Ion Trap Quantum Computing

Welcome to the Ion Trap Quantum Computing group !

Group photo (March 2024)

The Ion Trap Quantum Computation team (ITQC) is one of the two founding groups of the ETH Zürich — PSI Quantum Computing Hub located within the Laboratory for Nano and Quantum Technology.

Our research focusses on trapped ions as carriers of quantum information and our mission is to pursue the development of new technology that is required to scale up ion trap quantum processors. We are also creating a quantum testbed with low-level hardware access that will be open to external users from academica as well as industry partners (please get in touch, if you are interested).

Our team at PSI consists of a mix of academic and engineering staff, allowing us to approach problems with a stronger engineering emphasis than what would normally be done in a research setting. 

Our lab is designed for multiple state-of-the-art room temperature and cryogenic ion traps and features a number of ultra-stable laser systems. Our cryogenic platform will feature surface ion traps with integrated photonics as pioneered by our sister group at ETH Zürich.