Crucial role of the cigar-shaped Fermi surface Maletz J, Zabolotnyy V B, Evtushinsky D V, Yaresko A N, Kordyuk A A, Shermadini Z, Luetkens H, Sedlak K, Khasanov R, Amato A, Krzton-Maziopa A, Conder K, Pomjakushina E, Klauss H -H, Rienks E D L, Buechner B, Borisenko S V
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  • Possible realization of an antiferromagnetic Griffiths phase in Ba(Fe1-xMnx)(2)As-2 Inosov D S, Friemel G, Park J T, Walters A C, Texier Y, Laplace Y, Bobroff J, Hinkov V, Sun D L, Liu Y, Khasanov R, Sedlak K, Bourges Ph, Sidis Y, Ivanov A, Lin C T, Keller T, Keimer B
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  • Pressure dependence of magnetic transition temperature in Li[LixMn2-x]O-4 (0 <= x <= 1/3) studied by muon-spin rotation and relaxation Mukai Kazuhiko, Andreica Daniel, Ikedo Yutaka, Nozaki Hiroshi, Mansson Martin, Amato Alex, Sugiyama Jun
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  • Role of in-plane and out-of-plane dilution in CeFeAsO: Charge doping versus disorder Prando G, Vakaliuk O, Sanna S, Lamura G, Shiroka T, Bonfa P, Carretta P, De Renzi R, Klauss H -H, Blum C G F, Wurmehl S, Hess C, Buechner B
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  • Short-range magnetic order and effective suppression of superconductivity by manganese doping in LaFe1-xMnxAsO1-yFy Frankovsky Rainer, Luetkens Hubertus, Tambornino Frank, Marchuk Alexey, Pascua Gwendolyne, Amato Alex, Klauss Hans-Henning, Johrendt Dirk
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  • Spatially Homogeneous Ferromagnetism below the Enhanced Curie Temperature in EuO1-x Thin Films Monteiro P, Baker P, Ionescu A, Barnes C, Salman Z, Suter A, Prokscha T, Langridge S
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  • Strong Pressure Dependence of the Magnetic Penetration Depth in Single Crystals of the Heavy-Fermion Superconductor CeCoIn5 Studied by Muon Spin Rotation Howald L, Maisuradze A, Dalmas de Reotier P, Yaouanc A, Baines C, Lapertot G, Mony K, Brison JP, Keller H
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  • Structural and magnetic phase transitions in triclinic Ca-10(FeAs)(10)(Pt3As8) Stuerzer T, Friederichs G M, Luetkens H, Amato A, Klauss H-H, Johrendt Dirk
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  • The gradient distribution of Ni ions in cation-disordered Li[Ni1/2Mn3/2]O-4 clarified by muon-spin rotation and relaxation (mu SR) Mukai Kazuhiko, Ikedo Yutaka, Kamazawa Kazuya, Brewer Jess H, Ansaldo Eduardo J, Chow Kim H, Mansson Martin, Sugiyama Jun
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  • Tuning the static spin-stripe phase and superconductivity in La2-xBaxCuO4 (x=1/8) by hydrostatic pressure Guguchia Z, Maisuradze A, Ghambashidze G, Khasanov R, Shengelaya A, Keller H
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  • Two-Dimensional Superfluid Density in an Alkali Metal-Organic Solvent Intercalated Iron Selenide Superconductor Li(C5H5N)(0.2)Fe2Se2 (vol 110, 137003, 2013) Biswas P K, Krzton-Maziopa A, Khasanov R, Luetkens H, Pomjakushina E, Conder K, Amato A
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  • Two-Dimensional Superfluid Density in an Alkali Metal-Organic Solvent Intercalated Iron Selenide Superconductor LidC(5)H(5)N)(0.2)Fe2Se2 Biswas PK, Krzton-Maziopa A, Khasanov R, Luetkens H, Pomjakushina E, Conder K, Amato A
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  • Unconventional magnetic ground state in Yb2Ti2O7 D'Ortenzio R M, Dabkowska H A, Dunsiger S R, Gaulin B D, Gingras M J P, Goko T, Kycia J B, Liu L, Medina T, Munsie T J, Pomaranski D, Ross K A, Uemura Y J, Williams T J, Luke G M
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  • mu SR and NMR study of the superconducting Heusler compound YPd2Sn Saadaoui H, Shiroka T, Amato A, Baines C, Luetkens H, Pomjakushina E, Pomjakushin V, Mesot J, Pikulski M, Morenzoni E
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  • s-wave pairing in the optimally doped LaO0.5F0.5BiS2 superconductor Lamura G, Shiroka T, Bonfa P, Sanna S, De Renzi R, Baines C, Luetkens H, Kajitani J, Mizuguchi Y, Miura O, Deguchi K, Demura S, Takano Y, Putti M
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  • A GEANT4 study on the time resolution of a fast plastic scintillator read out by a G-APD Sedlak K, Stoykov A, Scheuermann R
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  • A time resolution study with a plastic scintillator read out by a Geiger-mode Avalanche Photodiode Stoykov A, Scheuermann R, Sedlak K
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  • Absolute Value and Anisotropy of the Magnetic Penetration Depth in YBa2Cu3O6.92 Hossain MD, Baglo JC, Wojek BM, Ofer O, Dunsiger SR, Morris GD, Prokscha T, Saadaoui H, Salman Z, Bonn DA, Liang R, Hardy WN, Suter A, Morenzoni E, Kiefl RF
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  • Absolute value and temperature dependence of the magnetic penetration depth in Ba(Co0.074Fe0.926)(2)As-2 Ofer O, Baglo JC, Hossain MD, Kiefl RF, Hardy WN, Thaler A, Kim H, Tanatar MA, Canfield PC, Prozorov R, Luke GM, Morenzoni E, Saadaoui H, Suter A, Prokscha T, Wojek BM, Salman Z
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  • Avoided Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical Point: Unusual Short-Range Ordered State in CeFePO Lausberg S, Spehling J, Steppke A, Jesche A, Luetkens H, Amato A, Baines C, Krellner C, Brando M, Geibel C, Klauss H-H, Steglich F
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  • Coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism in FeSe1-x under pressure Bendele M, Ichsanow A, Pashkevich YU, Keller L, Straessle TH, Gusev A, Pomjakushina E, Conder K, Khasanov R, Keller H
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  • Critical behavior of the Mn-2[Nb(CN)(8)] molecular magnet Pelka R, Czapla M, Zielinski PM, Fitta M, Balanda M, Pinkowicz D, Pratt FL, Mihalik M, Przewoznik J, Amato A, Sieklucka B, Wasiutynski T
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  • Depth-Dependent Spin Dynamics in Thin Films of TbPc2 Nanomagnets Explored by Low-Energy Implanted Muons Hofmann A, Salman Z, Mannini M, Amato A, Malavolti L, Morenzoni E, Prokscha T, Sessoli R, Suter A
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  • Depth-dependent spin dynamics in TbMnO3 thin films measured by low energy muon spin relaxation Bator M, Hu YI, Luetkens H, Niedermayer CH, Prokscha T, Suter A, Salman Z, Kenzelmann M, Schneider CH, Lippert T
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  • Design and Simulation of a Spin Rotator for Longitudinal Field Measurements in the Low Energy Muons Spectrometer Salman Z, Prokscha T, Keller P, Morenzoni E, Saadaoui H, Sedlak K, Shiroka T, Sidorov S, Suter A, Vrankovic V, Weber HP
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  • Dimensionality Selection in a Molecule-Based Magnet Goddard PA, Manson JL, Singleton J, Franke I, Lancaster T, Steele AJ, Blundell SJ, Baines C, Pratt FL, McDonald RD, Ayala-Valenzuela OE, Corbey JF, Southerland HI, Sengupta P, Schlueter JA
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  • Direct Observation of the Quantum Critical Point in Heavy Fermion CeRhSi3 Egetenmeyer N, Gavilano J L, Maisuradze A, Gerber S, MacLaughlin D E, Seyfarth G, Andreica D, Desilets-Benoit A, Bianchi A D, Baines Ch, Khasanov R, Fisk Z, Kenzelmann M
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  • Direct observation of a ferri-to-ferromagnetic transition in a fluoride-bridged 3d-4f molecular cluster Dreiser J, Pedersen KS, Piamonteze C, Rusponi S, Salman Z, Ali ME, Schau-Magnussen M, Thuesen CA, Piligkos S, Weihe H, Mutka H, Waldmann O, Oppeneer P, Bendix J, Nolting F, Brune H
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  • Effect of external pressure on the magnetic properties of LnFeAsO (Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Sm) De Renzi R, Bonfa P, Mazzani M, Sanna S, Prando G, Carretta P, Khasanov R, Amato A, Luetkens H, Bendele M, Bernardini F, Massidda S, Palenzona A, Tropeano M, Vignolo M
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  • Electron polarization and formation probability of bound muonium in CdS and Si Alberto H V, Vilao R C, Piroto Duarte J, Gil J M, Weidinger A, Lord J S, Cox S F J
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  • Evidence for an exotic magnetic transition in the triangular spin system FeGa2S4 de Reotier PD, Yaouanc A, MacLaughlin DE, Zhao SR, Higo T, Nakatsuji S, Nambu Y, Marin C, Lapertot G, Amato A, Baines C
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  • Evolution of spin relaxation processes in LiY1-xHoxF4 studied via ac-susceptibility and muon spin relaxation Johnson RC, Malkin BZ, Lord JS, Giblin SR, Amato A, Baines C, Lascialfari A, Barbara B, Graf MJ
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  • Ferromagnetic Hollandite K2Cr8O16 Sugiyama J, Nozaki H, Mansson M, Prsa K, Amato A, Isobe M, Ueda Y
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  • Ferromagnetism and superconductivity in CeFeAs1-xPxO (0 <= x <= 40%) (vol 86, 020501, 2012) Jesche A, Foerster T, Spehling J, Nicklas M, de Souza M, Gumeniuk R, Luetkens H, Goltz T, Krellner C, Lang M, Sichelschmidt J, Klauss H -H, Geibel C
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  • Ferromagnetism and superconductivity in CeFeAs1-xPxO (0 <= x <= 40) Jesche A, Foerster T, Spehling J, Nicklas M, de Souza M, Gumeniuk R, Luetkens H, Goltz T, Krellner C, Lang M, Sichelschmidt J, Klauss HH, Geibel C
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  • Gradual destruction of magnetism in the superconducting family NaFe1-xCoxAs Wright J D, Lancaster T, Franke I, Steele A J, Moeller J S, Pitcher M J, Corkett A J, Parker D R, Free D G, Pratt F L, Baker P J, Clarke S J, Blundell S J
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  • Hidden magnetic order in CuNCN Tsirlin Alexander A, Maisuradze Alexander, Sichelschmidt Joerg, Schnelle Walter, Hoehn Peter, Zinke Ronald, Richter Johannes, Rosner Helge
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 85, 224431 (2012).
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  • High-Field mu SR instrument at PSI: detector solutions Stoykov A, Scheuermann R, Sedlak K, Rodriguez J, Greuter U, Amato A
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  • Hybrid paramagnon phonon modes at elevated temperatures in EuTiO3 Bussmann-Holder A, Guguchia Z, Kohler J, Keller H, Shengelaya A, Bishop AR
    NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 14, 093013 (2012).
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  • Hydrogen impurity in yttria: Ab initio and mu SR perspectives Silva E L, Marinopoulos A G, Vilao R C, Vieira R B L, Alberto H V, Piroto Duarte J, Gil J M
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  • Intrinsic magnetic relaxation in goethite Pankhurst QA, Barquin LF, Lord JS, Amato A, Zimmermann U
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  • Kapellasite: A Kagome Quantum Spin Liquid with Competing Interactions Fak B, Kermarrec E, Messio L, Bernu B, Lhuillier C, Bert F, Mendels P, Koteswararao B, Bouquet F, Ollivier J, Hillier AD, Amato A, Colman RH, Wills AS
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  • Long range magnetic order in azurite from mu SR Kraken M, Engelke J, Suellow S, Litterst F J, Lang M, Baines C, Luetkens H
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  • Low-energy mu SR investigations of photo-induced effects on a nm scale Prokscha T, Chow KH, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, Nieuwenhuys G, Salman Z, Scheuermann R, Suter A, Weber HP
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  • Magnetic Order and Frustrated Dynamics in Li (Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1)O2: A Study by muSR and SQUID Magnetometry Wikberg M, Mansson M, Dahbi M, Kamazawa K, Sugiyama J
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  • Magnetic order and spin dynamics in the proximity of a ferromagnetic quantum critical point: A mu SR study of YbNi4P2 Spehling J, Gunther M, Krellner C, Yeche N, Luetkens H, Baines C, Geibel C, Klauss HH
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  • Magnetic order and the electronic ground state in the pyrochlore iridate Nd2Ir2O7 Disseler SM, Dhital C, Hogan TC, Amato A, Giblin SR, de la Cruz C, Daoud-Aladine A, Wilson SD, Graf MJ
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  • Magnetic order and transitions in the spin-web compound Cu3TeO6 Mansson M, Prsa K, Sugiyama J, Andreica D, Luetkens H, Berger H
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  • Magnetic order in non-centrosymmetric CePt3B Rauch D, Suellow S, Bleckmann M, Buchsteiner A, Stuesser N, Klauss H-H, Luetkens H, Bauer E
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  • Magnetic order in the pyrochlore iridates A(2)Ir(2)O(7) (A = Y, Yb) Disseler SM, Dhital C, Amato A, Giblin SR, de la Cruz C, Wilson SD, Graf MJ
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  • Magnetic order, magnetic correlations, and spin dynamics in the pyrochlore antiferromagnet Er2Ti2O7 de Reotier P Dalmas, Yaouanc A, Chapuis Y, Curnoe S H, Grenier B, Ressouche E, Marin C, Lago J, Baines C, Giblin S R
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  • Magnetic properties of spin-diluted iron pnictides from mu SR and NMR in LaFe1-xRuxAsO Bonfa P, Carretta P, Sanna S, Lamura G, Prando G, Martinelli A, Palenzona A, Tropeano M, Putti M, De Renzi R
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  • Magnetism, superconductivity, and coupling in cuprate heterostructures probed by low-energy muon-spin rotation Wojek BM, Morenzoni E, Eshchenko DG, Suter A, Prokscha T, Keller H, Koller E, Fischer O, Malik VK, Bernhard C, Dobeli M
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  • Microscopic Magnetic Nature of the Quasi-one-Dimensional Antiferromagnet BaCo2V2O8 Mansson M, Prsa K, Sugiyama J, Nozaki H, Amato A, Omura K, Kimura S, Hagiwara M
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  • Molecular Dynamics in the Rod-like Liquid Crystal 4-(trans-4-Pentylcyclohexyl)benzonitrile (PCH5) Probed by Muon Spin Resonance Spectroscopy Mckenzie I, Scheuermann R, Stoykov A, Sedlak K
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  • Monte-Carlo simulation of transitions between different muonium states Prokscha T
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  • Muon Sites Estimation in La2Cu04 and A New Vanadium Cluster Compound, V4S9Br4, using Electronic and Nuclear Dipole Field Calculations Adiperdana B, Dharmawan I, Siregar R, Watanabe I, Ohishi K, Ishii Y, Suzuki T, Kawamata T, Risdiana R, Sheuermann R, Sedlak K, Tomioka Y, Waki T, Tabata Y, Nakamura H
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  • Muon Spin Rotation Study of the Intercalated Graphite Superconductor CaC6 at Low Temperatures Muranyi F, Bendele M, Khasanov R, Guguchia Z, Shengelaya A, Baines C, Keller H
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  • Muon spin rotation study of magnetism and superconductivity in Ba(Fe1-xCox)(2)As-2 single crystals Bernhard C, Wang CN, Nuccio L, Schulz L, Zaharko O, Larsen J, Aristizabal C, Willis M, Drew AJ, Varma GD, Wolf T, Niedermayer CH
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  • Muonium Emission into Vacuum from Mesoporous Thin Films at Cryogenic Temperatures Antognini A, Crivelli P, Prokscha T, Khaw KS, Barbiellini B, Liszkay L, Kirch K, Kwuida K, Morenzoni E, Piegsa FM, Salman Z, Suter A
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  • MusrSim and MusrSimAna - Simulation Tools for mu SR Instruments Sedlak K, Scheuermann R, Shiroka T, Stoykov A, Raselli A, Amato A
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  • Nanoscale Layering of Antiferromagnetic and Superconducting Phases in Rb2Fe4Se5 Single Crystals Charnukha A, Cvitkovic A, Prokscha T, Propper D, Ocelic N, Suter A, Salman Z, Morenzoni E, Deisenhofer J, Tsurkan V, Loidl A, Keimer B, Boris AV
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  • Nature of Weak Magnetism in SrTiO3/LaAlO3 Multilayers Salman Z, Ofer O, Radovic M, Hao H, Ben Shalom M, Chow K H, Dagan Y, Hossain M D, Levy C D P, MacFarlane W A, Morris G M, Patthey L, Pearson M R, Saadaoui H, Schmitt T, Wang D, Kiefl R F
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  • New Perspectives for Cuprate Research: (Ca (x) La1-x )(Ba1.75-x La0.25+x )Cu3O (y) Single Crystals Drachuck G, Shay M, Bazalitsky G, Ofer R, Salman Z, Amato A, Niedermayer C, Wulferding D, Lemmens P, Keren A
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  • Ordering in weakly coupled random singlet spin chains Thede M, Xiao F, Baines Ch, Landee C, Morenzoni E, Zheludev A
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  • Persistent Spin Dynamics Intrinsic to Amplitude-Modulated Long-Range Magnetic Order Pregelj M, Zorko A, Zaharko O, Arcon D, Komelj M, Hillier AD, Berger H
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  • Proximal magnetometry of monolayers of magnetic moments Salman Z, Blundell S
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  • Relaxation of the shallow acceptor center in germanium Mamedov T N, Baturin A S, Duginov V N, Gritsaj K I, Khasanov R, Maisuradze A, Stoykov A V
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  • Singlet Ground State of the Quantum Antiferromagnet Ba3CuSb2O9 Quilliam JA, Bert F, Kermarrec E, Payen C, Guillot-Deudon C, Bonville P, Baines C, Luetkens H, Mendels P
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  • Spin Waves and Revised Crystal Structure of Honeycomb Iridate Na2IrO3 Choi S K, Coldea R, Kolmogorov A N, Lancaster T, Mazin I I, Blundell S J, Radaelli P G, Singh Yogesh, Gegenwart P, Choi K R, Cheong S -W, Baker P J, Stock C, Taylor J
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  • Spin excitations in a single La2CuO4 layer Dean M P M, Springell R S, Monney C, Zhou K J, Pereiro J, Bozovic I, Dalla Piazza B, Ronnow H M, Morenzoni E, van den Brink J, Schmitt T, Hill J P
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  • Successive magnetic transitions in RECoAsO Sugiyama J, Mansson M, Kamazawa K, Harada M, Ofer O, Andreica D, Amato A, Brewer J, Ansaldo E, Ohta H, Michioka C, Yoshimura K
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  • Superconducting parameters of BaPt4-xAuxGe12 filled skutterudite Maisuradze A, Gumeniuk R, Schnelle W, Nicklas M, Baines C, Khasanov R, Amato A, Leithe-Jasper A
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  • Superconducting properties of single-crystalline A(x)Fe(2-y)Se(2) (A=Rb, K) studied using muon spin spectroscopy Shermadini Z, Luetkens H, Khasanov R, Krzton-Maziopa A, Conder K, Pomjakushina E, Klauss HH, Amato A
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  • Superconductivity and magnetism in RbxFe2-ySe2: Impact of thermal treatment on mesoscopic phase separation Weyeneth S, Bendele M, von Rohr F, Dluzewski P, Puzniak R, Krzton-Maziopa A, Bosma S, Guguchia Z, Khasanov R, Shermadini Z, Amato A, Pomjakushina E, Conder K, Schilling A, Keller H
