
The SMAM group is responsible for a bachelor and a master course at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Furthermore, the group contributes regularly to summer schools such as the Powder Diffraction School.

Lecturers: Prof. Marianne Liebi, Prof. Fabien Sorin

This course gives an introduction to materials structure with a first part on crystallography, followed by the study of the structure of amorphous materials such as glasses, polymers and biomaterials. We will also discuss the basics of characterization techniques for crystalline and amorphous structures, in particular diffraction and scattering techniques.

  • Crystallography
  • Glasses and liquid crystal
  • Polymers
  • Polymer composites
  • Biomaterials
  • Structural characterization of materials, including scattering and diffraction

More information can be found here.

Lecturers: Dr. Steven Van Petegem, Prof. Marianne Liebi

This course provides a broad introduction into materials research using synchrotron X-rays, neutrons and myons. Following topics are included:

  • Interaction of X-rays/Neutrons with Matter
  • Large-scale facilities and instrumentation
    • Synchrotron, X-ray free electron laser, neutron and muon sources
    • Beamlines & Detectors
  • Scattering
    • Diffraction
    • Small-Angle Scattering
    • Magnetic Scattering
  • Spectroscopy
    • Fluorescence spectroscopy
    • X-ray Absorption Near-edge Structure
    • Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure
    • Photo emission spectroscopy
    • Muon spectroscopy
  • Imaging and Tomography
    • X-ray absorption and phase contrast Imaging
    • Neutron Imaging
    • Coherent imaging
    • Scanning Imaging

Detailed information can be found here.