SLS and SwissFEL EU access program: CALIPSOplus

The European LIght Sources Activities program CALIPSOplus has two strategic objectives: (i) to support transnational users of national facilities in the domain of synchrotron and FEL science and (ii) to support joint research activities (JRAs) of the participating partner institutions.

The access and research initiatives are complemented and enhanced by targeted networking activities. With the bilateral agreement between the EU and Switzerland in action, the PSI photon sources SLS and SwissFEL are part of this Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3) on Synchrotrons and FELs within H2020.

European users will have access to Swiss Light Source through the EU Transnational Access CALIPSOplus arrangements. The level of access will be in accordance with agreed level of EU funding. Thus, users who would be eligible for travel & subsistence support through CALIPSOplus will be informed after the evaluation of the proposals. Approximately 10% of the highest ranked EU proposals will be selected for travel & subsistence support. Per group one scientist will receive this financial support. From May 2019 on we had to reduce the funding of longterm proposals to one experiment session per proposal.


Funded SLS/SwissFEL proposals are provided by travel and accommodation support for a maximum of ONE user per experiment. The main proposer is free to select the team member who should be supported and is asked to send the following information by e-mail to the PSI User Office:
  • Proposal ID:
  • Main proposer, name:
  • Affiliation:
  • Support for - User name:
  • Affiliation:
  • Arrival date at SLS:
  • Nights at PSI guest house:
  • Working days at SLS:
  • Bank IBAN account (of your institute) *:
  • SWIFT/BIC code - 11 digits - (of your institute) *:
  • Account number *:
  • Sort code / Bank code *:
  • Bank Name/Address:
*) If you provide private bank account information instead, we need the residential addresses as well.
Please note that the EC demands that all publications produced within a H2020 funding programme need to fulfill certain open access criteria:

Each Horizon 2020 beneficiary must ensure open access to peer-reviewed scientific publications relating to results.
More information can be obtained here and here.

In particular for CALIPSOplus the following option is valid:

  • Publication of research results in open access journals is strongly encouraged. In case of joint publications involving facility staff, open access publication is a requirement from the EU.
  • CALIPSOplus offers financial support for gold open access publications. Upon a simple request to the project management, the full publication costs may be covered. More information is available at the CALIPSOplus project website
  • In addition, completing the HORIZON 2020 User survey is strongly encouraged.

All publications resulting from SLS and SwissFEL experiments, which were funded within CALIPSOplus should contain the following acknowledgement statement:

"The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nr. °730872, project CALIPSOplus."

Users whose experiments have been supported within one of the access programs have to provide some information after performing the experiment. This is necessary for us to fulfill our reporting duties against the funding agency.

  • Please submit an experimental report as pdf file via the Digital User Office DUO as soon as possible after the end of the experiment.
  • Please take a few minutes to fill in the EC online questionnaire. Please select the respective program (e.g. CALIPSOplus (730872) as EC contract number.

Thanks a lot!!