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  • Superconductivity in La1.56Sr0.44CuO4/La2CuO4 superlattices Suter A, Morenzoni E, Prokscha T, Luetkens H, Wojek BM, Logvenov G, Gozar A, Bozovic I
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  • Superfluid density and superconducting gaps of RbFe2As2 as a function of hydrostatic pressure Shermadini Z, Luetkens H, Maisuradze A, Khasanov R, Bukowski Z, Klauss H -H, Amato A
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  • The zero-field magnetic ground state of EuC6 investigated by muon spectroscopy Lamura G, Shiroka T, Cahen S, Rida H, Emery N, Mareche JF, Lagrange P, Herold C
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  • Three-dimensional Heisenberg spin-glass behavior in SrFe0.90Co0.10O3.0 Lago J, Blundell S J, Eguia A, Jansen M, Rojo T
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  • Unusual field dependence of spin fluctuations on different timescales in Tb2Ti2O7 Baker P J, Matthews M J, Giblin S R, Schiffer P, Baines C, Prabhakaran D
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  • Zero-field spin depolarization of low-energy muons in ferromagnetic nickel and silver metal Saadaoui H, Salman Z, Prokscha T, Suter A, Wojek BM, Morenzoni E
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  • mu SR investigation of magnetically ordered states in the A-site ordered perovskite manganites RBaMn2O6 (R = Y and La) Kawasaki Y, Minami T, Izumi M, Kishimoto Y, Ohno T, Satoh KH, Koda A, Kadono R, Gavilano JL, Luetkens H, Nakajima T, Ueda Y
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  • mu SR studies of superconductivity in eutectically grown mixed ruthenates Shiroka T, Fittipaldi R, Cuoco M, De Renzi R, Maeno Y, Lycett R J, Ramos S, Forgan E M, Baines C, Rost A, Granata V, Vecchione A
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  • mu+SR study on ferromagnetic hollandite K2Cr8O16 and Rb2Cr8O16 Sugiyama J, Nozaki H, Mansson M, Prsa K, Andreica D, Amato A, Isobe M, Ueda Y
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  • musrfit: a free platform-independent framework for mu SR data analysis Suter A, Wojek BM
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  • A lens-coupled scintillation counter in cryogenic environment Stoykov A, Scheuermann R, Amato A, Bartkowiak M, Konter JA, Rodriguez J, Sedlak K
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  • Coexistence of Magnetism and Superconductivity in the Iron-Based Compound Cs-0.8(FeSe0.98)(2) Shermadini Z, Krzton-Maziopa A, Bendele M, Khasanov R, Luetkens H, Conder K, Pomjakushina E, Weyeneth S, Pomjakushin V, Bossen O, Amato A
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  • Competing interactions and magnetic frustration in Yb4LiGe4 Disseler SM, Svensson JN, Peter SC, Byers CP, Baines C, Amato A, Giblin SR, Carretta P, Graf MJ
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  • Correlated Trends of Coexisting Magnetism and Superconductivity in Optimally Electron-Doped Oxypnictides Sanna S, Carretta P, Bonfa` P, Prando G, Allodi G, De Renzi R, Shiroka T, Lamura G, Martinelli A, Putti M
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  • Design and commissioning of a high magnetic field muon spin relaxation spectrometer at the ISIS pulsed neutron and muon source Lord JS, McKenzie I, Baker PJ, Blundell SJ, Cottrell SP, Giblin SR, Good J, Hillier AD, Holsman BH, King PJC, Lancaster T, Mitchell R, Nightingale JB, Owczarkowski M, Poli S, Pratt FL, Rhodes NJ, Scheuermann R, Salman Z
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  • Dimensionality Control of Electronic Phase Transitions in Nickel-Oxide Superlattices Boris AV, Matiks Y, Benckiser E, Frano A, Popovich P, Hinkov V, Wochner P, Castro-Colin M, Detemple E, Malik VK, Bernhard C, Prokscha T, Suter A, Salman Z, Morenzoni E, Cristiani G, Habermeier HU, Keimer B
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  • Engineering spin propagation across a hybrid organic/inorganic interface using a polar layer Schulz L, Nuccio L, Willis M, Desai P, Shakya P, Kreouzis T, Malik VK, Bernhard C, Pratt FL, Morley NA, Suter A, Nieuwenhuys GJ, Prokscha T, Morenzoni E, Gillin WP, Drew AJ
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  • Exotic transition in the three-dimensional spin-liquid candidate Tb2Ti2O7 Yaouanc A, de Reotier PD, Chapuis Y, Marin C, Vanishri S, Aoki D, Fak B, Regnault LP, Buisson C, Amato A, Baines C, Hillier AD
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  • First-order nature of the ferromagnetism in CeIn2 investigated using muon spin rotation and by systematic substitution of La for Ce Rojas DP, Espeso JI, Fernandez JR, Sal JCG, Rusu C, Andreica D, Dudric R, Amato A
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  • High temperature magnetic order in zinc sulfide doped with copper Owens FJ, Gladczuk L, Szymczak R, Dluzewski P, Wisniewski A, Szymczak H, Golnik A, Bernhard C, Niedermayer C
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  • Hydrogen impurity in paratellurite alpha-TeO2: Muon-spin rotation and ab initio studies Vilao RC, Marinopoulos AG, Vieira RBL, Weidinger A, Alberto HV, Duarte JP, Gil JM, Lord JS, Cox SFJ
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  • Importance of intramolecular electron spin relaxation in small molecule semiconductors Schulz L, Willis M, Nuccio L, Shusharov P, Fratini S, Pratt FL, Gillin WP, Kreouzis T, Heeney M, Stingelin N, Stafford CA, Beesley DJ, Bernhard C, Anthony JE, McKenzie I, Lord JS, Drew AJ
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  • Incommensurate-to-Commensurate Magnetic Phase Transition in SmIn3 Observed by Muon Spin Relaxation Ito TU, Higemoto W, Ninomiya K, Luetkens H, Sugai T, Haga Y, Suzuki HS
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  • Isotope and interband effects in a multi-band model of superconductivity Bussmann-Holder A, Keller H, Khasanov R, Simon A, Bianconi A, Bishop AR
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  • Long- to short-range magnetic order in fluorine-doped CeFeAsO Shiroka T, Lamura G, Sanna S, Prando G, De Renzi R, Tropeano M, R Cimberle M, Martinelli A, Bernini C, Palenzona A, Fittipaldi R, Vecchione A, Carretta P, S Siri A, Ferdeghini C, Putti M
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  • Magnetic and non-magnetic phases of a quantum spin liquid Pratt FL, Baker PJ, Blundell SJ, Lancaster T, Ohira-Kawamura S, Baines C, Shimizu Y, Kanoda K, Watanabe I, Saito G
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  • Magnetic dynamics of dilute iron nano-clusters in silver films from Mossbauer spectroscopy and muon spin rotation Herrera W, Dinola I, Baggio-Saitovitch E, Kraken M, Litterst J
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  • Magnetic frustration in the disordered pyrochlore Yb2GaSbO7 Hodges JA, de Reotier PD, Yaouanc A, Gubbens PCM, King PJC, Baines C
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  • Magnetic order in quasi-two-dimensional molecular magnets investigated with muon-spin relaxation Steele AJ, Lancaster T, Blundell SJ, Baker PJ, Pratt FL, Baines C, Conner MM, Southerland HI, Manson JL, Schlueter JA
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  • Magnetic properties of the chemically delithiated LixMn2O4 with 0.07 <= x <= 1 Mukai K, Sugiyama J, Kamazawa K, Ikedo Y, Andreica D, Amato A
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  • Magnetic structure and spin dynamics of the quasi-one-dimensional spin-chain antiferromagnet BaCo2V2O8 Kawasaki Y, Gavilano JL, Keller L, Schefer J, Christensen NB, Amato A, Ohno T, Kishimoto Y, He ZZ, Ueda Y, Itoh M
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  • Microscopic Coexistence of Superconductivity and Magnetism in Ba1-xKxFe2As2 Wiesenmayer E, Luetkens H, Pascua G, Khasanov R, Amato A, Potts H, Banusch B, Klauss HH, Johrendt D
    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 107, 237001 (2011).
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  • Mixed state of La1.83Sr0.17CuO4 studied by means of muon-spin rotation and magnetization experiments in a low magnetic field Wojek BM, Weyeneth S, Bosma S, Pomjakushina E, Puzniak R
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 84, 144521 (2011).
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  • Molecular Dynamics in Rod-Like Liquid Crystals Probed by Muon Spin Resonance Spectroscopy McKenzie I, Scheuermann R, Sedlak K, Stoykoy A
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  • Muon spin rotation and relaxation study of the ferromagnet beta-UB2C Tran VH, Rogl P, de Reotier PD, Yaouanc A
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83, 144417 (2011).
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  • Muon spin rotation investigation of the pressure effect on the magnetic penetration depth in YBa2Cu3Ox Maisuradze A, Shengelaya A, Amato A, Pomjakushina E, Keller H
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 84, 184523 (2011).
