Advanced Nanomanufacturing
Research Areas
In the polymer nanotechnology group we develop enabling techniques for the patterning of functional surfaces, and use these processes in different research and application fields. Because most of the processes are centered around the nanostructuring of polymers, these activities are strongly linked to the “Institut für Nanotechnische Kunststoff-Anwendungen (INKA)” at the University of Applied Sciences Nordwestschweiz FHNW (founded in 2004). This is particularly important for techniques with the potential for industrial production, such as nanolithography, nanoreplication, and surface functionalization.
Current Research
Nanoreplication Process Technology
- Nanoimprint Lithography (NIL)
- Stamps and molds with high resolution and 3D surface topographies
- Antisticking layers for molds and patterning with chemical contrast
Applied Projects (in Collaboration with Partners)
- Nanoimprint Lithography process development (also known as Hot Embossing Lithography), within the framework of Emerging Nanopatterning Methods development in the EU integrated program NaPa (2004-2008) and the EU large program NaPANIL (2008-2012).
- Nanomanufacturing processes for arbitrary 3-dimensional surfaces in the fields of optical components and life sciences
- Injection molded polymeric micro cantilevers for biosensing
- Antiadhesive coatings for silicon, hybrid organic-inorganic polymers and Nickel
- Nanoporous chips for investigation of bio-membrane transport
- Surface patterning of polymers and antiadhesive coatings
- Variotheral injection molding, roll embossing and thermoforming
These activities are strongly linked to the "Institute for Polymer Nanotechnology" / "Institut für Nanotechnische Kunststoff-Anwendungen (INKA)", a joint institute with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Nordwestschweiz FHNW.
Research Partners
- Joint European projects with partners in the EU-FP6 Integrated Project “NaPa” Emerging Nanopatterning Methods (2004-2008) and “NaPANIL” (2008-2012)
- Collaborations in the CNMM programme with partners in Korea (2008-2012)
- Applied projects with industrial partners in the framework of CTI, NCCR and NanoArgovia
- Center for Cellular Imaging and NanoAnalytics Biozentrum, University of Basel
- Laboratory for Surface Science and Technology (LSST), Department of Materials, ETH Zürich
- BIOMAT - Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Research Laboratory, METU, Ankara
- Partners in PSI
Competencies for Partnership in Research Projects
- Thermal nanoimprint lithography up to 180 mm wafer size, UV up to 150 mm wafer size with experience in process development, polymer rheology and applications
- Stamp manufacturing using e-beam lithography
- Antiadhesive coatings for imprint and injection molding using silane chemistry
- Fabrication of micro- and nanostructures for microfluidics, optics and surface topography