PhD theses in LNM (and the former LWV):

Thesis title
Choi KwanghoonInflight Drying Process of Micro-Droplet to Improve the 3D Printing Resolution
Andrea CavaliereThermophysical characterization of SiC ceramic-matrix-composite cladding with laser-based contactless approach
Puyi GaoExperimental assessment of fracture initiation and micro-crack arrest toughness on RPV steel
Dongyan JiangEmbrittlement assessment and Master-Curve application on inhomogeneous RPV steels with sub-sized and non-standard specimens
Adrianna MackiewiczMechanistic studies on the effect of Zn water chemistry on the oxidation and stress corrosion cracking behaviour of LWR structural materials
Okan YetikNeutron radiography investigation of hydrides redistribution in active zirconium claddings
Anna NastruzziStudy on mechanism of irradiation creep by using in-situ strain testing, ex-situ TEM observation and SIMS trace diffusion measurement
Thesis title
Shaileyee BhattacharyaAtomic level insight into irradiation effects in nuclear fuel materials2024
Elif Cansu KursunMicroscopic Digital Image Correlation Analysis of Strain Distributions in Stainless Steel 316L Induced by Multiaxial Cyclic Loading2023
Francesco FagnoniHydrogen enhanced localized plasticity in zirconium-based nuclear fuel clads2023
Aaron ColldeweihDelayed Hydride Cracking in Irradiated and Unirradiated Zircaloy-2 Cladding2022
Cui LijuanAPT/TEM characterization of the element segregation in ferritic/martensitic steels after irradiation in SINQ2021
Jonathan HawesThe causes of increased hydrogen uptake of zirconium based fuel claddings at high burnup2020
Wen ChenExperimental evaluation and modeling of fatigue of a 316L austenitic stainless steel in high-temperature water and air environments2020
Adrienn BarisIncreased Hydrogen uptake of Zirconium based claddings at high burnup2019
Zaiqing QueHigh-Temperature Water Effects on the Fracture Behaviour of Low-Alloy Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels2019
Jemila HabainyCharacterisation of mechanical and thermal properties of tungsten for high power spallation target application2018
Loïc FaveInvestigation of the thermal conductivity of SiC/SiC cladding before and after irradiation2017
Serafin KnitelFracture of tempered martensitic and ODS steel2018
Ignasi Villacampa RosésThe effects of helium on IASC2017
Juxing BaiThe effect of hydrogen on the SCC crack initiation and short crack growth. behaviour of Alloy 182 weld metal under BWR/HWC conditions2017
Nicolò GrilliConstitutive modeling for crystal plasticity finite element computation of cyclic plasticity in fatigue2016
Kun WangEmbrittlement induced by the Synergistic Effects of Radiation Damage and Helium in Structural Materials2015
Christiane ViehHardening induced by synergistic effects of radiation damage and helium in structural materials2015
Cyprian MieszczynskiAtomic scale structural modifications in irradiated nuclear fuels2014
Wenwang WuFree surface effects in TEM imaging of dislocation lines and loops in Fe2014
Giacomo FacherisCyclic plastic material behaviour leading to crack Initiation in stainless steel under complex fatigue loading conditions2014
Andi IdhilThe effect of Cr composition on the local atomic and magnetic structure of pristine and ion-irradiated FeCr alloys2013
Maria Cabanes SempereInnovative production of nuclear fuel by microwave internal gelation2013
Per MagnussonCreep Properties and Related Microstructural Changes of a Lamellar Titanium Aluminide Alloy before and after Helium-Implantation2012
Mathias BreimesserEstablishment and Interpretation of Correlations between Macroscopic Electrochemical Noise and Signals from Microscopic Stress Corrosion Initiation Events by a Novel Micro-Electrochemical Approach2012
Andrey OrlovCorrosion product deposition on fuel element surfaces of a boiling water reactor2012
Christian ProffMicrostructural Aspects of the Oxidation of Zirconium Alloys2012
Ning GaoMolecular Dynamics Simulations of Helium Atoms Clustering in bcc Iron2011
Mageshwaran RameshThermomechanical Fatigue Behavior of Austenitic Stainless Steels2010
Sebastiano CammelliInvestigation of clusters and precipitates in reactor pressure vessel steels by X-ray absorption spectroscopy2009
Paul BlairModelling of fission gas behaviour in high burnup nuclear fuel2008
Mathias HorvathDevelopment of a method for Xenon determination in the microstructure of high burn-up nuclear fuel2007
Raluca StoenescuEffects of Neutron Irradiation on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Affected Zone of Stainless Steel Welds2005
Emilio CampitelliAssessment of Mechanical Properties in Unirradiated and Irradiated Zircaloys and Finite Element Calculations2005
Marco StreitFabrication and Characterisation of (Pu,Zr)N Fuels2004
Jian ChenA Non-local Damage Model for Elasto-plastic Materials Based on Gradient Plasticity Theory2001
Ralph MünchApplication of the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method to the study of the growth of zircalloy-oxides at high temperature and high pressure2000
Manuel PouchonContribution to the Study of Zirconia-based Nuclear Fuel for Plutonium Use in Light Water Reactor1999
Claude BailatThe effect of light water reactor irradiation conditions of the microstructure and mechanical properties of stainless steel1999
Helena LonerEinflüsse der Wasserinhaltsstoffe auf den Aktivitätstransport im Wasserkreislauf eines Siedewasserreaktors1995
Irene MäilandStrukturelle und elektronische Eigenschaften der unter Heißwassereinwirkung auf Chrom-Nickel-Stahl gebildeten Spinelloxide - Elektrochemische Impedanzspektroskopie, Mott-Schottky-Analyse und Photoelektrochemie an Oxidschichten des austenitischen Chrom-Nickel-Stahls (1.4571)1995