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  • Muon-spin rotation measurements of the magnetic penetration depth in the iron-based superconductor Ba1-xRbxFe2As2 Guguchia Z, Shermadini Z, Amato A, Maisuradze A, Shengelaya A, Bukowski Z, Luetkens H, Khasanov R, Karpinski J, Keller H
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  • Negative magnetization of Li2Ni2Mo3O12: A spin system composed of distorted honeycomb lattices and linear chains Hase M, Pomjakushin VYU, Sikolenko V, Keller L, Luetkens H, Dönni A, Kitazawa H
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  • Possible Long-periodic Magnetic Structure in SmPb3 Ito TU, Higemoto W, Ninomiya K, Amato A, Sugai T, Haga Y, Suzuki HS
  • Reentrant quantum criticality in Yb2Pd2Sn Muramatsu T, Kanemasa T, Kagayama T, Shimizu K, Aoki Y, Sato H, Giovannini M, Bonville P, Zlatic V, Aviani I, Khasanov R, Rusu C, Amato A, Mydeen K, Nicklas M, Michor H, Bauer E
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  • Similarity between Ni and Zn impurity effects on the superconductivity and Cu-spin correlation in La2-xSrxCu1-yNiyO4 high-T-c cuprates: A comparison based on the hole trapping by Ni Tanabe Y, Adachi T, Suzuki K, Kawamata T, Risdiana, Suzuki T, Watanabe I, Koike Y
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  • Spin-liquid ground state in the frustrated kagome antiferromagnet MgCu3(OH)(6)Cl-2 Kermarrec E, Mendels P, Bert F, Colman RH, Wills AS, Strobel P, Bonville P, Hillier A, Amato A
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  • Successive magnetic transitions and static magnetic order in RCoAsO (R = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd) confirmed by muon-spin rotation and relaxation Sugiyama J, Mansson M, Ofer O, Kamazawa K, Harada M, Andreica D, Amato A, Brewer JH, Ansaldo EJ, Ohta H, Michioka C, Yoshimura K
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 84, 184421 (2011).
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  • The Meissner effect in a strongly underdoped cuprate above its critical temperature Morenzoni E, Wojek BM, Suter A, Prokscha T, Logvenov G, Bozovic I
    NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2, 272 (2011).
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  • Tuning of competing magnetic and superconducting phase volumes in LaFeAsO0.945F0.055 by hydrostatic pressure Khasanov R, Sanna S, Prando G, Shermadini Z, Bendele M, Amato A, Carretta P, De Renzi R, Karpinski J, Katrych S, Luetkens H, Zhigadlo ND
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 84, 100501 (2011).
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  • Two-Dimensional Magnetic and Superconducting Phases in Metal-Insulator La2-xSrxCuO4 Superlattices Measured by Muon-Spin Rotation Suter A, Morenzoni E, Prokscha T, Wojek BM, Luetkens H, Nieuwenhuys G, Gozar A, Logvenov G, Bozovic I
    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 106, 237003 (2011).
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  • Unconventional Magnetism in a Nitrogen-Containing Analog of Cupric Oxide Zorko A, Jeglic P, Potocnik A, Arcon D, Balcytis A, Jaglicic Z, Liu X, Tchougreeff AL, Dronskowski R
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  • Vortex Excitations Above T-c in the Cuprate Superconductor Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 as Revealed by ESR Talanov Y, Salakhutdinov L, Giannini E, Khasanov R
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  • mu SR Evidence of Nonmagnetic Order and Pr-141 Hyperfine-Enhanced Nuclear Magnetism in the Cubic Gamma(3) Ground Doublet System PrTi2Al20 Ito TU, Higemoto W, Ninomiya K, Luetkens H, Baines C, Sakai A, Nakatsuji S
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  • mu SR Investigation of magnetic phases in R1-xSrxCoO3 oxides (R=Pr, Nd) Deac I, Andreica D, Balasz I, Vladescu A, Dudric R, Tetean R
    PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 406, 2795-2800 (2011).
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  • mu SR investigation of magnetism and magnetoelectric coupling in Cu2OSeO3 Maisuradze A, Guguchia Z, Graneli B, Ronnow HM, Berger H, Keller H
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 84, 064433 (2011).
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  • mu SR study of short-range magnetic order in the paramagnetic regime of ErCo2 Bonilla CM, Marcano N, Herrero-Albillos J, Maisuradze A, Garcia LM, Bartolome F
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 84, 184425 (2011).
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  • mu SR study of spin dynamics in LiY1-x HoxF4 Johnson RC, Chen KH, Giblin SR, Lord JS, Amato A, Baines C, Barbara B, Malkin BZ, Graf MJ
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83, 174440 (2011).
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  • mu-SR investigation of the intercalated graphite superconductor CaC6 Shiroka T, Lamura G, De Renzi R, Belli M, Emery N, Rida H, Cahen S, Mareche J-F, Lagrange P, Herold C
    NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 13, 013038 (2011).


  • Absence of magnetic phase separation in MnSi under pressure Andreica D, de Reotier PD, Yaouanc A, Amato A, Lapertot G
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  • Anisotropic superconducting properties of single-crystalline FeSe0.5Te0.5 Bendele M, Weyeneth S, Puzniak R, Maisuradze A, Pomjakushina E, Conder K, Pomjakushin V, Luetkens H, Katrych S, Wisniewski A, Khasanov R, Keller H
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 81, 224520 (2010).
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  • CdEr2Se4: A New Erbium Spin Ice System in a Spinel Structure Lago J, Zivkovic I, Malkin BZ, Fernandez JR, Ghigna P, de Reotier PD, Yaouanc A, Rojo T
    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 104, 247203 (2010).
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  • Change of the Ground State upon Hole Doping Unveiled by Ni Impurity in High-T-c Cuprates Tanabe Yoichi, Suzuki Kensuke, Adachi Tadashi, Koike Yoji, Kawamata Takayuki, Risdiana, Suzuki Takao, Watanabe Isao
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  • Chiral Induction in Lyotropic Liquid Crystals: Insights into the Role of Dopant Location and Dopant Dynamics Dawin UC, Dilger H, Roduner E, Scheuermann R, Stoykov A, Giesselmann F
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  • Coexistence and Competition of Magnetism and Superconductivity on the Nanometer Scale in Underdoped BaFe1.89Co0.11As2 Marsik P, Kim KW, Dubroka A, Roessle M, Malik VK, Schulz L, Wang CN, Niedermayer C, Drew AJ, Willis M, Wolf T, Bernhard C
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  • Comment on "Muon-spin-rotation study of the superconducting properties of Mo3Sb7" Khasanov R, Shengelaya A, Savic IM, Baines C, Keller H
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  • Compositional Control of the Superconducting Properties of LiFeAs Pitcher MJ, Lancaster T, Wright JD, Franke I, Steele AJ, Baker PJ, Pratt FL, Thomas WT, Parker DR, Blundell SJ, Clarke SJ
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  • Control of the Competition between a Magnetic Phase and a Superconducting Phase in Cobalt-Doped and Nickel-Doped NaFeAs Using Electron Count Parker DR, Smith MJP, Lancaster T, Steele AJ, Franke I, Baker PJ, Pratt FL, Pitcher MJ, Blundell SJ, Clarke SJ
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  • Direct measurement of the London penetration depth in YBa2Cu3O6.92 using low-energy mu SR Kiefl RF, Hossain MD, Wojek BM, Dunsiger SR, Morris GD, Prokscha T, Salman Z, Baglo J, Bonn DA, Liang R, Hardy WN, Suter A, Morenzoni E
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  • Enhanced two-dimensional behavior of metastable T '-La2CuO4, the parent compound of electron-doped cuprate superconductors Hord R, Luetkens H, Pascua G, Buckow A, Hofmann K, Krockenberger Y, Kurian J, Maeter H, Klauss HH, Pomjakushin V, Suter A, Albert B, Alff L
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  • Evidence for time-reversal symmetry breaking in superconducting PrPt4Ge12 Maisuradze A, Schnelle W, Khasanov R, Gumeniuk R, Nicklas M, Rosner H, Leithe-Jasper A, Grin Y, Amato A, Thalmeier P
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  • Evolution of Two-Gap Behavior of the Superconductor FeSe1-x Khasanov R, Bendele M, Amato A, Conder K, Keller H, Klauss HH, Luetkens H, Pomjakushina E
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  • Field-dependent superfluid density in the optimally doped SmFeAsO1-xFy superconductor Weyeneth S, Bendele M, Puzniak R, Muranyi F, Bussmann-Holder A, Zhigadlo ND, Katrych S, Bukowski Z, Karpinski J, Shengelaya A, Khasanov R, Keller H
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  • Ground State of the Easy-Axis Rare-Earth Kagome Langasite Pr3Ga5SiO14 Zorko A, Bert F, Mendels P, Marty K, Bordet P
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  • Hole trapping by Ni, Kondo effect, and electronic phase diagram in nonsuperconducting Ni-substituted La2-xSrxCu1-yNiyO4 Suzuki K, Adachi T, Tanabe Y, Koike Y, Kawamata T, Risdiana, Suzuki T, Watanabe I
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  • Magnetic and structural properties of monoradicals and diradicals based on thienyl-substituted nitronyl nitroxide Sugano T, Blundell SJ, Hayes W, Day P, Mori H
