Completion of SwissFEL LINAC

Putting in place of the last LINAC module in the SwissFEL tunnel
On September 13th, the last two modules of the linear accelerator were installed in the SwissFEL tunnel. This means that 26 accelerating modules are installed now. One accelerating module consists of four accelerating structures. In total there are 104 accelerating structures, with a lenght of 2 m each.

The time until mid-October will be used to close the vacuum in the remaining sections of the linear accelerator, to finalize the cabling, and to commission magnets and beam instrumentation systems. From then on, the accelerator will be ready to transport the electron beam into the undulator line.

Currently, only a single acceleration module of the main accelerator is supplied with RF power to accelerate the beam. During 2017, the remaining 25 stations will be brought into operation and the energy of the electron beam will be increased from currently 390 MeV up to the final 5.8 GeV.
Facility: SwissFEL
References: Florian Löhl;; Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland