Mini biaxial tensile machine

(a) Schematic design of the in situ biaxial deformation device, (b) zoom on the sample mounted on the grips, (c) carrier plate (blue) with additional sensors connected to the grips

The mini biaxial tensile machine allows one to apply in-plane biaxial stress states with arbitrary stress ratios and to perform strain path changes on thin-sheet metals. The device is optimized for in situ usage inside a scanning electron microscope and at synchrotron beam lines. Both dogbone and cruciform shaped samples can be mounted. The machine is controlled by an in-house written LabVIEW steering program.

More detailed information on this device can be found at:
A Miniaturized Biaxial Deformation Rig for in Situ Mechanical Testing
Van Petegem S, Guitton A, Dupraz M, Bollhalder A, Sofinowski K, Upadhyay M V, Van Swygenhoven H
Experimental Mechanics 57, 569-580 (2017).
DOI: 10.1007/s11340-016-0244-0

Technical details

  Maximum displacement 10mm
  Minimum step size 10nm
  Maximum speed 1mm/s
  Maximum force 44N
Strain measurement    
  Method Digital image correlation (DIC)
  Resolution 0.02%
Other specifications    
  Deformation modes Multiaxial tension
  Control modes Displacement, force
  Temperature RT
  Size (L x W x H) 200mm × 190mm × 73.2mm
  Weight 2.3kg
  Compatible SLS beam lines Materials Science, MicroXAS