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  • Magnetic excitations of Fe1+ySexTe1-x in magnetic and superconductive phases Babkevich P, Bendele M, Boothroyd AT, Conder K, Gvasaliya SN, Khasanov R, Pomjakushina E, Roessli B
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  • Magnetic order in the purely organic quasi-one-dimensional ferromagnet 2-benzimidazolyl nitronyl nitroxide Sugano T, Blundell SJ, Lancaster T, Pratt FL, Mori H
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  • Magnetic polarons in Eu-based films of magnetic semiconductors Storchak VG, Eshchenko DG, Morenzoni E, Prokscha T, Suter A, Ingle N, Heiss W, Schwarzl T, Springholz G, Kallaher RL, von Molnar S
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  • Magnetic properties of Ba2HoSbO6 with a frustrated lattice geometry Calder S, Ke X, Bert F, Amato A, Baines C, Carboni C, Cava RJ, Daoud-Aladine A, Deen P, Fennell T, Hillier AD, Karunadasa H, Taylor JW, Mendels P, Schiffer P, Bramwell ST
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  • Magnetic transitions in the perovskites Pr1-xSrxCoO3 Deac I, Tetean R, Balasz I, Andreica D, Vladescu A, Dudric R, R Tunyagi A, Burzo E
  • Magnetoelastic and structural properties of azurite Cu-3(CO3)(2)(OH)(2) from neutron scattering and muon spin rotation Gibson MCR, Rule KC, Wolter AUB, Hoffmann JU, Prokhnenko O, Tennant DA, Gerischer S, Kraken M, Litterst FJ, Sullow S, Schreuer J, Luetkens H, Bruhl A, Wolf B, Lang M
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  • Mechanisms of electron polarization of shallow muonium in CdTe and CdS Alberto HV, Weidinger A, Vilao RC, Duarte JP, Gil JM, Lord JS, Cox SFJ
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  • Microscopic Magnetic Study on the Nominal Composition Li[Li1/3Mn5/3]O-4 by Muon-Spin Rotation/Relaxation Measurements Mukai K, Sugiyama J, Ikedo Y, Nozaki H, Kamazawa K, Andreica D, Amato A, Mansson M, Brewer JH, Ansaldo EJ, Chow KH
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  • Microscopic study of antiferromagnetic ground state and possible high-field ordered state in CeOs4Sb12 using muon spin rotation and relaxation Ito TU, Higemoto W, Ohishi K, Satoh K, Aoki Y, Toda S, Kikuchi D, Sato H, Baines C
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  • Microscopic study of the superconducting state of the iron pnictide RbFe2As2 via muon spin rotation Shermadini Z, Kanter J, Baines C, Bendele M, Bukowski Z, Khasanov R, Klauss HH, Luetkens H, Maeter H, Pascua G, Batlogg B, Amato A
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  • Mu+SR study on triangular antiferromagnet LiCrO2 Ikedo Y, Sugiyama J, Mukai K, Mansson M, Goko T, Andreica D, Amato A
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  • Muon spin relaxation investigation of magnetic ordering in the hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites [(CH3)(2)NH2]M(HCOO)(3) (M=Ni, Co, Mn, Cu) Baker PJ, Lancaster T, Franke I, Hayes W, Blundell SJ, Pratt FL, Jain P, Wang ZM, Kurmoo M
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  • Muon spin relaxation study of misfit-layered cobalt dioxide [Ca0.85OH](1.16)(RS)[CoO2] Mansson M, Ikedo Y, Nozaki H, Sugiyama J, Russo PL, Andreica D, Shizuya M, Isobe M, Takayama-Muromachi E
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  • Muon spin relaxation study of the Cu spin dynamics in electron-doped high- Tc superconductor Pr0.86LaCe0.14Cu1-yZnyO4 Risdiana, Adachi T, Oki N, Koike Y, Suzuki T, Watanabe I
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  • Muon spin relaxation study of the layered magnetoelectric FeTe2O5Br with spin amplitude modulated magnetic structure Zorko A, Pregelj M, Berger H, Arcon D
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  • Muon spin rotation study of the magnetic penetration depth in the intercalated graphite superconductor CaC6 Di Castro D, Kanigel A, Maisuradze A, Keren A, Postorino P, Rosenmann D, Welp U, Karapetrov G, Claus H, Hinks DG, Amato A, Campuzano JC
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  • Muon spin spectroscopy of the discotic liquid crystal HAT6 McKenzie I, Cammidge AN, Dilger H, Gopee H, Scheuermann R, Stoykov A, Jayasooriya UA
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  • Muon spin spectroscopy of the rod-like liquid crystal 4-n-octyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl (8CB) Mckenzie I, Dilger H, Scheuermann R, Stoykov A
  • Muon-spin relaxation and heat capacity measurements on the magnetoelectric and multiferroic pyroxenes LiFeSi2O6 and NaFeSi2O6 Baker PJ, Lewtas HJ, Blundell SJ, Lancaster T, Franke I, Hayes W, Pratt FL, Bohaty L, Becker P
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  • Nanoscopic coexistence of magnetic and superconducting states within the FeAs layers of CeFeAsO1-xFx Sanna S, De Renzi R, Shiroka T, Lamura G, Prando G, Carretta P, Putti M, Martinelli A, Cimberle MR, Tropeano M, Palenzona A
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  • Phase transition in the localized ferromagnet EuO probed by mu SR Blundell SJ, Lancaster T, Pratt FL, Baker PJ, Hayes W, Ansermet JP, Comment A
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  • Positive muon spin rotation and relaxation measurements on the ferromagnetic superconductor UGe2 at ambient and high pressure Sakarya S, Gubbens PCM, Yaouanc A, de Reotier PD, Andreica D, Amato A, Zimmermann U, van Dijk NH, Bruck E, Huang Y, Gortenmulder T
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  • Possible evidence of a two-gap structure for the CuxTiSe2 superconductor Zaberchik M, Chashka K, Patlgan L, Maniv A, Baines C, King P, Kanigel A
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  • Pressure Induced Static Magnetic Order in Superconducting FeSe1-x Bendele M, Amato A, Conder K, Elender M, Keller H, Klauss HH, Luetkens H, Pomjakushina E, Raselli A, Khasanov R
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  • Probing the magnetic ground state of the molecular dysprosium triangle with muon spin relaxation Salman Z, Giblin SR, Lan Y, Powell AK, Scheuermann R, Tingle R, Sessoli R
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  • Relaxation of muon spins in molecular nanomagnets Lancaster T, Blundell SJ, Pratt FL, Franke I, Steele AJ, Baker PJ, Salman Z, Baines C, Watanabe I, Carretta S, Timco GA, Winpenny REP
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  • Search for Magnetic Ordered Phase in ZnCoO Compound using muSR Metod Mamedov T, Herlach D, Gritsaj K, Ketsko V, Nipan G, Stoykov A, Khasanov R, Zimmermann U
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  • Short-range spin correlations in beta ''-LiFeO2 from bulk magnetization, neutron diffraction, and mu SR experiments Akiyama R, Ikedo Y, Mansson M, Goko T, Sugiyama J, Andreica D, Amato A, Matan K, Sato TJ
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  • Spatially homogeneous ferromagnetism of (Ga, Mn)As Dunsiger SR, Carlo JP, Goko T, Nieuwenhuys G, Prokscha T, Suter A, Morenzoni E, Chiba D, Nishitani Y, Tanikawa T, Matsukura F, Ohno H, Ohe J, Maekawa S, Uemura YJ
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  • Spin and charge dynamics in [TbPc2](0) and [DyPc2](0) single-molecule magnets Branzoli F, Carretta P, Filibian M, Graf MJ, Klyatskaya S, Ruben M, Coneri F, Dhakal P
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  • Spin dynamics in CeB6 studied by muon spin relaxation Gygax FN, Schenck A, Solt G, Zaharko O
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  • Spin fluctuations and orbital ordering in quasi-one-dimensional alpha-Cu(dca)(2)(pyz) {dca = dicyanamide = N(CN)(2)(-); pyz = pyrazine}, a molecular analogue of KCuF3 Manson JL, Lancaster T, Blundell SJ, Qiu YM, Singleton J, Sengupta P, Pratt FL, Kang J, Lee C, Whangbo MH
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  • Spin-glass ground state in Mn1-xCoxSi Teyssier J, Giannini E, Guritanu V, Viennois R, van der Marel D, Amato A, Gvasaliya S
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  • Structural and Magnetic Nature for Fully Delithiated LixNiO2: Comparative Study between Chemically and Electrochemically Prepared Samples Mukai K, Sugiyama J, Ikedo Y, Aoki Y, Andreica D, Amato A
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  • Suppression of the antinodal coherence of superconducting (Bi,Pb)(2)(Sr,La)(2)CuO6+delta as revealed by muon spin rotation and angle-resolved photoemission Khasanov R, Kondo T, Bendele M, Hamaya Y, Kaminski A, Lee SL, Ray SJ, Takeuchi T
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  • mu SR Study on Antiferromagnetism of Alkali-Metal Clusters Incorporated in Zeolite Sodalite Nakano T, Suehiro R, Hanazawa A, Watanabe K, Watanabe I, Amato A, Pratt FL, Nozue Y
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  • mu SR and NMR Study on Quantum Critical Point in Quantum Spin Ladder (CH(3))(2)CHNH(3)Cu(Cl(x)Br(1-x))(3) Nakajima S, Goto T, Suzuki T, Watanabe I, Manaka H, Amato A
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  • A (closer) look below surfaces and at heterostructures with polarized muons Morenzoni E
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  • A new detector system for the ALC spectrometer-First experience with G-APDs in mu SR instrumentation Stoykov A, Scheuermann R, Sedlak K, Shiroka T, Zhuk V
    PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 404, 986 (2009).
