Scanning Electron Microscopy

Since 2005 LNQ is operating a Zeiss Supra VP55 high resolution field emission scanning electron microscope.

Zeiss Supra VP55 SEM operated by the Lab for Micro and Nanotechnology at PSI

Details of the Instrument

  • Column based on GEMINI principle
  • Installed in 2005
  • Cathode: thermal field emission tip (Schottky-emitter ZrO/W)

Detector possibilities

  1.  In Lens detector for secondary electrons gives highest spatial resolution with specification of 1nm at an acceleration voltage of 15kV (Au on C- sample)
  2.  Everhardt Thornley detector for secondary electrons
  3.  Backscattered electron detector Centaurus especially useful for enhanced material contrast
  4.  Variable Pressure detector for imaging e.g. electrically nonconductive, degassing materials without the need for metal coating. This works by charge compensation (positively ionised gas molecules stabilise local charging). Spatial resolution: approx. 3nm @ 15kV