Prof. Dr. Kirsten Moselund

Short description
Head of Laboratory for Nano and Quantum Technologies (LNQ)
Kirsten Moselund
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI

Kirsten Moselund was appointed by EPFL as full professor of electrical and microengineering in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. At the same time, she is head of the new Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Technologies (LNQ)  at Paul Scherrer Institut from 2022. LNQ currently has six groups – two focusing on nanotechnology and advanced nanomanufacturing and four groups focusing on different technologies for quantum computing. The ETHZ-PSI Quantum Computing Hub is located at PSI and embedded within LNQ, and at the same time Kirsten Moselund is part of the EPFL Quantum Science and Engineering center (QSE). The purpose of this constellation is to promote synergies between the three large ETH institutions.

Kirsten Moselund received the M.Sc. Degree in Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in 2003 and the Ph.D. Degree in Microelectronics from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, in 2008. In 2008, she joined the IBM Research Europe in Zurich, where she took on a number of different positions and lastly managed the Materials Integration and Nanoscale Devices group with around 20-25 engineers and scientists. The group worked on a broad range of topics from Neuromorphic computing, nanoscale thermometry, topological devices, nanophotonics to control electronics for quantum computing.

Throughout her career, she has worked on various topics related to semiconductor devices and technology development, such as low-power electronics, cryogenic electronics, integrated photonics and topological devices. She received an ERC starting grant on the development of hybrid photonic-plasmonic nanolasers. She is author/co-author of more than 100 papers and has 25+ patents filed.

The Laboratory for Nano and Quantum Technologies (LNQ) is one of the seven laboratories in the Photon Science (PS) Division. The LNQ is responsible for the operation of the cleanroom at PSI, and is hosting the ETHZ-PSI Quantum Computing Hub.

In addition to being full professor of electronics and photonics at EPFL, Kirsten Moselund is a member of the Wissenschaftliche Beirat of IHP Microelectronics, and member of the Kuratorium IMS Chips, Stuttgart University, and is on the executive board of Swiss Photonics. She has served as Principal Investigator (PI) in several EU and Swiss research projects. She is part of various technical program committees for a number of scientific conferences. Most notably IEDM which takes place every year in San Francisco and where she is part of the executive committee.

Kirsten Moselund's own research interests include nanophotonics, III-V electronics and nanotechnology. Her research is characterized by the combination of semiconductor technology development and device physics that enables her to design innovative devices. Currnet research topics include monolithically integrated III-V photodetectors on silicon for high-speed or single photon detection in the NIR. Hybrid photonic crystal lasers combining III-V gain material and silicon resonant structures in particular designed for topological mode emission, as well as the exploration of physical effects such as temperature and plasmonic antenna combined with nanocavity lasers.

She is fascinated by technology development in general and at PSI a main task at the moment is the construction of a new cleanroom in the Park InnovAare , which is scheduled to open in early 2024.

As an experimentalist, she enjoys collaborating with groups all over the world, especially when it concerns the development of the theoretical foundations, simulation and modeling.

Examples of important recent publications, which were done while still with IBM Research Europe – Zurich are listed below. For a full publications record visit: Kirsten Moselund - Google Scholar

  1.  P. Wen, P. Tiwari, S. Mauthe, H. Schmid, M. Sousa, M. Scherrer, M. Baumann, B. Bitachon, J. Leuthold, B. Gotsmann and K. E. Moselund   “Waveguide coupled III-V photodiodes monolithically integrated on Si”, Nature communications 13 (1), 1-11 (2022)
  2.  P. Tiwari, A. Fischer, M. Scherrer, D. Caimi, H. Schmid and K. E. Moselund, ”Single-Mode Emission in InP Microdisks on Si Using Au Antenna“, ACS photonics 9 (4), 1218-1225 (2022)
  3.  P. Wen, P. Tiwari, M. Scherrer, E. Lörtscher, B. Gotsmann and K. E. Moselund, “Thermal Simulation and Experimental Analysis of Optically Pumped InP-on-Si Micro-and Nanocavity Lasers“, ACS photonics 9 (4), 1338-1348 (2022)
  4.  C. Convertino, C. B. Zota, H. Schmid, D. Caimi, L. Czornomaz, A. M. Ionescu and K. E. Moselund, “Hybrid III-V tunnel FET and MOSFET technology platform integrated on silicon”, Nature Electronics, (2021)
  5.  P. Tiwari, P. Wen, D. Caimi, S. Mauthe, N.Vico Triviño, M. Sousa, and K. E. Moselund, "Scaling of metal-clad InP nanodisk lasers: optical performance and thermal effects," Opt. Express 29, 3915-3927 (2021)
  6.  M. Scherrer, N. Vico Triviño, S. Mauthe, P. Tiwari, H. Schmid, K.E. Moselund, “In-Plane Monolithic Integration of Scaled III-V Photonic Devices“, Applied Sciences 11 (4), 1887 (2021)
  7.  S. Mauthe, Y. Baumgartner, M. Sousa, Q. Ding, M. D. Rossell, A. Schenk, L. Czornomaz and K.E Moselund, “High-speed III-V nanowire photodetector monolithically integrated on Si”, Nature Communications 11 (1), 1-7, (2020)
  8.  S. Mauthe, P. Tiwari, M. Scherrer, D. Caimi, M. Sousa, H. Schmid and K. E Moselund, Noelia Vico Triviño, “Hybrid III-V Silicon Photonic Crystal Cavity Emitting at Telecom Wavelengths”, Nano Lett. Vol. 20, 12, 8768–8772 (2020)
  9.  S. Mauthe, N. V. Trivino, Y. Baumgartner, M. Sousa, D. Caimi, T. Stoeferle, H. Schmid and K. E. Moselund, "InP-on-Si Optically Pumped Microdisk Lasers via Monolithic Growth and Wafer Bonding," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 25, no. 6, p. 8300507, (2019)
  10.  Mayer, B. F.; Wirths, S.; Mauthe, S.; Staudinger, P.; Sousa, M.; Winiger, J.; Schmid, H. & Moselund, K. E., “Microcavity Lasers on Silicon by Template-Assisted Selective Epitaxy of Microsubstrates”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 31, no. 12 pp. 1021 – 1024, (2019)
  11.  C. Convertino, C. Zota, H. Schmid, A. Ionescu and K. E. Moselund, “III-V Heterostructure tunnel field-effect transistor”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter., no. 20, vol. 36, (2018)
  12.  S. Wirths, B. Mayer, H. Schmid, M. Souza, J. Gooth, H. Riel and K. Moselund, “Room Temperature Lasing from Monolithically Integrated GaAs Microdisks on Si”, ACS Nano, 12, pp. 2169-2175, (2018)