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  • A novel VME based mu SR data acquisition system at PSI Prokscha T, Scheuermann R, Hartmann U, Raselli A, Suter A, Amato A, Nieuwenhuys GJ, Dijksmann A, Gartner F, Greuter U, Mutter S, Schlumpf N, Morenzoni E
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  • Annihilation of antiferromagnetic order in LiCoO2 by excess Li Sugiyama J, Ikedo Y, Nozaki H, Mukai K, Andreica D, Amato A, Wenetrier M, Carlier D, Delmas C
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  • Azacyclohexadienyl radicals in pyridine and ZSM-5 silicalite McKenzie I, Dilger H, Hess S, Scheuermann R, Stoykov A, Roduner E
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  • Bond-randomness effect on the quantum spin system Tl_(1-x)K_xCuCl_3 probed by muon-spin-relaxation method Suzuki T, Yamada F, Watanabe I, Goto T, Osawa A, Tanaka H
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  • Characterization of the Antiferromagnetism in Ag(pyz)(2)(S2O8) (pyz = Pyrazine) with a Two-Dimensional Square Lattice of Ag2+ Ions Manson JL, Stone KH, Southerland HI, Lancaster T, Steele AJ, Blundell SJ, Pratt FL, Baker PJ, McDonald RD, Sengupta P, Singleton J, Goddard PA, Lee C, Whangbo MH, Warter MM, Mielke CH, Stephens PW
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  • Coexistence of incommensurate magnetism and superconductivity in Fe(1+y)SexTe(1-x) Khasanov R, Bendele M, Amato A, Babkevich P, Boothroyd AT, Cervellino A, Conder K, Gvasaliya SN, Keller H, Klauss HH, Luetkens H, Pomjakushin V, Pomjakushina E, Roessli B
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  • Coexistence of static magnetism and superconductivity in SmFeAsO1-xFx as revealed by muon spin rotation Drew AJ, Niedermayer C, Baker PJ, Pratt FL, Blundell SJ, Lancaster T, Liu RH, Wu G, Chen XH, Watanabe I, Malik VK, Dubroka A, Roessle M, Kim KW, Baines C, Bernhard C
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  • Comparative study of the pressure effects on the magnetic penetration depth in electron- and hole-doped cuprate superconductors Di Castro D, Khasanov R, Shengelaya A, Conder K, Jang DJ, Park MS, Lee SI, Keller H
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  • Comparison of different methods for analyzing mu SR line shapes in the vortex state of type-II superconductors Maisuradze A, Khasanov R, Shengelaya A, Keller H
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  • Competition between the pseudogap and superconductivity in the high-T-c copper oxides Kondo T, Khasanov R, Takeuchi T, Schmalian J, Kaminski A
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  • Delayed electron capture and Mu(-) formation in ZnSe Vilao RC, Gil JM, Weidinger A, Alberto HV, Duarte JP, Costa BFO, de Campos NA, Lichti RL, Chow KH, Cottrell SP, Cox SFJ
    PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 404, 888 (2009).
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  • Direct measurement of the electronic spin diffusion length in a fully functional organic spin valve by low-energy muon spin rotation Drew AJ, Hoppler J, Schulz L, Pratt FL, Desai P, Shakya P, Kreouzis T, Gillin WP, Suter A, Morley NA, Malik VK, Dubroka A, Kim KW, Bouyanfif H, Bourqui F, Bernhard C, Scheuermann R, Nieuwenhuys GJ, Prokscha T, Morenzoni E
    NATURE MATERIALS 8, 109 (2009).
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  • Electric-Field-Enhanced Neutralization of Deep Centers in GaAs Eshchenko DG, Storchak VG, Cottrell SP, Morenzoni E
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  • Electronic Phase Separation in the Slightly Underdoped Iron Pnictide Superconductor Ba1-xKxFe2As2 Park JT, Inosov DS, Niedermayer C, Sun GL, Haug D, Christensen NB, Dinnebier R, Boris AV, Drew AJ, Schulz L, Shapoval T, Wolff U, Neu V, Yang X, Lin CT, Keimer B, Hinkov V
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  • Enhanced superfluid stiffness, lowered superconducting transition temperature, and field-induced magnetic state of the pnictide superconductor LiFeAs Pratt FL, Baker PJ, Blundell SJ, Lancaster T, Lewtas HJ, Adamson P, Pitcher MJ, Parker DR, Clarke SJ
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  • Fast muon spin relaxation in ferromagnetism of potassium clusters in zeolite A Nakano T, Matsumoto J, Duan TC, Watanabe I, Suzuki T, Kawamata T, Amato A, Pratt FL, Nozue Y
    PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 404, 630 (2009).
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  • Fast timing detectors for high field mu SR spectrometers Stoykov A, Scheuermann R, Sedlak K
    PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 404, 990 (2009).
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  • First experience with G-APDs in muSR instrumentation Stoykov A, Scheuermann R, Sedlak K, Shiroka T, Zhuk V
  • GEANT4 as a simulation framework in mu-SR Shiroka T, Prokscha T, Morenzoni E, Sedlak K
    PHYSICA B 404, 966 (2009).
  • GEANT4 simulation of the upgraded ALC spectrometer Sedlak K, Shiroka T, Stoykov A, Scheuermann R
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  • HiFi-A new high field muon spectrometer at ISIS Salman Z, Baker PJ, Blundell SJ, Cottrell SP, Giblin SR, Hillier AD, Holsman BH, King PJC, Lancaster T, Lord JS, McKenzie I, Nightingale J, Pratt FL, Scheuermann R
    PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 404, 978 (2009).
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  • High pressure mu SR study on cobalt oxide spinel Ikdeo Y, Sugiyama J, Nozaki H, Mukai K, Itahara H, Russo PL, Andreica D, Amato A
    PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 404, 652 (2009).
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  • High-pressure muon spin rotation studies of magnetic semiconductors: EuS Eshchenko DG, Storchak VG, Morenzoni E, Andreica D
    PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 404, 903 (2009).
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  • High-temperature ferromagnetism of Li-doped vanadium oxide nanotubes Popa AI, Vavilova E, Arango YC, Kataev V, Taschner C, Klauss HH, Maeter H, Luetkens H, Buchner B, Klingeler R
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  • Impurity-Induced Magnetic Order in Low-Dimensional Spin-Gapped Materials Bobroff J, Laflorencie N, Alexander LK, Mahajan AV, Koteswararao B, Mendels P
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  • Interaction between the magnetic and superconducting order parameters in a La1.94Sr0.06CuO4 wire studied via muon spin rotation Shay M, Keren A, Koren G, Kanigel A, Shafir O, Marcipar L, Nieuwenhuys G, Morenzoni E, Suter A, Prokscha T, Dubman M, Podolsky D
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  • Interplay of rare earth and iron magnetism in RFeAsO (R=La, Ce, Pr, and Sm): Muon-spin relaxation study and symmetry analysis Maeter H, Luetkens H, Pashkevich YG, Kwadrin A, Khasanov R, Amato A, Gusev AA, Lamonova KV, Chervinskii DA, Klingeler R, Hess C, Behr G, Buchner B, Klauss HH
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  • Local ordering in quadrupolar liquids observed by the hyperfine couplings of the cyclohexadienyl radical Dilger H, Hess S, Scheuermann R, Vujosevic D, McKenzie I, Roduner E
    PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 404, 927 (2009).
