Bosonic Quantum Information Group
What is bosonic quantum information processing?
Quantum bits (qubits) - the fundamental units of information in a quantum computer – are inherently fragile and their information is easily lost over time leading to errors in the computation. Extending the time over which this information can be faithfully retained is a crucial frontier of current research.
In our group, we develop new ways to store and manipulate quantum information in nonlinear superconducting oscillators. A key element of our work is to make use of the many energy levels present in these oscillators to encode qubits that are intrinsically protected against errors. To do this we devise and implement new parametric processes in nonlinear quantum oscillators in order to stabilize the highly excited basis states of these qubits. Our goal is to explore both the promise of this approach for quantum information processing, as well as its fundamental aspects in the context of out-of-equilibrium physics.
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Principal Investigator:
Dr. Alexander Grimm
Bosonic Quantum Information group
Paul Scherrer Institut
5232 Villigen PSI
Telephone: +41 56 310 41 76
Administrative assistant:
Telephone: +41 56 310 25 19
Open positions
PhD and Postdoc positions:
We have PhD and Postdoc positions available! Please contact Alex with a brief motivation letter and a CV if you are interested in joining our group.
Master and semester projects:
We often have Master or semester projects available. Don't hesitate to reach out to Alex to discuss joining us and participating in our research.
Scientific Highlights and News
October 2024
New group member
Welcome to Dr. Ian Yang Yen Wei who is joining us as a Postdoctoral Researcher!
September 2024
New group member
Welcome to Johannes Schading who is joining us as a PhD student!
Congratulations to Anton Hul and Mattia Fiore for successfully defending their semester theses!
February 2024
Welcome to Mattia Fiore and Anton Hul!
January 2024
Congratulations to Sri Vasudha Hemadri Bhotla for successfully defending her semester thesis!
New group member
Welcome to Daniel Z. Haxell who is joining us as a postdoctoral researcher!
December 2023
Congratulations to Frederik van der Brugge, Otto Schmid, and Frederik Schnebel for successfully defending their semester and Master theses!
October 2023
Welcome to Sri Vasudha Hemadri Bhotla!
September 2023
SNI 2023 Best Poster Award for Alessandro Bruno!
Congratulations to Alessandro for winning the award for the best poster at the Swiss Nanoscience Institute 2023 annual meeting!
July 2023
Congratulations to Michael Bruno for successfully defending his semester project!
Welcome to Otto Schmid and Frederik van der Brugge!
June 2023
Nicholas Kurti prize ceremony at Oxford University
March 2023
New group member
Welcome to Preeti Pandey who is joining us as a postdoctoral researcher!
February 2023
Congratulations to Tristan Kuttner for successfully completing his Master thesis!
December 2022
New group member
Welcome to Venus Hasanuzzaman Kamrul!
November 2022
New group members
Welcome to the new group members Laurent Michaud, Frederik Schnebel, and Alexander Rommens!
September 2022
Alex wins 2022 Nicholas Kurti prize

We are happy to announce that Alex has been awarded the 2022 Nicholas Kurti Science prize. The prize recognises his work on non-linear effects in Josephson junctions for quantum information processing.
The objective of the Nicholas Kurti Science Prize is to promote and recognise the novel work of young scientists working in the fields of low temperatures and/or high magnetic fields in Europe. Read the full press release and interview here and here.
Goodbye to Emre
Emre Vardar has finished his internship with us. Thank you Emre and we wish you all the best for your future!
July 2022
New group!
The BoQui group is starting its journey! Thank you to the QPS group for their support over the past years. Welcome to the "new" group members Alexander Grimm, Francesco Adinolfi, Alessandro Bruno, Tristan Kuttner, and Emre Vardar.
January 2022

ERC Starting grant
Alex has received the ERC Starting grant! Read more about it here: millions in funding for brain and quantum research and here.