Candidate to represent: | SLS user community |
Field of studies/profession: | Physics |
Current affiliation: | Lise Meitner Group Leader of Spin3D at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden, Germany |
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PSI facilities used so far: | SLS, SμS |
Motivation statement: | As a long term user of the SLS, and having experienced this from both internal (based at PSI during my PhD) and external perspectives, I know how great a facility it is for the user community. In particular, having been involved in method development, in the hard and soft X-ray regimes, I appreciate the breadth of knowledge and expertise PSI and the SLS have. With the SLS 2.0 coming online in the next year, I'm looking forward to these high standards continuing - and would be happy to have the opportunity to be involved in this process. |