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  • Low energy muSR studies of semiconductor interfaces Eshchenko D, Storchak VG, Morenzoni E, Prokscha T, Suter A, Liu X, Furdyna J
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  • Low-energy muon [LEM] study of Zn-phthalocyanine and ZnO thin films Alberto HV, Duarte JP, Weidinger A, Vilao RC, Gil JM, de Campos NA, Fostiropouios K, Prokscha T, Suter A, Morenzoni E
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  • Magnetic properties of the layered cobaltite NdBaCo2O5.50 Jarry A, Luetkens H, Pashkevich YG, Stingaciu M, Pomjakushina E, Conder K, Lemmens P, Klaus HH
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  • Magnetic-field-induced crossover from non-Fermi to Fermi liquid at the quantum critical point of YbCu5-xAux Carretta P, Pasero R, Giovannini M, Baines C
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  • Magnetic-superconducting phase boundary of SmFeAsO1-xFx studied via muon spin rotation: Unified behavior in a pnictide family Sanna S, De Renzi R, Lamura G, Ferdeghini C, Palenzona A, Putti M, Tropeano M, Shiroka T
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  • Magnetism and superconductivity in cuprate heterostructures studied by low energy mu SR Wojek BM, Morenzoni E, Eshchenko DG, Suter A, Prokscha T, Koller E, Treboux E, Fischer O, Keller H
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  • Magnetism and superconductivity in heavy fermion superconductor CeCo(In0.97Cd0.03)(5) Ohishi K, Heffner RH, Spehling J, MacDougall GJ, Ito TU, Higemoto W, Amato A, Andreica D, Nieuwenhuys G, Klauss HH, Luke GM, Thompson JD, Bianchi AD, Fisk Z
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  • Micro- and macroscopic magnetism in LixNiO2 Mukai K, Sugiyama J, Ikedo Y, Russo PL, Andreica D, Amato A, Ariyoshi K, Ohzuku T
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  • Microscopic magnetic nature of layered cobalt dioxides investigated by muon-spin rotation and relaxation Sugiyama J, Ikedo Y, Mukai K, Nozaki H, Russo PL, Ansaldo EJ, Brewer JH, Andreica D, Amato A
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  • Momentum-resolved superconducting gap in the bulk of Ba1-xKxFe2As2 from combined ARPES and mu SR measurements Evtushinsky DV, Inosov DS, Zabolotnyy VB, Viazovska MS, Khasanov R, Amato A, Klauss HH, Luetkens H, Niedermayer C, Sun GL, Hinkov V, Lin CT, Varykhalov A, Koitzsch A, Knupfer M, Buchner B, Kordyuk AA, Borisenko SV
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  • Muon Spin Rotation and Relaxation in the Superconducting Ferromagnet UCoGe de Visser A, Huy NT, Gasparini A, de Nijs DE, Andreica D, Baines C, Amato A
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  • Muon Spin Spectroscopy of the Nematic Liquid Crystal 4-n-Pentyl-4 '-cyanobiphenyl (5CB) McKenzie I, Dilger H, Stoykov A, Scheuermann R
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  • Muon spin relaxation in hydrogen tungsten bronze Mihara M, Shimomura K, Watanabe I, Ishii Y, Suzuki T, Kawamata T, Komurasaki J, Nishimura D, Nishiyama K, Kadono R, Takai S, Nakano T
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  • Muon spin relaxation studies of critical fluctuations and diffusive spin dynamics in molecular magnets Pratt F, Lancaster T, Baker P, Blundell S, Kaneko W, Ohba M, Kitagawa S, Ohira-Kawamura S, Takagi S
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  • Muon-Spin Rotation Study of the Ternary Noncentrosymmetric Superconductors Li2Pd (x) Pt3-x B Hafliger P, Khasanov R, Lortz R, Petrovic A, Togano K, Baines C, Graneli B, Keller H
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  • Muon-spin spectroscopy of the organometallic spin-1/2 kagome-lattice compound Cu(1,3-benzenedicarboxylate) Marcipar L, Ofer O, Keren A, Nytko E, Nocera D, Lee Y, Helton J, Baines C
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  • Near-surface muonium states in germanium Prokscha T, Morenzoni E, Eshchenko DG, Luetkens H, Nieuwenhuys GJ, Suter A
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  • Negative muon spin rotation study of acceptor centers in SiC Stoykov A, Herlach D, Scheuermann R, Zimmermann U, Gritsay K, Mamedov T
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  • Onset of Magnetic Correlations in LiY1-xHoxF4 with 0.002 <= x <= 0.05 Studied via mu SR Graf MJ, Klatsky J, Johnson RC, Lascialfari A, Amato A, Baines C, Lord JS, Giblin SR, Tkachuk AM, Barbara B
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  • Orbital and spin effects for the upper critical field in As-deficient disordered Fe pnictide superconductors Fuchs G, Drechsler SL, Kozlova N, Bartkowiak M, Hamann-Borrero JE, Behr G, Nenkov K, Klauss HH, Maeter H, Amato A, Luetkens H, Kwadrin A, Khasanov R, Freudenberger J, Kohler A, Knupfer M, Arushanov E, Rosner H, Buchner B, Schultz L
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  • PSI status 2008-Developments at the 590 MeV proton accelerator facility Wagner W, Seidel M, Morenzoni E, Groeschel F, Wohlmuther M
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  • Paramagnetic nature of the layered cobalt dioxide with a double rocksalt-type layer Ikedo Y, Sugiyama J, Nozaki H, Russo PL, Andreica D, Amato A, Mansson M, Shizuya M, Isobe M, Takayama-Muromachi E
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  • Probing the ground state of Gd2Sn2O7 through mu SR measurements Chapuis Y, de Reotier PD, Marin C, Yaouanc A, Forget A, Amato A, Baines C
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  • Probing the ground state properties of iron-based superconducting pnictides and related systems by muon-spin spectroscopy Amato A, Khasanov R, Luetkens H, Klauss HH
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  • Quantized Hyperfine Field at an Implanted mu(+) Site in PrPb3: Interplay between Localized f Electrons and an Interstitial Charged Particle Ito TU, Higemoto W, Ohishi K, Nishida N, Heffner RH, Aoki Y, Amato A, Onimaru T, Suzuki HS
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  • Shallow acceptor impurities in diamond-like semiconductors studied by polarized negative muons Mamedov TN, Gorelkin VN, Gritsaj KI, Herlach D, Stoykov AV, Zimmermann U
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  • Spin Amplitude Modulation Driven Magnetoelectric Coupling in the New Multiferroic FeTe2O5Br Pregelj M, Zaharko O, Zorko A, Kutnjak Z, Jeglic P, Brown PJ, Jagodic M, Jaglicic Z, Berger H, Arcon D
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  • Spin Fluctuations in the Ground State of Doped Quantum Spin System TlCu1-xMgxCl3 with x=0.0047 Probed by Muon-Spin-Relaxation Technique Suzuki T, Yamada F, Watanabe I, Matsuzaki T, Goto T, Oosawa A, Tanaka H
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  • Spin dynamics in Heisenberg triangular antiferromagnets: A mu SR study of LiCrO2 Olariu A, Mendels P, Bert F, Alexander LK, Mahajan AV, Hillier AD, Amato A
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  • Spin freezing and dynamics in Ca3Co2-xMnxO6 (x approximate to 0.95) investigated with implanted muons: Disorder in the anisotropic next-nearest-neighbor Ising model Lancaster T, Blundell SJ, Baker PJ, Lewtas HJ, Hayes W, Pratt FL, Yi HT, Cheong SW
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  • Spin-glass state and long-range magnetic order in Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O-3 seen via neutron scattering and muon spin rotation Rotaru GM, Roessli B, Amato A, Gvasaliya SN, Mudry C, Lushnikov SG, Shaplygina TA
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  • Static magnetic order and anisotropy of the layered cobalt dioxides Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Co2Oy and Bi2Sr2Co2Oy Sugiyama J, Ikedo Y, Nozaki H, Russo PL, Brewer JH, Ansaldo EJ, Morris GD, Chow KH, Andreica D, Amato A, Fujii T, Okada S, Terasaki I
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  • Static magnetic order in metallic triangular antiferromagnet Ag2MnO2 Sugiyama J, Nozaki H, Ikedo Y, Mukai K, Russo PL, Andreica D, Amato A, Yoshida H, Hiroi Z
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  • Static magnetic order on the triangular lattice in LixNiO2 with x <= 1 Sugiyama J, Mukai K, Ikedo Y, Nozaki H, Russo PL, Andreica D, Amato A, Ariyoshi K, Ohzuku T
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  • Strong H center dot center dot center dot F Hydrogen Bonds as Synthons in Polymeric Quantum Magnets: Structural, Magnetic, and Theoretical Characterization of [Cu(HF2)(pyrazine)(2)]SbF6, [Cu2F(HF)(HF2)(pyrazine)(4)](SbF6)(2), and [CuAg(H3F4)(pyrazine)(5)](SbF6)(2) Manson JL, Schlueter JA, Funk KA, Southerland HI, Twamley B, Lancaster T, Blundell SJ, Baker PJ, Pratt FL, Singleton J, McDonald RD, Goddard PA, Sengupta P, Batista CD, Ding LT, Lee C, Whangbo MH, Franke I, Cox S, Baines C, Trial D
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  • Structure, antiferromagnetism and superconductivity of the layered iron arsenide NaFeAs Parker DR, Pitcher MJ, Baker PJ, Franke I, Lancaster T, Blundell SJ, Clarke SJ
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  • Superconductivity and Field-Induced Magnetism in SrFe1.75Co0.25As2 Khasanov R, Maisuradze A, Maeter H, Kwadrin A, Luetkens H, Amato A, Schnelle W, Rosner H, Leithe-Jasper A, Klauss HH
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  • Superfluid Density and Angular Dependence of the Energy Gap in Optimally Doped (BiPb)(2)(SrLa)(2)CuO6+delta Strassle S, Khasanov R, Kondo T, Heron DOG, Kaminski A, Keller H, Lee SL, Takeuchi T
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  • Superfluid Density and Energy Gap Function of Superconducting PrPt4Ge12 Maisuradze A, Nicklas M, Gumeniuk R, Baines C, Schnelle W, Rosner H, Leithe-Jasper A, Grin Y, Khasanov R
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  • The electronic phase diagram of the LaO1-xFxFeAs superconductor Luetkens H, Klauss HH, Kraken M, Litterst FJ, Dellmann T, Klingeler R, Hess C, Khasanov R, Amato A, Baines C, Kosmala M, Schumann OJ, Braden M, Hamann-Borrero J, Leps N, Kondrat A, Behr G, Werner J, Buchner B
    NATURE MATERIALS 8, 305 (2009).
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  • Tuning the Interlayer Spacing of High-T-c Bi-Based Superconductors by Intercalation: Measuring the Penetration Depth and the Two-Dimensional Superfluid Density Baker PJ, Lancaster T, Blundell SJ, Pratt FL, Brooks ML, Kwon SJ
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  • Two-Gap Superconductivity in Ba1-xKxFe2As2: A Complementary Study of the Magnetic Penetration Depth by Muon-Spin Rotation and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Khasanov R, Evtushinsky DV, Amato A, Klauss HH, Luetkens H, Niedermayer C, Buchner B, Sun GL, Lin CT, Park JT, Inosov DS, Hinkov V
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  • Two-dimensional XY behavior observed in quasi-two-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets Xiao F, Woodward FM, Landee CP, Turnbull MM, Mielke C, Harrison N, Lancaster T, Blundell SJ, Baker PJ, Babkevich P, Pratt FL
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  • Two-dimensional magnetism in the pnictide superconductor parent material SrFeAsF probed by muon-spin relaxation Baker P, Franke I, Lancaster T, Blundell S, Kerslake L, Clarke S
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 79, 060402 (2009).
  • Zero-field superfluid density in a d-wave superconductor evaluated from muon-spin-rotation experiments in the vortex state Khasanov R, Kondo T, Strassle S, Heron DOG, Kaminski A, Keller H, Lee SL, Takeuchi T
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  • mu SR study of thiospinel CuCrZrS4 Suzuki HS, Furubayashi T, Kawashima Y, Nagata S, Suzuki T, Kawamata T, Watanabe I, Matsuzaki T, Amato A
    PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER 404, 649 (2009).
