COVID-19: Test obligation for external PSI users

From May 1, 2021 on all external users of the PSI facilities SLS, SwissFEL, SINQ, SμS and CHRISP must present a certificate of a negative PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 (with the date of the result being not older than 72 hrs when arriving at PSI, NO self-testing). 

“External” means: both not being affiliated to PSI and without a long-term or permanent PSI access badge. 

Please note:

  • Alternatively, a certificate of a negative rapid antigen test provided by a Swiss pharmacy, a medical doctor or a Swiss test center will be accepted (being not older than 24 hrs when arriving at PSI). A list of nearby participating pharmacies can be found here
  • full COVID-19 vaccination with the last dose received at least two weeks earlier than your arrival date at PSI replaces a negative PCR test. The same holds for a full recovery from COVID-19. Both the vaccination or the recovery must be certified by an official document (either on paper or electronically), which also indicates the period of validity.
  • The test must be presented to the PSI security guard at the entrance of PSI before receiving the PSI badge. Please note that we reserve the right to refuse access to the PSI campus if a negative test is not presented in time.
  • The relevant due date for the test validity is the day of arrival at PSI as registered in DUO (not the start date of the experiment).
  • The provision of a negative test result (and also a COVID-19 vaccination) does not exempt anybody from the mandatory Swiss quarantine requirement or shorten the quarantine period. Further info
  • The provision of a negative test result does also not excempt anybody from following all other  PSI safety rules and guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic.