Mogens Christensen

Candidate to represent:SINQ user community
Field of studies/profession:Material science, crystallography
Current affiliation:Aarhus University, Department of Chemistry & Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center, Associate Professor (since 2014)
Previous affiliations:   
  • Assistance Professor, Aarhus University, Denmark (2010-2014)
  • Post Doc, Aarhus University, Denmark (2008-2010)
  • Post Doc, Bragg Institute, Sydney, Australia (2007-2008)
  • Post Doc, Aarhus University, Denmark (2006-2007)
  • Assistant Researcher at SNBL, ESRF, Grenoble, France (2004)
  • Trainee at SINQ, PSI, Villigen, Switzerland (2001)
Research interests:
  • Magnetic materials
  • Multiferroics
  • Anisotropic materials
  • Nanomaterials
Fields of expertise:
  • Crystallography
  • Synthesis
  • Inelastic neutron scattering
  • Texture investigations
PSI facilities used so far:I have frequently been conducting measurements at SINQ and SLS
Motivation statement:In my opinion PSI is one of the best run user facilities in the world. This is based on experience from numerous beamtimes at PSI and elsewhere around the world. If elected I would work for PSI keeping this position. The COVID-19 pandemic has heavily impacted our lives on a short time scale, but I think some experiences can benefit user facilities. 1) An option for performing more experiments via mail-in-service or a hybrid with a few team members present, while others participate via telelink. 2) Additional proposal rounds, if proposals can be evaluated remotely, it may be possible to have four proposal rounds instead of two. PSI has pioneered the user experience also with developing tools like DUO, which has been adopted by many other user facilitates. I will work towards PSI keeping this leading role in a landscape, where new and upgraded sources emerges, but were flux is not the only parameter, when considering were to conduct an experiment.