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  • mu SR study on CuCr1-xMgxO2 Ikedo Y, Sugiyama J, Nozaki H, Mukai K, Russo PL, Andreica D, Amato A, Ono Y, Kajitani T
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  • mu SR study on ferromagnetic properties of Rb clusters incorporated into zeolite A Duan TC, Nakano T, Matsumoto J, Suehiro R, Watanabe I, Suzuki T, Kawamata T, Amato A, Pratt FL, Nozue Y
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  • mu+SR investigation of local magnetic order in LiCrO2 Sugiyama J, Mansson M, Ikedo Y, Goko T, Mukai K, Andreica D, Amato A, Ariyoshi K, Ohzuku T
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  • Acceptor level of interstitial muonium in ZnSe and ZnS Vilao RC, Gil JM, Weidinger A, Alberto HV, Duarte JP, de Campos NA, Lichti RL, Chow KH, Cottrell SP, Cox SFJ
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  • Anomalous temperature evolution of the internal magnetic field distribution in the charge-ordered triangular antiferromagnet AgNiO2 Lancaster T, Blundell SJ, Baker PJ, Brooks ML, Hayes W, Pratt FL, Coldea R, Sorgel T, Jansen M
    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 100, 017206 (2008).
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  • Characteristic muon precession and relaxation signals in FeAs and FeAs2: Possible impurity phases in pnictide superconductors Baker PJ, Lewtas HJ, Blundell SJ, Lancaster T, Pratt FL, Parker DR, Pitcher MJ, Clarke SJ
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 78, 212501 (2008).
  • Commensurate spin density wave in LaFeAsO: A local probe study Klauss HH, Luetkens H, Klingeler R, Hess C, Litterst FJ, Kraken M, Korshunov MM, Eremin I, Drechsler SL, Khasanov R, Amato A, Hamann-Borrero J, Leps N, Kondrat A, Behr G, Werner J, Buchner B
    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 101, 077005 (2008).
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  • Comparative mu+SR investigation of static magnetic order and anisotropy of the pure and Pb-doped Bi2Sr2Co2Oy layered cobalt dioxides Sugiyama J, Ikedo Y, Nozaki H, Russo PL, Brewer JH, Ansaldo EJ, Morris GD, Chow KH, Stubbs SL, Andreica D, Amato A, Fujii T, Okada S, Terasaki I
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  • Correlation between the transition temperature and the superfluid density in BCS superconductor NbB2+x Khasanov R, Shengelaya A, Maisuradze A, Di Castro D, Escamilla R, Keller H
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  • Depth-dependent spin dynamics of canonical spin-glass films: A low-energy muon-spin-rotation study Morenzoni E, Luetkens H, Prokscha T, Suter A, Vongtragool S, Galli F, Hesselberth MBS, Garifianov N, Khasanov R
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  • Direct link between low-temperature magnetism and high-temperature sodium order in NaxCoO2 Schulze TF, Hafliger PS, Niedermayer C, Mattenberger K, Bubenhofer S, Batlogg B
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  • Dynamics of implanted muons at low temperatures in white tin Solt G, Zimmermann U, Herlach D
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  • Easy-axis kagome antiferromagnet: Local-probe study of Nd3Ga5SiO14 Zorko A, Bert F, Mendels P, Bordet P, Lejay P, Robert J
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  • Effect of magnesium doping on the orbital and magnetic order in LiNiO2 (vol 78, art no 104409, 2008) Bonda M, Holzapfel M, de Brion S, Darie C, Feher T, Baker PJ, Lancaster T, Blundell SJ, Pratt FL
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  • Electronic and magnetic properties of novel layered cobalt dioxides A(x)CoO(2) with A = Li, Na, and K Sugiyama J, Ikedo Y, Russo PL, Mukai K, Nozaki H, Brewer JH, Ansaldo EJ, Chow KH, Andreica D, Amato A, Fujii T, Asamitsu A, Ariyoshi K, Ohzuku T
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  • Electronic liquid crystal state in the high-temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O6.45 Hinkov V, Haug D, Fauque B, Bourges P, Sidis Y, Ivanov A, Bernhard C, Lin CT, Keimer B
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  • Evidence for a Competition between the Superconducting State and the Pseudogap State of (BiPb)(2)(SrLa)(2)CuO6+delta from Muon Spin Rotation Experiments Khasanov R, Kondo T, Strassle S, Heron DOG, Kaminski A, Keller H, Lee SL, Takeuchi T
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  • Evidence of nodeless superconductivity in FeSe0.85 from a muon-spin-rotation study of the in-plane magnetic penetration depth Khasanov R, Conder C, Pomjakushina E, Amato A, Baines C, Bukowski Z, Karpinski J, Katrych S, Klauss HH, Luetkens H, Shengelaya A, Zhigadlo ND
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  • Experimentally determining the exchange parameters of quasi-two-dimensional Heisenberg magnets Goddard PA, Singleton J, Sengupta P, McDonald RD, Lancaster T, Blundell SJ, Pratt FL, Cox S, Harrison N, Manson JL, Southerland HI, Schlueter JA
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  • Exploring the performance of mu SR position-sensitive detectors through numerical simulations Shiroka T, Scheuermann R, Morenzoni E, Stoykov A, Prokscha T
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  • Field and temperature dependence of the superfluid density in LaFeAsO1-xFx superconductors: A muon spin relaxation study Luetkens H, Klauss HH, Khasanov R, Amato A, Klingeler R, Hellmann I, Leps N, Kondrat A, Hess C, Kohler A, Behr G, Werner J, Buchner B
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  • Influence of photoexcitation on the diamagnetic muonium states in Ge studied via their precession signatures Fan I, Chow KH, Hitti B, Scheuermann R, Mansour AI, MacFarlane WA, Schultz BE, Egilmez M, Jung J, Celebi YG, Bani-Salameh HN, Carroll BR, Vernon JE, Lichti RL
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  • Intrinsic mobility limit for anisotropic electron transport in Alq(3) Drew AJ, Pratt FL, Hoppler J, Schulz L, Malik-Kumar V, Morley NA, Desai P, Shakya P, Kreouzis T, Gillin WP, Kim KW, Dubroka A, Scheuermann R
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  • Investigating the occurrence of magnetic order in strained thin films of Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 by muon spin relaxation Komissarov I, Zhang Y, Nieuwenhuys GJ, Morenzoni E, Prokscha T, Suter A, Aarts J
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  • Magnetic and Magnetoresistive Properties of Pr1-xCaxCoO3 (x=0.3, 0.5) Cobaltites Deac IG, Tetean R, Andreica D, Burzo E
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  • Magnetic order in the double-layer manganites (La1-zPrz)(1.2)Sr1.8Mn2O7: Intrinsic properties and role of intergrowth Allodi G, Bimbi M, De Renzi R, Baumann C, Apostu M, Suryanarayanan R, Revcolevschi A
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  • Magnetism and orbitally driven spin-singlet states in Ru oxides: A muon-spin rotation study Blundell SJ, Lancaster T, Baker PJ, Hayes W, Pratt FL, Atake T, Rana DS, Malik SK
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  • Micro- and macroscopic magnetism on layered cobalt dioxide LixCoO2 (0.1 <= x <= 1) Mukai K, Sugiyama J, Ikedo Y, Andreica D, Amato A, Brewer JH, Ansaldo EJ, Russo PL, Chow KH, Ariyoshi K, Ohzuku T
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  • Microscopic evidence of spin state order and spin state phase separation in layered cobaltites RBaCo2O5.5 with R = Y, Tb, Dy, and Ho Luetkens H, Stingaciu M, Pashkevich YG, Conder K, Pomjakushina E, Gusev AA, Lamonova KV, Lemmens P, Klauss HH
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  • Muon spin relaxation study of LaTiO3 and YTiO3 Baker PJ, Lancaster T, Blundell SJ, Hayes W, Pratt FL, Itoh M, Kuroiwa S, Akimitsu J
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  • Muon spin rotation studies of SmFeAsO0.85 and NdFeAsO0.85 superconductors Khasanov R, Luetkens H, Amato A, Klauss HH, Ren ZA, Yang J, Lu W, Zhao ZX
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  • Muon spin spectroscopy evidence of a charge density wave in magnetite below the Verwey transition Bimbi M, Allodi G, De Renzi R, Mazzoli C, Berger H
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  • Muon-spin rotation and relaxation study on the quasi-one-dimensional compounds Ca3CoRhO6, Sr4CoRh2O9, and Sr5CoRh3O12 Sugiyama J, Nozaki H, Ikedo Y, Russo PL, Mukai K, Andreica D, Amato A, Takami T, Ikuta H
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  • Muon-spin rotation measurements of the penetration depth of the Mo3Sb7 superconductor Khasanov R, Klamut PW, Shengelaya A, Bukowski Z, Savic IM, Baines C, Keller H
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  • Nodeless superconductivity in the infinite-layer electron-doped cuprate superconductor Sr0.9La0.1CuO2 Khasanov R, Shengelaya A, Maisuradze A, Di Castro D, Savic IM, Weyeneth S, Park MS, Jang DJ, Lee SI, Keller H
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  • Non-equilibrium charge carrier dynamics in synthetic diamond studied by muSR-method Mamedov T, Baturin A, Blank V, Herlach D, Gorelkin V, Gritsaj K, Kuznetsov M, Nosukhin S, Ralchenko V, Stoykov A, Terentiev S, Zhukov V, Zimmermann U
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  • Two-step magnetic ordering in quasi-one-dimensional helimagnets: Possible experimental validation of Villain's conjecture about a chiral spin liquid phase Cinti F, Rettori A, Pini MG, Mariani M, Micotti E, Lascialfari A, Papinutto N, Amato A, Caneschi A, Gatteschi D, Affronte M
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